Fallout New Vegas

Best Explosives and All Explosives List

Explosives are a type of weapon in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). Here's a list of all explosives with their stats, damage, ammo, crit percent, weight, and a list of the best explosives!

List of All Explosives

All Explosives in Fallout New Vegas

Weapon DAM Ammo Type Crit% WT
Grenade Launcher 30 40mm Grenade x1 12
Annabelle 20 Missile x0 20
Missile Launcher 20 Missile x0 20
Fat Man 10 Mini Nuke x0 30
Grenade Rifle 2 40mm Grenade x1 6
Thump-Thump 2 40mm Grenade x1 5.5
C-4 Plastic Explosive 1 - x1 0.5
Time Bomb 1 - x1 0.5
Pulse Mine 1 - x1 0.5
Pulse Grenade 1 - x1 0.5
Powder Charge 1 - x1 0.5
Plasma Mine 1 - x1 0.5
Plasma Grenade 1 - x1 0.5
Incendiary Grenade 1 - x1 0.5
Frag Mine 1 - x1 0.5
Holy Frag Grenade 1 - x1 0.5
Frag Grenade 1 - x1 0.5
Long-fuse Dynamite 1 - x1 0.3
Dynamite 1 - x1 0.3
Bottlecap Mine 1 - x1 0.5
Mercy 0 40mm Grenade x50 15
Grenade Machinegun 0 25mm Grenade x1 15
Detonator 0 - x1 0.5

Best Explosives

Holy Frag Grenade

Holy Frag Grenade
CND: 5
Damage Ammo Fire Rate
1 - 1
STR Req. Skill Req. AP
2 0 24

The Holy Frag Grenade is a unique explosive and it has the highest damage of all explosives, making it the best explosive in Fallout New Vegas. It's capable of taking down enemies, even Deathclaws, with just one of these. One caveat: These explosives have a very limited supply, with only three of these found in-game while having the Wild Wasteland trait.

Holy Frag Grenade Location, Ammo, and ID

Fat Man

Fat Man
CND: 100
Damage Ammo Fire Rate
10 Mini Nuke 1
STR Req. Skill Req. AP
6-8 100 65

The Fat Man launches mini-nukes and deals a substantial amount of damage to anything caught in its blast radius. This weapon is also capable of killing most enemies in one shot, and the game has more mini nukes than Holy Frag Grenades.

Fat Man Ammo and ID

C-4 Plastic Explosive

C-4 Plastic Explosive
CND: 10,000
Damage Ammo Fire Rate
1 - 1
STR Req. Skill Req. AP
1 50 24

C-4s only explode when detonated or damaged by a shot or another explosive. For instance, you can place C-4s near other mines you've set, which will deal additional damage on top of the initial mine's damage to enemies. This eliminates the need for a detonator since the C-4 will explode along with the proximity mine.

C-4s can also be stacked near each other, increasing the damage inflicted on the poor, poor soul you choose to blow up. C-4s can be reverse pickpocketed, placing them in an NPC's inventory. They will only detonate when the detonator is activated.

C-4 Plastic Explosive Ammo and ID

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