Fallout New Vegas

Wild Wasteland ID and Effects

Wild Wasteland is a trait in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). See if Wild Wasteland is worth it, its effects, and how to get it using its ID on Console Command.

Is Wild Wasteland Worth It?

Yes, it Adds More Content

The Wild Wasteland trait is a bit quirky and does not affect your builds, but it provides additional content for you to access. More often than not, this includes items that can help you in a way, further adding to the fun aspect.

Aside from the fun aspect, the Wild Wasteland also has a guaranteed encounter that replaces the Gauss Rifle with the Alien Blaster, an energy weapon that obliterates enemies quickly!

Alien Blaster Location, Ammo, and ID

Wild Wasteland Effects

Effects and Requirements

Trait Buff Debuff
Fallout New Vegas Wild Wasteland Wild Wasteland Additional content and references Replaces normal content

Wild Wasteland unleashes the most bizarre and silly elements of post-apocalyptic America. Not for the faint of heart or the serious of temperament.

Wild Wasteland ID


Console Command to Add Trait
player.addperk 000ED568

Wild Wasteland can be given to your character using the console command shown above.

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