Fallout New Vegas

Money Farming Guide: How to Get Caps Fast

Fallout New Vegas - How to Farm Caps
To get caps quickly in Fallout New Vegas (FNV), farm Super Mutants at Black Mountain and make incendiary rockets. Read on to learn how to get caps fast and with console commands, as well as additional info on what caps are!

How to Get Caps Fast

Methods Ranking Explanation
Make Incendiary Rockets ★★★★★ Caps Gained: Doubles the amount of caps spent indefinitely upon merchant refresh
Time Spent: Quick and easy to do but requires Science 65
Farm Super Mutants at Black Mountain ★★★★☆ Caps Gained: 7000-8000 caps average per run
Time Spent: Takes approximately 15 minutes for a full clear
Play Caravan ★★★☆☆ Caps Gained: 500-1000 caps per game
Time Spent: Takes 5-10 minutes per game, but has a steep learning curve
Hit the Casinos ★★★☆☆ Caps Gained: 41,500 caps after finishing all casinos
Time Spent: Takes a significant amount of time and is based around luck
Collect Snowglobes ★★☆☆☆ Caps Gained: 14,000 caps after finding all snow globes
Time Spent: Quickest way if you know where they are, but gives the lowest caps

Make Incendiary Rockets

Fallout New Vegas Vault Boy Attention! You will need the Lonesome Road DLC to replicate this!

If you have 65 or more points in Science, you can do a self-sustaining method where you appraise rockets to incendiary rockets. Follow the steps below to more than double the caps spent!

Step Description
Buy Flamer Fuel and Rockets
For the first step, buy Flamer Fuel and Rockets for the components. You can get Flamer Fuel by visiting Mick and Ralph's. For Rockets, you can get them from Vendortron and the Great Khan Armorer
Breakdown the Rockets
Since you will need Conductors and .50 MG Primers for Incendiary Rockets, you can get some by breaking down the rockets you bought at any reloading bench or ED-E. You can find a reloading bench just in front of Vendortron
Craft Incendiary Rockets
After getting the components, you can craft incendiary rockets at any reloading bench. Not only are the materials easy to obtain, but incendiary rockets are double the value of regular rockets!
Sell to Vendors
Assuming you have many incendiary rockets in stock, you can sell them to different vendors. Sell to either Vendortron or the Great Khan Armorer for better prices.

Farm Super Mutants at Black Mountain

Vendortron Locations

Map Location

Overworld Location

To get some high-level weapons such as Hunting Rifles and Assault Carbines to sell early on, you can clear out the Super Mutants patrolling the base of Black Mountain.

You can fast travel to Neil's Shack as it is nearby, and there is a bed you can pass the time on. A full clear averages around 6-7k caps. With Jury Rigging to help repair the spoils, you can get around 11-12k caps!

How to Repair Weapons and Armor

Sell to Vendortron

Vendortron Locations

Map Location

Overworld Location

The benefits of selling to Vendertron are that you can fast-travel there anytime, and it can have up to 8000 caps to trade off every 72 hours.

Fallout New Vegas - Barter
Determines the prices you get for buying and selling items. The higher the skill, the lower the prices on purchased items.

Before selling, invest some points into the Barter skill for maximum profit!

Play Caravan

Fallout New Vegas - Caravan
Playing Caravan, an underrated means to get caps, is an effective way to farm caps for an unlimited amount as each player replenishes their caps every 2-3 days. You will just have to raise the ante by adding to the pot!

The general rule is to keep your deck limited to 30 cards filled with 7-9-10 numbers and all the face cards. Having this deck format will most likely let you win every time!

Caravan Rules and Guide

Hit the Casinos

Fallout New Vegas - Hit the Casinos

Casino Max Winnings
Vikki and Vance Casino 2,500
Atomic Wrangler Casino 5,000
Gomorrah 9,000
The Tops 10,000
Ultra-Luxe 15,000

One of the most popular ways to get a nukaton of caps is to swindle the Casinos with a Luck SPECIAL exceeding 7. The best and quickest way to cheat the house is to focus on playing Black Jack or Roulette and leave it up to your high luck.

However, each Casino has a maximum amount of caps you can gain before getting banned. Getting banned from all casinos will net you a total of 41,500 Caps

Collect Snow Globes

Fallout New Vegas - Snow Globes
To avoid the hassle of farming for caps, you can find the rare miniature Snow Globes scattered around the Wasteland. After finding these pieces, you can sell them for 2000 caps each to Jane in the Lucky 38 up to 14,000 caps!

All Snow Globe Locations

How to Get Caps With Console Commands

Input the Corresponding Code

Command additem 0000000f [value]
Example additem 0000000f 200000

Use the console command indicated above to get a specific amount of caps! To access the console commands, follow the steps below:

  1. Press the tilde (~) key to open the console
  2. Type in the command and hit enter
  3. Exit the console with the tilde (~) key

Console Commands and Best Cheats

What are Caps?

Main Currency After the Nukes Fell

Fallout New Vegas - Caps
After Pre-War money's monetary value was lost after the bombs fell, people transitioned to using Nuka Cola caps to barter and trade due to their limited supply.

Since bottle caps are not easily replicable as paper money, they hold far more value in the post-apocalyptic world.

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