Fallout New Vegas

I Could Make You Care Side Quest Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough of the I Could Make You Care side quest in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). Read on to learn how to unlock I Could Make You Care, where to find Veronica Santangelo, the quest rewards, and the best dialogue choices for completing the I Could Make You Care side quest.

How to Unlock I Could Make You Care

Recruit Veronica at the 188 Trading Post

First, you need to recruit Veronica by talking to her at the 188 Trading Post. She will join you regardless of what you say during the conversation, but you do have the option to deny her request.

Interactive Map

Trigger Dialogues from Veronica

To start the I Could Make You Care side quest, you need to trigger three different dialogues from Veronica. Listed in the table are the three easiest ways to initiate these dialogues and start the quest.

Location How to Trigger
Vault 3 Standing near the entrance of Vault 3
Camp McCarran After entering the large facility to your right at Camp McCarran
Camp McCarran Talk to Thomas Hildern inside the large facility at Camp McCarran and discuss the OSI's pursuits

I Could Make You Care Walkthrough

1 Trigger the Quest From Veronica
2 Take Veronica to the Hidden Valley
Obtain the Farm Tech
Obtain the Pulse Gun
Obtain the Range Finder
3 Return to Elder McNamara with the Item
Tell Veronica to Stay
Rewards: 1000 XP and Bonds of Steel Perk
Ask About the Followers of the Apocalypse
Rewards: 1000 XP and Causeless Rebel Perk
4 Confront the Brotherhood of Steel
5 Speak to Veroica

Trigger the Quest From Veronica

1 Trigger the Quest - I Could Make You Care
Once you recruit Veronica, you need to trigger three different dialogues from her by taking her to different places and talking to different NPCs until she talks to you about returning to the Hidden Valley.

Take Veronica to the Hidden Valley

1 Take Veronica Back to the Hidden Valley.png
Go to Hidden Valley and approach Elder McNamara with Veronica to trigger a dialogue. They will argue about what the Brotherhood should do next. After this heated discussion, go to Gibson's Shack and activate the terminal to download Veronica's Research Notes. You will have three options for which item to retrieve. Do note that you only need to complete one of them to progress the quest.

Obtain the Farm Tech

Where to Download Farm Tech in Vault 22

Upon choosing the Farm Tech, you will need to talk to Thomas Hildern at Camp McCarran and ask about the OSI to learn the location of the Farm Tech. This will direct you to Vault 22. You can download the Farm Tech research using the computer on the fifth level of Vault 22.

Obtain the Pulse Gun

Where to Find the Armory in Vault 34

If you choose the Pulse Gun, your next objective is to steal Col. Blackwell's Key and the Inventory Transfer Order from the Nellis Hangars. This will update the quest, directing you to Vault 34. Once you arrive there, proceed to the Armory to locate the gun case containing the Pulse Gun.

During this quest, you can also do the Hard Luck Blues side quest to learn how you can access the Armory.

Hard Luck Blues Side Quest Walkthrough

Obtain the Range Finder

Where to Get the Range Finder

If you choose the Range Finder, you will be asked to go to the Vault 21 Gift Shop located at the New Vegas Strip. Here, the clerk will tell you that she already sold the Range Finder and you will have to track it down in Freeside. You can get the Range Finder from a kid names Max on the top floor of a ruined building on the Northeast side.

Western Control Terminal Location
Eastern Terminal Location

After you obtain the Range Finder, you will need to recharge it at HELIOS One. First, get the terminal passwords from the two scientists, whom you can easily find by entering the HELIOS One building from the rear. Once you have both passwords, go activate the two terminals outside the facility, near the tower. Do note that this section of the quest is related to the That Lucky Old Sun side quest.

7 Aux Generator Repair
After this, you can enter the Solar Collection Tower and explore the area until you reach the HELIOS One Observation Level. Here, you will find a Broken Auxiliary Generator that needs fixing. You can either repair the Auxiliary Generator yourself, which requires 35 Skill Points in Repair and a piece of scrap metal, or activate the robot named Python on the second floor. Either method will repair the generator, allowing you to use the HELIOS One Mainframe Terminal.

8 Reflector Control Panel
After choosing the Output Configuration at the Mainframe Terminal, head upstairs and use the door to reach the Reflector Control Panel. This will charge the Range Finder.

Return to Elder McNamara with the Item

9 Return to McNamara
After retrieving one of the three items, return to Elder McNamara and wait for Veronica to start another conversation. Veronica will then ask for your opinion on whether she should stay with the Brotherhood or join the Followers of the Apocalypse instead.

Tell Veronica to Stay

10-1 Stay With the Brotherhood
Telling Veronica to stay with the Brotherhood will prevent the Followers of the Apocalypse from being involved to the issue. However, due to the Paladins' suspicion of Veronica, you will still need to confront them outside Hidden Valley. Here, you will either have to fight a group of Paladins or defuse the situation if you have 90 skill points in Speech.

Ask About the Followers of the Apocalypse

10-2 Followers of the Apocalypse Route
If you tell Veronica to join the Followers of the Apocalypse, immediately go and talk to Doctor Alvarez at the outpost. Here, you can ask if Veronica can join the Followers. Doctor Alvarez will tell you to return to the outpost after 24 hours when Dr. Schiller arrives. However, when you return, you will find that a couple of Paladins have already killed Dr. Schiller and are accusing Veronica of sharing the Brotherhood's secrets, which automatically starts a fight.

Speak to Veroica

11 End the Quest by Talking to Veronica
If you tell Veronica to stay with the Brotherhood, she will receive the Bonds of Steel Perk after you speak with her. However, if you tell Veronica to join the Followers of the Apocalypse, she will receive the Causeless Rebel Perk. In either scenario, talking to her after confronting the Paladins will grant you the perk, and the quest will conclude.

Best Choice for I Could Make You Care

Choose the Pulse Gun and Tell Veronica to Stay

Choosing the Pulse Gun allows you to fully explore the Armory in Vault 34, which contains many powerful weapons that you can use later against the Paladins. As for deciding whether to tell Veronica to stay or to join the Followers, it is best to convince Veronica to stay so that the Followers of the Apocalypse do not get involved, keeping them safe.

I Could Make You Care Rewards

List of Rewards

Rewards for Completing I Could Make You Care
・1000 XP
・Bonds of Steel Perk or Causeless Rebel Perk for Veronica

I Could Make You Care Information

Basic Information and Overview

Basic Information
Location Quest Giver Coordinates
188 Trading Post Veronica Santangelo 5.02
Difficulty Follower Reputation
★★★★☆ Veronica None

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