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This is a list of all Consumable IDs in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). See a list of all Consumable IDs, Stimpak ID, RadAway ID, how to use them, as well as how to get consumables instantly on PC.
Command | player.additem [ID] [amount] |
Example | player.additem 00015169 1 |
Stimpaks are your primary source of healing in Fallout New Vegas.
They can be found all over Mojave Wasteland but if you want to get your hands on one without the hassle of visiting multiple places, you can use Console Command to instantly get Stimpaks.
Command | player.additem [ID] [amount] |
Example | player.additem 00015167 1 |
RadAway is a chemical used to cure radiation.
Just like Stimpaks, you can get multiple of this chemical using console command.
Perk | How to Get | Effect |
Fast Metabolism | Lv. Req.: Lv. 12 |
20% more Hit Points restored with stimpaks. |
Chemist | Lv. Req.: Lv. 14 Skill Req.: Medicine 60 |
Chems and stimpaks last twice as long. |
Free Radical | Use Rad-Away 20 Times. | RadAway usage removes 10 additional rads. |
Pess the tilde (~) key to open the console command and type the following code to get your desired consumable item:
• player.additem [Consumable ID] [Amount]
Consumable | ID | Console Command |
Stimpak | 00015169 | player.additem 00015169 |
RadAway | 00015167 | player.additem 00015167 |
Ant Egg | 0015E5CC | player.additem 0015E5CC |
Ant Meat | 0003C345 | player.additem 0003C345 |
Barrel Cactus Fruit | 000EC01D | player.additem 000EC01D |
Banana Yucca Fruit | 000EACA4 | player.additem 000EACA4 |
Bighorner Meat | 0016D5BA | player.additem 0016D5BA |
Bighorner Steak | 00175AA8 | player.additem 00175AA8 |
BlamCo Mac & Cheese | 0008C556 | player.additem 0008C556 |
Bloatfly Meat | 0007C10D | player.additem 0007C10D |
Bloatfly Slider | 001613C0 | player.additem 001613C0 |
Brahmin Meat | 001613BF | player.additem 001613BF |
Brahmin Steak | 00015198 | player.additem 00015198 |
Brahmin Wellington | 00161F18 | player.additem 00161F18 |
Broc Flower | 0013B2BA | player.additem 0013B2BA |
Bubblegum | 0008C560 | player.additem 0008C560 |
Buffalo Gourd Seed | 0015F0E9 | player.additem 0015F0E9 |
Caravan Lunch | 0013D531 | player.additem 0013D531 |
Cave Fungus | 00038E0C | player.additem 00038E0C |
Cazador Egg | 0015E5CD | player.additem 0015E5CD |
Cook-Cook's Fiend Stew | 00175AAE | player.additem 00175AAE |
Coyote Meat | 00157FFB | player.additem 00157FFB |
Coyote Steak | 001613C1 | player.additem 001613C1 |
Cram | 0008C552 | player.additem 0008C552 |
Crispy Squirrel Bits | 00031948 | player.additem 00031948 |
Crunchy Mutfruit | 0001519C | player.additem 0001519C |
Dandy Boy Apples | 0008C554 | player.additem 0008C554 |
Desert Salad | 0015E3A5 | player.additem 0015E3A5 |
Dog Meat | 00034050 | player.additem 00034050 |
Dog Steak | 001613C2 | player.additem 001613C2 |
Fancy Lads Snack | 0008C55A | player.additem 0008C55A |
Fire Ant Egg | 0015E5CB | player.additem 0015E5CB |
Fire Ant Fricassee | 001613C3 | player.additem 001613C3 |
Fire Ant Meat | 0015D9B2 | player.additem 0015D9B2 |
Fresh Apple | 00015196 | player.additem 00015196 |
Fresh Carrot | 00015199 | player.additem 00015199 |
Fresh Pear | 0001519F | player.additem 0001519F |
Fresh Potato | 000151A0 | player.additem 000151A0 |
