Fallout New Vegas

ED-E Companion Quest and Location Guide: Best Ending for ED-E

Fallout New Vegas ED-E

ED-E is a recruitable companion in Fallout New Vegas. Read on to know more about ED-E's companion quest and location, best ending, how to recruit, companion perk, and more in this guide!

Fallout New Vegas Vault Boy Attention! This section contains spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

ED-E Companion Information

ED-E Overview
Fallout New Vegas Lily
Faction Non-aligned
Perk Enhanced Sensors
Race Eyebot

ED-E is a Duraframe Eyebot prototype you can find near the start of the game. He can help you spot enemies from further away with his sensors while providing ranged support.

ED-E Location Guide

Nash Residence in Primm

What remains of ED-E can be found inside of the Nash Residence in Primm. The bot can be seen slumped over the edge of a counter along with other junk items.

All Maps and Locations

How to Recruit ED-E and Companion Quest

Repair ED-E

Fallout New Vegas ED-E

Johnson Nash will tell you that ED-E needs repairs. Having a Science skill of 55 will run a bypass on the bot, allowing you to repair ED-E with a lowered Repair skill of 35 instead. Fixing ED-E is also possible with a Repair skill of 65.

If the options above are not available to you at the moment then you can use miscellaneous items to repair ED-E instead. Here is what you will need:

  • 3x scrap metal
  • 2x sensor modules
  • 1x scrap electronics

You can find these items in toolboxes scattered around the Mojave, or you can buy them from Chet in Goodsprings.

ED-E My Love

Fallout New Vegas Ignacio

Progressing through ED-E's companion quest will require you to trigger two audio logs. You need to hear specific words like Navarro, Helios, or Archimedes in conversations in order for ED-E to let you listen to the logs.

Talk to Old Lady Gibson, Ignacio Rivas, or Arcade Gannon to hear these words. After that, you can wait for 2 in-game days to trigger the next audio log. This quest will let you know more of ED-E's original mission along with the vast amounts of information he is carrying.

ED-E Companion Perk

Enhanced Sensors Perk


With the Enhanced Sensors perk, you will have the ability to detect enemies from further away with your compass. This also lets you target invisible enemies like Nightkin while using V.A.T.S.

Best Ending for ED-E

Let the Followers Upgrade ED-E

Fallout New Vegas ED-E

The best ending for ED-E would be to bring him to the Old Mormon Fort to have his logs examined by the Followers of the Apocalypse. This can be done by completing the ED-E My Love quest.

The information found in his databanks will be used by the Followers for the good of humanity. He will also continue travelling with you once the game ends if you bring him along to the Second Battle of Hoover Dam.

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