Fallout New Vegas

Barter Effects and How to Increase

Barter is a skill in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). Read on to see how to increase Barter Skill, the Skill Magazine and Skill Book to increase Barter, what Barter does, and its related perks!

How to Increase Barter Skill

Use a Skill Magazine or a Skill Book

Temporary Permanently
Salesman Weekly
(Skill Magazine)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor
(Skill Book)

You can increase your Barter skill using Skill Magazines and Skill Books. Skill Magazines can temporarily increase your Barter skill while a Skill Book can increase it permanently.

We recommend grabbing the skill book for Barter to increase this skill for good.

Skill Books Map Locations and Guide

Use a Console Command

Format player.setav Barter [your desired level]
Example player.setav Barter 100

You can also increase your Barter skill using a console command. Follow the format above and add your desired level at the end of the command without the [ ] symbol.

What Does Barter Do?

Affects Merchant Prices

Barter Amount Sell Percentage Buy Percentage
0 45 155
20 54 146
40 63 137
60 72 128
80 91 119
100 90 110

Investing in Barter increases your ability to haggle and get better prices by 9% with every point for both selling and buying items! Barter stacks with the additional discounts you can get when you have a reputation with a faction.

Unlocks Additional Dialogue

Barter, like Speech, is often used as a skill check for multiple interactions. More often, Barter is put into consideration when the Courier is negotiating prices and rewards, then measuring those with the risks involved.

Barter Perks

Perk Skill Level
Pack Rat Barter 70 Lv. 8
Long Haul Barter 70 Lv. 12

Fallout New Vegas Related Guides

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