Fallout New Vegas

Endurance Explained and Console Command

Endurance is one of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). Read on to see how to increase and decrease Endurance using console command, what it does, how to increase Endurance, all Endurance levels and their effects, as well as all Endurance-based skills and perks.

What Does Endurance Do?

What Does Endurance Do?

Affects the Survival and Unarmed Skill

Investing in Endurance gives the Courier more skill points for survival and unarmed. Living in the wasteland requires you to adapt to situations where you are bare-naked, and Endurance promotes that!

Better Resistance Against Poison and Radiation

With a high enough Endurance, the Courier can withstand high doses of radiation and poison. Cesspools of radiation and taking a sting from a radscorpion is the everyday situation in the Mojave, so your body needs to adjust and nullify the potency of poison and radiation.

Increases Health

Surviving the Mojave's hazards requires your skin to be thick in a literal sense. With the right amount of Endurance, you will have enough health to shrug off a hail of bullets!

Dictates Affinity Towards Implants

Augmenting your body requires a seasoned body and a will of steel. With each point you have Endurance, you can install an additional implant from Dr. Usanagi. For example, if you have 7 Endurance, you can have seven implants as your body can handle them!

How to Increase Endurance

How to Increase Endurance

Buy Implants to Permanently Increase Endurance

You can permanently increase your Endurance by buying the Nociception Regulator implants from Dr. Usanagi at the New Vegas Medical Center.

It costs around 3,000 - 4,000 caps, so make sure you have enough before you employ her help.

Money Farming Guide
How to Get Caps Fast

Wear Armor to Temporarily Increase Endurance

If you don't have the right amount of bottle caps yet, you can rely on a variety of armor to temporarily increase your Endurance.

Here is a list of armor that you can equip to increase your Endurance temporarily.

Armor DT Weight Effects
Brahmin-Skin Outfit - 2 AGL +1, END +1
Wasteland Settler Outfit 2 2 AGL +1, END +1
Wasteland Wanderer Outfit 2 2 AGL +1, END +1

List of All Armor

Endurance Console Command

Increase Endurance Command

Format player.modav Endurance [value you want to add to your Endurance]
Example player.modav Endurance 3

You can use the command above to permanently increase your Endurance in the game.

Simply hit the tilde (~) button on your keyboard to open the console. Then, type the command above and the value you want to add to your Endurance.

Decrease Endurance Command

Format player.modav Endurance -[value you want to subtract to your Endurance]
Example player.modav Endurance -1

Likewise, you can decrease your Endurance using the same command. Just make sure that the value you add at the end is negative.

Endurance Levels

Levels and Skill Modifiers

Lv. Name Initial HP Skill Modifiers
1 Basically Dead 120 20 + (Level x10) Survival +2, Unarmed +2
2 Crumbly 140 40 + (Level x10) Survival +4, Unarmed +4
3 Do Not Bend 160 60 + (Level x10) Survival +6, Unarmed +6
4 Handle with Care 180 80 + (Level x10) Survival +8, Unarmed +8
5 Stain-resistant 200 100 + (Level x10) Survival +10, Unarmed +10
6 Hardy 220 120 + (Level x10) Survival +12, Unarmed +12
7 Tough-as-nails 240 140 + (Level x10) Survival +14, Unarmed +14
8 Flame Retardant 260 160 + (Level x10) Survival +16, Unarmed +16
9 Bulletproof 280 180 + (Level x10) Survival +18, Unarmed +18
10 Unstoppable 300 200 + (Level x10) Survival +20, Unarmed +20

Endurance-Based Skills and Perks

All Endurance-Based Perks

Perk SPECIAL Req. Lv. Req. Effect
Lead Belly Endurance 5 Lv. 6 -50% Radiation Taken From Food and Water
Toughness Endurance 5 Lv. 6 +3 Permanent DT
Rad Resistance Endurance 5 Lv. 8 +25% Permanent Radiation Resistance
Stonewall Strength 6,Endurance 6 Lv. 8 +5 DT Against Melee and Unarmed Attacks, and You Cannot Be Knocked Down
Strong Back Strength 5,Endurance 5 Lv. 8 +50 Carry Weight
Life Giver Endurance 6 Lv. 12 +30 HP
Long Haul Endurance 6 Lv. 12 Fast Travel Is Allowed Even If Overencumbered
Solar Powered Endurance 7 Lv. 20 +2 STR and +1 HP Per Second While Outside From 6 AM to 6 PM
Rad Absorption Endurance 7 Lv. 28 -1 Rad Every 20 Seconds

Best Perks and List of Perks

All Endurance-Based Skills

Skill Benefits
Fallout New Vegas Survival ImageSurvival Effectiveness of Food and Drinks + Crafting Recipes
Fallout New Vegas Unarmed ImageUnarmed Effectiveness of Melee Weapons

Best Starting Skills and List of Skills

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