Fallout New Vegas

Classic Inspiration Side Quest Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough of the Classic Inspiration side quest in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). Read on to learn how to unlock Classic Inspiration, where to find Michael Angelo, the quest rewards, and the best dialogue choices for completing the Classic Inspiration side quest.

How to Unlock Classic Inspiration

Talk to Michael Angelo at The Strip


Mojave Wasteland


You can start this quest by talking to Michael Angelo inside his workshop at The Strip. To initiate the quest, you must first gain his trust by telling him the truth; do not lie about working for Mr. House, as it will make the quest inaccessible.

Interactive Map

Classic Inspiration Walkthrough

1 Talk to Michael Angelo Inside His Workshop
Tell the Truth and Learn About Michael
Lie About the Billboards
2 Continue Talking to Michael Angelo
Rewards: Codac R9000, Camera Film (24)
Diagnose Symptoms of Acute Agoraphobia
Pretend to Work for Mr. House
3 Agree to Take Pictures
4 Return to Michael Angelo
Rewards: 1250 Caps, 220 XP

Talk to Michael Angelo Inside His Workshop

Speak to Michael Angelo - Classic Inspiration Quest
You can start this quest by speaking to Michael Angelo in his workshop, located in the southwest corner of The Strip.

Tell the Truth and Learn About Michael

Tell the Truth - Classic Inspiration Quest
Telling the truth to Michael Angelo allows you to continue your conversation.

Lie About the Billboards

Lie Initial Convesration - Classic Inspiration Quest
Lying to Michael Angelo and telling him that you work for Mr. House will force him to hand over 300 Caps, but he will be unwilling to talk about his feelings, making the quest inaccessible. You can only choose this dialogue option if you have 55 Skill Points in Speech.

Continue Talking to Michael Angelo

If you decide not to lie, you will be able to continue your conversation, and Michael Angelo will tell you about his background. From here, you will have two different dialogue options to start the quest.

Diagnose Symptoms of Acute Agoraphobia

Medicine Route - Classic Inspiration Quest
You can diagnose Michael Angelo and tell him that he exhibits symptoms of Acute Agoraphobia. He will then be more open to you and will ask for your help to regain his inspiration. This dialogue option requires 55 Skill Points in Medicine to be successful. If you do not have enough skill points, you can still choose this option, and Michael will give you his camera, which starts the quest.

Pretend to Work for Mr. House

Lie About Working for Mr House - Classic Inspiration Quest
Choosing to lie and tell Michael Angelo that you work for Mr. House will take you back to the initial conversation, where you can force him to hand over 300 Caps, making the quest inaccessible.

Agree to Take Pictures

Michael Angelo now asks you to take photos of five different signs around the Mojave Wasteland. You can complete these in any order. Additionally, if you run out of camera film, you can return to Michael Angelo to ask for more.

Area Photo Location
Sunset Sarsapilla Headquarters
Head to the Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters and take a photo of the large bottle sign at the entrance.
Helios ONE
Fast travel to Helios One and take a photo of the logo above the entrance to the facility.
Camp McCarran
At Camp McCarran, take a photo of the large sign above the gate.
After arriving in Primm, take a photo of the Bison Steve sign at the entrance of the Lucky Casino.
Upon arriving at Novac, take a photo of the giant dinosaur holding a motel sign that looks like a thermometer.

Return to Michael Angelo

Return to Michael Angelo - Classic Inspiration Quest
After taking all of the photos, you can return to Michael Angelo in his workshop to turn them in, which will automatically complete the quest.

Best Choice for Classic Inspiration

Avoid Lying and Tell the Truth

If you lie to Michael Angelo and tell him that you work for Mr. House, he will be too scared to continue the conversation, and you will not be able to start the quest. Avoid lying and tell Michael Angelo the truth. Eventually, he will ask you to take the photographs to start the quest.

Classic Inspiration Rewards

List of Rewards

Rewards for Completing Classic Inspiration
・220 XP
・1250 Caps
・Codac R9000

Classic Inspiration Information

Basic Information and Overview

Basic Information
Location Quest Giver Coordinates
Michael Angelo’s Workshop Michael Angelo D.08
Difficulty Follower Reputation
★★★☆☆ - Fame: The Strip

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