Fallout New Vegas

Perception Explained and Console Command

Perception is one of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). Read on to see how to increase and decrease Perception using console command, what it does, how to increase Perception, all Perception levels and their effects, as well as all Perception-based skills and perks.

What Does Perception Do?

What Does Perception Do?

Affects the Energy Weapons, Lockpicking, and Explosive Skills

Investing in Perception gives the Courier more skill points for energy weapons, lockpicking, and explosives. Given your enhanced senses, you know where and when to aim at anything in your field of awareness!

Increases Enemy Detection Range

Like a third sense, having high Perception allows you to detect an enemy's presence farther away. This additional range lets you easily plan out your movement and attacks, so investing in your Perception if you plan on doing a stealth build is paramount.

Unlocks Precision Perks

With high Perception, you can access perks that favor a playstyle surrounding V.A.T.S. and stealth. Perks such as Better Criticals and The Professional make the Courier's criticals more potent!

How to Increase Perception

How to Increase Perception

Buy Implants to Permanently Increase Perception

You can permanently increase your Perception by buying the Optics Enhancer implants from Dr. Usanagi at the New Vegas Medical Center.

It costs around 3,000 - 4,000 caps, so make sure you have enough before you employ her help.

Money Farming Guide
How to Get Caps Fast

Wear Armor to Temporarily Increase Perception

If you don't have the right amount of bottle caps yet, you can rely on a variety of armor to temporarily increase your Perception.

Here is a list of armor that you can equip to increase your Perception temporarily.

Armor DT Weight Effects
Authority Glasses - 0 PER +2
1st Recon Beret - 1 PER +1, Crit. Chan. +5
Ballcap with Glasses - 1 PER +1
Boomers Cap - 1 PER +1
Boomers Hat - 1 PER +1
Boomers Helmet 1 1 PER +1
Bandana - 1 PER +1
Cattleman Cowboy Hat - 1 PER +1
Dapper Gambler Hat - 1 PER +1
Desperado Cowboy Hat - 1 PER +1
Eyeglasses - 0 PER +2
Fancy Gambler Hat - 1 PER +1
Fiend Battle Helmet 1 1 PER +1
Fiend Helmet 1 1 PER +1
Fiend Warrior Helmet 1 1 PER +1
General Oliver's Cap - 1 PER +1
Jessup's Bandana - 1 Unique Item, PER +1
Motor-Runner's Helmet 2 1 Melee Weap. +5, PER +1
Old Cowboy Hat - 1 PER +1
Pre-War Baseball Cap - 1 PER +1
Pre-War Bonnet - 1 PER +1
Pre-War Hat - 1 PER +1
Rattan Cowboy Hat - 1 PER +1
Rawhide Cowboy Hat - 1 PER +1
Reading Glasses - 0 PER +2
Shady Hat - 1 Sneak +5, PER +1
Sheriff's Hat - 1 PER +1
Slave Scarf - 1 PER +1
Stormchaser Hat - 1 PER +1
Stylish Gambler Hat - 1 PER +1
Suave Gambler Hat - 1 PER +1
Sunglasses - 0 PER +2
Tinted Reading Glasses - 0 PER +2
Tortoiseshell Glasses - 0 PER +2
Tuxedo Hat - 1 PER +1
Vance's Lucky Hat - 1 PER +1
Vikki's Bonnet - 1 PER +1
Well-Heeled Gambler Hat - 1 PER +1

List of All Armor

Gain Perks to Temporarily Increase Perception

Aside from the one-time permanent increase in Perception that the Intense Training perk can give, there are other perks that you can get to temporarily increase your Perception.

Perk How to Get Effect
Night Person Lv. Req.: Lv. 10 +2 on Intelligence and Perception From 6 PM to 6 AM

Best Perks and List of Perks

Perception Console Command

Increase Perception Command

Format player.modav Perception [value you want to add to your Perception]
Example player.modav Perception 3

You can use the command above to permanently increase your Perception in the game.

Simply hit the tilde (~) button on your keyboard to open the console. Then, type the command above and the value you want to add to your Perception.

Decrease Perception Command

Format player.modav Perception -[value you want to subtract to your Perception]
Example player.modav Perception -1

Likewise, you can decrease your Perception using the same command. Just make sure that the value you add at the end is negative.

Perception Levels

Levels and Skill Modifiers

Lv. Name Skill Modifiers
1 Deaf Bat Energy Weapons +2, Explosives +2, Lockpick +2
2 Senile Mole Energy Weapons +4, Explosives +4, Lockpick +4
3 Squinting Newt Energy Weapons +6, Explosives +6, Lockpick +6
4 Unsuspecting Trout Energy Weapons +8, Explosives +8, Lockpick +8
5 Wary Trout Energy Weapons +10, Explosives +10, Lockpick +10
6 Alert Coyote Energy Weapons +12, Explosives +12, Lockpick +12
7 Big-eyed Tiger Energy Weapons +14, Explosives +14, Lockpick +14
8 Monocled Falcon Energy Weapons +16, Explosives +16, Lockpick +16
9 Sniper Hawk Energy Weapons +18, Explosives +18, Lockpick +18
10 Eagle with Telescope Energy Weapons +20, Explosives +20, Lockpick +20

Perception-Based Skills and Perks

All Perception-Based Perks

Perk SPECIAL Req. Lv. Req. Effect
Friend of the Night Perception 6 Lv. 2 Increased Visibility In the Dark
Sniper Agility 6,Perception 6 Lv. 12 +25% Chance to Hit Target's Head in V.A.T.S.
Light Step Perception 6,Agility 6 Lv. 14 Mines and Floort Traps Will Not Set Off
Better Criticals Perception 6,Luck 6 Lv. 16 +50% Damage With Critical Hits
Infiltrator Perception 7 Lv. 18 Extra Attempt to Pick a Broken Lock

All Perception-Based Skills

Skill Benefits
Fallout New Vegas Energy Weapons ImageEnergy Weapons Effectiveness of Energy Weapons
Fallout New Vegas Explosives ImageExplosives Effectiveness of Explosives
Fallout New Vegas Lockpick ImageLockpick Picklock difficult doors

Best Starting Skills and List of Skills

Fallout New Vegas Related Guides

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SPECIAL Explained

All SPECIAL Attributes

All SPECIAL Attributes
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Fallout New Vegas - LuckLuck - -


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