Fallout New Vegas

Beyond the Beef Side Quest Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough of the Beyond the Beef side quest in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). Read on to learn how to unlock Beyond the Beef, where to find Mortimer or Heck Gunderson, the quest rewards, and the best dialogue choices for completing the Beyond the Beef side quest.

How to Unlock Beyond the Beef

Go to the Ultra-Luxe at The Strip


Mojave Wasteland

The Beyond the Beef side quest can be unlocked at the Ultra-Luxe Hotel in The Strip. Find Heck Gunderson sitting at the bar middle of the area after giving up your weapons and offer to find his son to unlock the quest.

Interactive Map

Beyond the Beef Walkthrough

1 Speak to Marjorie Then Mortimer
Route A Route B
2 Agree to Help Mortimer Ask About the Investigator
3 Kill Ted Check the Investigator's Room
4 Frame Heck - Meet Chauncey in the Steam Room
5 - Gain Access to the Kitchen
6 - -
Note: A Check Icon denotes a point where you can end the quest.

Speak to Marjorie Then Mortimer

Fallout New Vegas - Marjorie

Head to The Gourmand, a restaurant inside the Ultra-Luxe to find Marjorie. Exhaust her conversation options to learn about an investigator in the building. Then, move on to Mortimer. From here, you'll have two options on how to proceed.

Agree to Help Mortimer

Fallout New Vegas - Lie to Mortimer About Cannibalism

If you can convince Mortimer that you're also a cannibal, either with a Speech 62 or the Cannibal perk, he will confide with you a problem he is dealing with which you can offer to help with.

He will tell you Ted Gunderson is in a freezer in the restaurant's kitchen and give you the penthouse key, kitchen key, and freezer key, allowing you to freely explore the hotel.

Kill or Save Ted Gunderson

Fallout New Vegas - Ted Gunderson

Once you find Ted, you can choose to either kill him or return him to his father, betraying Mortimer.

Once returned to his father, Heck will ask some questions that will dictate how he will react to the situation and the fame or infamy you will receive, and the quest ends. The best option is to lie to him as it will reward both The Strip and White Glove Society fame.

If you choose to kill Ted Gunderson, the quest continues and will lead to a path where you can further help Mortimer with his plans.

Frame Heck Gunderson

Fallout New Vegas - Ted Gunderson

Head to Heck Gunderson's room and spread Ted's blood in the bedroom and bathroom. There will be two hostile hired hands in the area so be ready for a fight.

Then find a Securitron outside the building to report the crime, then return to Mortimer.

Deal With Carlyle St. Clair

Fallout New Vegas - Carlyle St. Clair

Follow the quest marker to the location of Carlyle St. Clair. You can either trick him into going to the White Glove Society himself with a Speech check, or you can knock him unconscious and dump him in the garbage bin nearby.

You can press Z on your keyboard to drag Carlyle once he's unconscious.

Once you return to Mortimer, the quest will end.

Ask About the Investigator

If you choose to continue with the investigator instead, Mortimer will tell you which one is the investigator's room.

Check the Investigator's Room

Fallout New Vegas - Investigator

Upon arriving at the room, you'll find that the investigator is dead. Loot his body to find a Matchbook. After interacting with the body, two White Gloves will attack so make sure you're ready for a fight.

Meet Chauncey in the Steam Room

Fallout New Vegas - Wait in the Bath

The matchbook will let you know that the investigator is supposed to meet someone in the hotel's steam room at 4 pm. Head to the steam room and use the wait function (press T) to fast forward time until 4 pm.

Here, you'll meet Chauncey, a member of the White Glove Society who wants to stop Mortimer. He tells you of a party at 7 pm where Mortimer will feed his guests human meat to bring back cannibalism to the society. He will be killed by an assassin that you'll need to defeat soon after.

Gain Access to the Kitchen

Raise your Strip reputation to Liked by completing side quests in the area such as How Little We Know, Classic Inspiration, or Talent Pool. Then convince Marjorie or Mortimer to help you get into the event.

Alternatively, you can kill Mortimer to take his keys or lockpick the kitchen if you have Lockpick 75.

Expose Mortimer

How to Expose Mortimer
Find a way to get into the kitchen, and have Survival 75 or find a way to get the recipe from Philippe. You can convince him to give you the recipe, pickpocket him, or loot his body.
2 Cook the food, fast forward time to 7 pm, and call the head waiter using the intercom.
After the waiter leaves, rescue Ted from the freezer. Sneak him into the party and hide until Mortimer finishes his speech.
4 Rush to Mortimer and interact with him. Whether you choose to kill him or let him go doesn't matter at this point. Talk to Marjorie in the same party after to gain additional White Glove Society fame.
5 Once returned to his father, Heck will ask some questions that will dictate how he will react about the situation and the fame or infamy you will receive and the quest ends. The best option is to lie to him as it will reward both The Strip and White Glove Society fame.

Save Ted

How to Rescue Ted
1 (Optional) You need a Med-X on you already to choose this option. Find your way to the wine cellar, the room adjacent to the kitchen where Philippe is. Poison the wine and call for the waiter.
Rescue Ted and escort him through the party, where everyone will be unconscious. If you weren't able to poison the wine, you'll have to fight your way through.
3 Once returned to his father, Heck will ask some questions that will dictate how he will react about the situation and the fame or infamy you will receive and the quest ends. The best option is to lie to him as it will reward both The Strip and White Glove Society fame.

Best Choice for Beyond the Beef

Return Ted to His Father, But Lie to Him

Fallout New Vegas - Lie to Heck

Between helping Mortimer and rescuing Ted, the latter is the better option both in terms of rewards and story. You will gain an additional 500 caps from Heck if you rescue Ted instead of killing him.

In addition, when Heck asks who is responsible for Ted's kidnapping, the best option is to lie to him to gain fame for both the White Glove Society and The Strip.

Expose Mortimer to the White Glove Society

Between poising the White Glove Society or cooking their food, the latter is the better option both in terms of rewards and story-wise. You will gain additional White Glove Society Fame from Marjorie after disgracing or killing Mortimer.

Beyond the Beef Rewards

List of Rewards

Rewards for Completing Beyond the Beef
・100/500 XP
・250/500 Caps
・The Strip Fame
・White Glove Society Fame

Beyond the Beef Information

Basic Information and Overview

Basic Information
Location Quest Giver Coordinates
Ultra-Luxe Casino Mortimer or Heck Gunderson 2D.05
Difficulty Follower Reputation
★★★☆☆ - Fame: The Strip, White Glove Society

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