Gecko Kabob | 001613C5 | player.additem 001613C5 |
Gecko Meat | 0011B9AE | player.additem 0011B9AE |
Gecko Steak | 000E2F65 | player.additem 000E2F65 |
Giant Rat Meat | 00151F7D | player.additem 00151F7D |
Grilled Mantis | 000E2F64 | player.additem 000E2F64 |
Gum Drops | 0008C564 | player.additem 0008C564 |
Honey Mesquite Pod | 000EACA1 | player.additem 000EACA1 |
Human Flesh | 0003404F | player.additem 0003404F |
Human Remains | 0015EACF | player.additem 0015EACF |
Iguana Bits | 0001519A | player.additem 0001519A |
Iguana-on-a-Stick | 0001519B | player.additem 0001519B |
Imitation Strange Meat Pie | 0011A10D | player.additem 0011A10D |
InstaMash | 0008C558 | player.additem 0008C558 |
Irr. Banana Yucca | 00143FE4 | player.additem 00143FE4 |
Irr. Barrel Cactus | 00143FE5 | player.additem 00143FE5 |
Irr. Mac & Cheese | 00143FE6 | player.additem 00143FE6 |
Irradiated Cram | 00143FE8 | player.additem 00143FE8 |
Irr. Crunchy Mutfruit | 00143FE2 | player.additem 00143FE2 |
Irr. Dandy Boy Apples | 00143FE9 | player.additem 00143FE9 |
Irr. Fancy Lads | 00143FEA | player.additem 00143FEA |
Irr. Gecko Meat | 00143FE0 | player.additem 00143FE0 |
Irradiated InstaMash | 00143FE7 | player.additem 00143FE7 |
Irradiated Mutfruit | 00143FE3 | player.additem 00143FE3 |
Irr. Pork n' Beans | 00143FEC | player.additem 00143FEC |
Irradiated Potato | 00143FF2 | player.additem 00143FF2 |
Irr. Potato Crisps | 00143FED | player.additem 00143FED |
Irr. Salisbury Steak | 00143FEE | player.additem 00143FEE |
Irr. Sugar Bombs | 00143FF0 | player.additem 00143FF0 |
Irr. YumYum D. Eggs | 00143FDF | player.additem 00143FDF |
Jalapeno Pepper | 0015F0E7 | player.additem 0015F0E7 |
Junk Food | 0003359C | player.additem 0003359C |
Lakelurk Egg | 001449CA | player.additem 001449CA |
Lakelurk Meat | 00136E13 | player.additem 00136E13 |
Maize | 000E9AD1 | player.additem 000E9AD1 |
Mole Rat Meat | 0003404C | player.additem 0003404C |
Mole Rat Stew | 001613C4 | player.additem 001613C4 |
Mole Rat Wonder Meat | 000ABD17 | player.additem 000ABD17 |
Mushroom Cloud | 0015E3A4 | player.additem 0015E3A4 |
Mutfruit | 00034049 | player.additem 00034049 |
Nevada Agave Fruit | 000EC01C | player.additem 000EC01C |
Nightstalker Tail | 0015D225 | player.additem 0015D225 |
Noodles | 0001519D | player.additem 0001519D |
Pinto Bean Pod | 0015F0E8 | player.additem 0015F0E8 |
Pinyon Nuts | 000E2F67 | player.additem 000E2F67 |
Pork n' Beans | 0008C55E | player.additem 0008C55E |
Potato Crisps | 0008C562 | player.additem 0008C562 |
Prickly pear fruit | 000EC01E | player.additem 000EC01E |
Radroach Meat | 0009C957 | player.additem 0009C957 |
Rat Meat | 0012939E | player.additem 0012939E |
Ruby's Casserole | 000A29D6 | player.additem 000A29D6 |
Salisbury Steak | 000293A9 | player.additem 000293A9 |
Squirrel on a Stick | 00031949 | player.additem 00031949 |
Squirrel Stew | 0003194A | player.additem 0003194A |
Strange Meat | 0002E376 | player.additem 0002E376 |
Strange Meat Pie | 0007E173 | player.additem 0007E173 |
Sugar Bombs | 0008C551 | player.additem 0008C551 |
Trail Mix | 0013D572 | player.additem 0013D572 |
Wasteland Omelet | 000E2F68 | player.additem 000E2F68 |
White Horsenettle | 0013B2B4 | player.additem 0013B2B4 |
Xander Root | 0013B2B9 | player.additem 0013B2B9 |
Yao Guai Meat | 0003404B | player.additem 0003404B |
