Fallout New Vegas

For the Republic Part 2 Walkthrough

Fallout New Vegas - For the Republic Part 2 Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough for the For the Republic Part 2 main quest in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). See a detailed walkthrough of For the Republic Part 2, list of objectives, how to unlock, best choices, rewards, as well as useful tips for completing For the Republic Part 2.

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King's Gambit Eureka!

For the Republic, Part 2 Walkthrough

List of Objectives
1 Speak With Colonel Moore at Hoover Dam
2 Deal With The Great Khans
Option 1 Option 2
Complete Oh My Papa Side Quest Kill The Great Khans
3 Return to Colonel Moore
4 Complete How Little We Know Side Quest
5 Get Rid of Mr. House
6 Deal With Brotherhood of Steel
Option 1 Option 2
Negotiate An Alliance Destroy the Brotherhood
7 Complete You'll Know it When it Happens Quest
Rewards: 1500 XP, NCR fame
Note: A Check Icon denotes a point where you can end the quest.

Speak With Colonel Moore at Hoover Dam

Fallout New Vegas - Colonel Moore

Head to Hoover Dam and speak with Colonel Moore to get your first task. You can fail some of the tasks that the colonel will assign. So long as you don't progress any main quests for other factions, such as The House Always Wins IV, you can still complete this quest.

Deal With The Great Khans

Complete Oh My Papa Side Quest

Fallout New Vegas - Papa Khan

By completing the Oh My Papa side quest, you will have several options on how to deal with them. However, the only way to get them to cooperate with the NCR is by assassinating Papa Khan and replacing him with Regis as their leader as the latter is more amenable to an alliance.

Oh My Papa Options
・Convince Papa Khan to suicide bomb the Legion
・Convince Papa Khan to leave the wasteland
・Assassinate Papa Khan to replace him with Regis

List of All Side Quests

Kill The Great Khans

Instead of completing the Oh My Papa side quest, you can also complete this objective by eliminating the named characters of the Great Khans. Specifically Papa Khan, Regis, Jack, and Diane.

Return to Colonel Moore

Return to Colonel Moore to inform her how you chose to deal with the Great Khans. She will provide your next task which involves dealing with the Omertas.

Complete How Little We Know Side Quest

Fallout New Vegas - Omertas

Dealing with the Omertas involves completing the How Litle We Know side quest which can be initiated by speaking to Liza O'Malley at the NCR Embassy in The Strip. Whichever way you choose to complete the quest does not matter.

Return to Colonel Moore to report on the outcome and to get your next task. If you helped the Omerta bosses, you can lie to Moore about their plans. Completing this objective will fail the Caesar's Legion questline.

Get Rid of Mr. House

Fallout New Vegas - Mr House Terminal

Go to the Lucky 38 Penthouse to find and infiltrate Mr. House's control room. The room will be hidden behind 2 doors that can be opened through terminals. The securitrons will become hostile as soon as you open the first door so be ready for a fight.

If you have the Platinum Chip, these doors can be opened with no additional steps. If you don't have the Platinum Chip, there are other ways to gain access.

Ways to Reach Control Room Without Platinum Chip
・Acquire a Lucky 38 VIP Keycard from the H&H Tools Factory
・Acquire a Lucky 38 VIP Keycard from Camp Golf
・Have 75 Science

Deal With Brotherhood of Steel

Negotiate An Alliance

Fallout New Vegas - McNamara Options

The ideal way of dealing with the Brotherhood of Steel is by negotiating an alliance between them and the NCR. This can be accomplished by completing the Still in the Dark Side Quest and keeping Elder McNamara as their leader. After the quest, you can interact with the elder to initiate a truce between the two factions.

If you choose to replace McNamara with Hardin as the elder during the Still in the Dark quest, you cannot ally with the brotherhood and must destroy them.

Destroy the Brotherhood

Ways to Destroy the Brotherhood
Option 1: Activate Self-Destruct Terminal
You can activate the bunker's self-destruct terminal if you either have 100 Science or steal the keycards from the Head Paladin, Elder, and Head Scribe. Once you get the keycards, use the authorization terminal to the left of the self-destruct terminal to allow access. People will become hostile as soon as the sequence is activated. Exit the bunker to complete the objective. There will be several people who will be able to follow you out, so be ready to fight or run.
Option 2: Kill Everyone
Another option to deal with the Brotherhood is to kill them all yourself. However, there are a lot of them and they are heavily armed. To make things easier if you want to go this route, you can hack their turrets to target their members. You can find the terminal in Paladin Ramos' office and you'll need 75 Science.

Complete You'll Know it When it Happens Quest

Fallout New Vegas - President Kimball

Return to Colonel Moore to report the outcome of your dealings with the brotherhood. She will then provide the next task, completing the You'll Know it When it Happens quest.

This quest will involve protecting President Kimball from multiple assassination attempts as he makes a speech. Even if he is successfully assassinated, you can still progress to the next objective.

Agree to Fight For The NCR

Fallout New Vegas - Fight for the NCR

Return to Colonel Moore and agree to fight for the NCR to complete this quest. This will be a point-of-no-return for the game and will begin the final quest, Eureka!

How to Unlock For the Republic, Part 2

Complete King's Gambit Quest

Fallout New Vegas - For The Republic Part 2

After completing the King's Gambit quest, return to Ambassador Crocker to unlock this quest.

For the Republic, Part 2 Best Choice

The For the Republic Part 2 quest involves interacting and dealing with the many minor factions of the wasteland.

Minor Faction Best Choice and Reason
Great Khans Assassinate Papa Khan during Oh My Papa side quest
Reason: The only way you'll get the Khans to assist the NCR is by assassinating Papa Khan, replacing him with Regis as their leader. However, this option will only be available if you talk to Colonel Moore before attempting the Oh My Papa quest.
Omertas Kill Big Sal and Nero
Reason: It is the preferred outcome of the NCR and will reward you with The Strip fame.
Brotherhood of Steel Complete brotherhood side quests before killing them
Reason: Eliminating the brotherhood is the preferred outcome of the NCR, but you can complete their associated side quests first for extra rewards.

For the Republic, Part 2 Rewards

List of Rewards
・1500 XP
・NCR Fame

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Complete Story Walkthrough

List of Neutral Main Quests

1 Ain't That a Kick in the Head
2 Back in the Saddle
3 By a Campfire on the Trail
4 They Went That-a-Way
5 Ring-a-Ding Ding!

List of Yes Man Main Quests

1 Wild Card: Ace in the Hole
2 Wild Card: Change in Management
3 Wild Card: You and What Army?
4 Wild Card: Side Bets
5 Wild Card: Finishing Touches
6 You'll Know it When it Happens
7 No Gods, No Masters

List of NCR Main Quests

1 Things That Go Boom
2 King's Gambit
3 For the Republic Part 2
4 You'll Know it When it Happens
5 Eureka!

List of Mr. House Main Quests

1 The House Always Wins I
2 The House Always Wins II
3 The House Always Wins III
4 The House Always Wins IV
5 The House Always Wins V
6 The House Always Wins VI
7 You'll Know it When it Happens
8 The House Always Wins VII
9 All or Nothing

List of Caesar's Legion Main Quests

1 Render Unto Caesar
2 Et Tumor, Brute?
3 Arizona Killer
4 Veni, Vidi, Vici


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