Fallout New Vegas

Boone Companion Quest and Location Guide: Best Ending for Boone

Fallout New Vegas Boone

Boone is a recruitable companion in Fallout New Vegas. Read on to know more about Boone's companion quest and location, best ending, how to recruit, companion perk, and more in this guide!

Fallout New Vegas Vault Boy Attention! This section contains spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Boone Companion Information

Boone Overview
Fallout New Vegas Boone
Faction NCR
Perk Spotter
Race Human

Boone used to be a sniper for the NCR, which makes him an ideal companion if you plan on engaging enemies from afar. He will fight alongside you as long as you refrain from shooting NCR soldiers or siding with the Legion.

Boone Location Guide

Dino Bite Gift Shop in Novac


You can find Boone working at the Dino Bite gift shop's second floor between 10:00 PM and 9:00 AM. He can also be visited in his room on the first floor at the far right end of the Dino Dee-lite Motel.

All Maps and Locations

How to Recruit Boone and Companion Quest

Complete One For My Baby

1 Fallout New Vegas Boone
Talk to Boone
Talk to Boone at the Dino Bite gift shop during the evening. He will tell you to look for the person who sold his wife to the Legion, which would be Jeannie May Crawford.
2 Fallout New Vegas Novac Motel
Look for Evidence
The bill of sale can be found inside of a safe at the Dino Dee-lite Motel. Wait for Jeannie to leave the room first before you open the safe. Talk to Jeannie next once you have the bill of sale with you.
3 Fallout New Vegas Novac
Send Jeannie May to the Dinosaur
Tell Jeannie May that you have something to show her in front of the Dinosaur. She can be found either at the motel or at her house across the street. You can only complete this quest at night since Boone is only in the sniper's nest during nighttime. Remember to put on Boone's Beret while standing next to Jeannie May to finish the quest.

One For My Baby Side Quest Walkthrough

I Forgot to Remember to Forget

Fallout New Vegas Boone

Boone's second companion quest can be activated by exhausting his dialogue options. This includes talking about his deceased wife and his past in general. Talking to Manny Vargas in Novac and Sergeant Bitter-Root at Camp McCarran about Bitter Springs helps too.

Killing prominent figures within the Legion faction while travelling with Boone will also help trigger the quest. After that, you will have the option to convince him to return to Bitter Springs. He will turn down the idea at first, but will shortly reconsider after a few minutes of travelling, finally triggering the quest.

Boone Companion Perk

Spotter Perk

Fallout New Vegas Spotter

While having Boone as a companion, the Spotter perk will highlight all hostile targets within range whenever you are aiming or zoomed in.

Best Ending for Boone

Help Boone Forgive Himself

Fallout New Vegas Boone

Get the best ending by helping Boone with the I Forgot to Remember to Forget companion quest while also helping the NCR win Hoover Dam near the end of the game. Boone will talk to you again after you defend Bitter Springs from the Legion during the quest.

Tell him that he can't bring back the past but he can try to make things better in order to help him get over his past trauma.

How to Get All Endings

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