YumYum Deviled Eggs | 0008C55C | player.additem 0008C55C |
Absinthe | 00115EB1 | player.additem 00115EB1 |
Atomic cocktail | 000E2F6A | player.additem 000E2F6A |
Beer | 00015197 | player.additem 00015197 |
Bitter Drink | 001613BD | player.additem 001613BD |
Blood pack | 00034051 | player.additem 00034051 |
Dirty water | 000151A4 | player.additem 000151A4 |
Dixon's Whiskey | 00122B4A | player.additem 00122B4A |
Ice Cold Nuka-Cola | 00040DCB | player.additem 00040DCB |
Irradiated Beer | 00143FDE | player.additem 00143FDE |
Irradiated Scotch | 00143FEF | player.additem 00143FEF |
Irradiated Sunset Sarsaparilla | 00143FEB | player.additem 00143FEB |
Irradiated Water | 00143FF1 | player.additem 00143FF1 |
Irradiated Whiskey | 00143FE1 | player.additem 00143FE1 |
Jake Juice | 001673D6 | player.additem 001673D6 |
Moonshine | 0016163D | player.additem 0016163D |
Nuka-Cola | 0001519E | player.additem 0001519E |
Nuka-Cola Quartz | 000E2F6D | player.additem 000E2F6D |
Nuka-Cola Victory | 000E2F6C | player.additem 000E2F6C |
Purified Water | 000151A3 | player.additem 000151A3 |
Rum & Nuka | 0011702C | player.additem 0011702C |
Scotch | 000151A1 | player.additem 000151A1 |
Sunset Sarsaparilla | 00103B1E | player.additem 00103B1E |
Vodka | 00032C74 | player.additem 00032C74 |
Whiskey | 00032C75 | player.additem 00032C75 |
Wine | 0003404A | player.additem 0003404A |
Ant Queen Pheromones | 00033068 | player.additem 00033068 |
Antivenom | 000E2C6F | player.additem 000E2C6F |
Ant Nectar | 00031020 | player.additem 00031020 |
Buffout | 00015163 | player.additem 00015163 |
Cateye | 0007EA1B | player.additem 0007EA1B |
Coyote Tobacco Chew | 000EACA3 | player.additem 000EACA3 |
Dixon's Jet | 00122B49 | player.additem 00122B49 |
Doctor's Bag | 000CB05C | player.additem 000CB05C |
Fire Ant Nectar | 00085ABB | player.additem 00085ABB |
Fixer | 000CB5A9 | player.additem 000CB5A9 |
Healing Powder | 00136A1D | player.additem 00136A1D |
Hydra | 0013B2C3 | player.additem 0013B2C3 |
Jet | 00015164 | player.additem 00015164 |
Med-X | 00050F8F | player.additem 00050F8F |
Medical Supplies | 000F1865 | player.additem 000F1865 |
Mentats | 00015165 | player.additem 00015165 |
Party Time Mentants | 00146CCB | player.additem 00146CCB |
Psycho | 00015166 | player.additem 00015166 |
Rad-X | 00015168 | player.additem 00015168 |
Rebound | 000CEA5F | player.additem 000CEA5F |
Rocket | 00146CCD | player.additem 00146CCD |
Slasher | 00146CCA | player.additem 00146CCA |
Steady | 000CED8C | player.additem 000CED8C |
Super Stimpak | 000CCEF2 | player.additem 000CCEF2 |
Turbo | 00120D81 | player.additem 00120D81 |
Ultrajet | 000C9CF4 | player.additem 000C9CF4 |
Bleak Venom | 001613D0 | player.additem 001613D0 |
Mother Darkness | 00167476 | player.additem 00167476 |
Silver Sting | 00167475 | player.additem 00167475 |
Tremble | 00167477 | player.additem 00167477 |
Command | player.additem [ID] [amount] |
Example | player.additem 0015B38D 1 |
Consumable IDs can be used alongside a console command to acquire consumables, stimpak, and RadAway instantly in the game.
Simply open console command by pressing the tilde (~) key on your keyboard, then type “player.additem [Consumable ID] [Amount]” to get the consumable you want.
Stimpak and RadAway IDs: All Consumable IDs
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