Fallout New Vegas

How to Change Faction Reputation and Reputation Chart

Fallout New Vegas - How to Change Faction Reputation and Reputation Chart

Change Faction Reputation by doing faction specific side quests in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). Read on and learn more ways to change faction reputation, see a reputation chart, and learn what reputation is in this guide!

How to Change Faction Reputation

Do Faction Specific Side Quests

10-1 Stay With the Brotherhood

Doing faction quests affect reputation, increasing the reputation for that specific faction. Be careful since progressing faction-specific quests too much may lock you out from doing the other factions' questlines.

Remember that reputation, whether good or bad, can only be increased and not decreased unless you use console commands. So, be careful with your choices during faction quests.

List of All Side Quests and Rewards

Fight Factions

Fallout New Vegas - Fighting Legion

Fighting factions will cause you to gain infamy, or bad reputation, with the faction you're fighting. However, this doesn't affect your reputation with rival factions, such as gaining fame with a rival faction when fighting their enemy.

Via Console Command

Command player.addreputation [Reputation ID] [variable] [value]
player.removereputation [Reputation ID] [variable] [value]
player.setreputation [Reputation ID] [variable] [value]
Example player.addreputation F43DD 1 100

This feature is only available on the PC, so you can't add or remove reputation through console commands on consoles.

Here's how to open the Console Command:

  1. Press the tilde (~) key to open the console
  2. Type in the command and hit enter
  3. Exit the console with the tilde (~) key

The first part of the command is pretty self explanatory, but the difference with ".setreputation" is that it sets the reputation to the value you've put instead of just adding or subtracting reputation points. The variable part of the code should either be 0 or 1, where 0 is Infamy and 1 is Fame.

Reputation Chart

Full Reputation Table

Fame →
Infamy ↓
0% to 14% 15% to 49% 50% to 99% 100%
0% to 14% Neutral Accepted Liked Idolized
15% to 49% Shunned Mixed Smiling Troublemaker Good-Natured Rascal
50% to 99% Hated Sneering Punk Unpredictable Dark Hero
100% Vilified Merciful Thug Soft-Hearted Devil Wild Child

Each faction or settlement have different maximum reputation values on both fame and infamy, with the highest being 100. Reputation, whether fame or infamy, can only be gained and not decreased.

If you perform good deeds for a certain faction and max out your good reputation with them, but then max the bad reputation afterwards, you'll be stuck with the Wild Child title. Having this title means they'll be unsure of your standing, causing you to lose the benefits you had when you only had a good reputation with them.

What is Reputation?

Determines Your Standing on a Faction or Settlement

Fallout New Vegas - Reputation

Reputation determines your relationship with a faction or settlement, denoted by fame or infamy. Gain fame with a faction by doing good deeds that affect them and gain infamy by doing evil deeds that affect that faction.

Gaining fame or infamy with a faction or settlement can affect certain mechanics, such as the ability to recruit certain companions, or make rival factions hostile towards you.

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