Fallout New Vegas

Loose Cannon ID and Effects

Loose Cannon is a trait in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). See if Loose Cannon is worth it, its effects, and how to get it using its ID on Console Command.

Is Loose Cannon Worth It?

Preserved for Explosive-Centered Builds

Loose Cannon, while a lot of fun, appeals mainly to those trying to do a Explosive-centered build. However, while the speed boosts on throwing grenades of Loose Cannon itself sounds like a positive, it leaves much to be desired in powering up the already niche build.

Loose Cannon Effects

Effects and Requirements

Trait Buff Debuff
Fallout New Vegas Loose Cannon Loose Cannon 30% more speed to thrown weapons 25% less range with thrown weapons

From Frag Grenades to Throwing Spears, you can throw weapons 30% faster at the cost of 25% less range.

Loose Cannon ID


Console Command to Add Trait
player.addperk 00164ED1

Loose Cannon can be given to your character using the console command shown above.

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