Fallout New Vegas

List of All Crafting Material IDs

This is a list of all Crafting Material IDs in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). See a list of all Crafting Material IDs, how to use them, as well as how to get Crafting Material instantly on PC.

All Crafting Material IDs

Pess the tilde (~) key to open the console command and type the following code to get your desired crafting material:

• player.additem [Crafting Material ID] [Amount]

Material ID Console Command
Bark Scorpion Poison Gland 0013B2AF player.additem 0003406F
Box of Detergent 0003406F player.additem 00140AA5
Case, .308 00140AA5 player.additem 00140AA2
Case, .357 Magnum 00140AA2 player.additem 00140AA3
Case, .44 Magnum 00140AA3 player.additem 00140AA4
Case, .45-70 Gov't 00140AA4 player.additem 00140AA6
Case, .50 MG 00140AA6 player.additem 00140AA7
Case, 10mm 00140AA7 player.additem 001429D3
Case, 12.7mm 001429D3 player.additem 00140ADF
Case, 5.56mm 00140ADF player.additem 00140ADE
Case, 5mm 00140ADE player.additem 00140ADD
Case, 9mm 00140ADD player.additem 0013B2B0
Cazador Poison Gland 0013B2B0 player.additem 00022108
Cherry Bomb 00022108 player.additem 0015C62A
Drained Electron Charge Pack 0015C62A player.additem 0015C631
Drained Flamer Fuel Tank 0015C631 player.additem 0015C629
Drained Microfusion Cell 0015C629 player.additem 0012115E
Drained Small Energy Cell 0012115E player.additem 0013B2B2
Duct Tape 0013B2B2 player.additem 0013B2B3
Egg Timer 0013B2B3 player.additem 0013B2B7
Fire Gecko Hide 0013B2B7 player.additem 00033BC6
Fission Battery 00033BC6 player.additem 00074EE1
Flour 00074EE1 player.additem 000250A7
Forceps 000250A7 player.additem 0013B2B5
Gecko Hide 0013B2B5 player.additem 0005B636
Glass Pitcher 0005B636 player.additem 0013B2B6
Golden Gecko Hide 0013B2B6 player.additem 00140AEB
Hull, 12 Gauge 00140AEB player.additem 00140AEA
Hull, 20 Gauge 00140AEA player.additem 0016665D
Jar, Pistol Powder 0016665D player.additem 0016665C
Jar, Rifle Powder 0016665C player.additem 00140C2F
Lead 00140C2F player.additem 0002210C
Leather Belt 0002210C player.additem 00022107
Lunchbox 00022107 player.additem 000EE6CC
Mantis Foreleg 000EE6CC player.additem 0002210D
Medical Brace 0002210D player.additem 0013B2B8
Nightstalker Blood 0013B2B8 player.additem 0015E5C1
Nightstalker Egg 0015E5C1 player.additem 000220FC
Pilot Light 000220FC player.additem 00022113
Pressure Cooker 00022113 player.additem 00140AAC
Primer, .50 MG 00140AAC player.additem 00140AAA
Primer, Large Pistol 00140AAA player.additem 00140AAB
Primer, Large Rifle 00140AAB player.additem 00140AEC
Primer, Shotshell 00140AEC player.additem 00140AA9
Primer, Small Pistol 00140AA9 player.additem 00140AE0
Primer, Small Rifle 00140AE0 player.additem 0002210F
Radscorpion Poison Gland 0002210F player.additem 000250A5
Scalpel 000250A5 player.additem 0013B2B1
Scrap Electronics 0013B2B1 player.additem 00031944
Scrap Metal 00031944 player.additem 00022109
Sensor Module 00022109 player.additem 00022111
Surgical Tubing 00022111 player.additem 00022104
Tin Can 00022104 player.additem 00022105
Turpentine 00022105 player.additem 0002210A
Wonderglue 0002210A player.additem 0005B6D0
Wrench 0005B6D0 player.additem 0016163C
Yeast 0016163C player.additem 0016163C

How to Use Crafting Material IDs

Use on Console Command to Get Crafting Materials Instantly

Command player.additem [ID] [amount]
Example player.additem 0015B38D 1

Crafting Material IDs can be used alongside a console command to acquire crafting materials instantly in the game.

Simply open console command by pressing the tilde (~) key on your keyboard, then type “player.additem [Crafting Material] [Amount]” to get the crafting material you want.

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