Fallout New Vegas

EXP Farming Guide: How to Level Up Fast

Fallout New Vegas - How to Level Up Fast
To level up quickly in Fallout New Vegas (FNV), exploit the Goodsprings side quest, get the Well Rested buff, and more. Read on to learn how to level up fast and what the max level cap is!

How to Level Up Fast

How to Level Up Fast
1. Exploit the Goodsprings Sidequest
2. Get the Well Rested Bonus
3. Finish Side Quests
4. Do Skill Locked Dialogue Responses
5. Discover Landmarks
6. Play Caravan

Exploit the Goodsprings Sidequest

During the sidequest line of the Powder Gangers and Goodsprings, you can repeat the skill-locked dialogue with Dr. Michell or Chet indefinitely until you reach the max level cap. You will need at least 6 in Intelligence and 25 points in Speech/Barter to do this exploit.

While it takes long, you can look to take advantage of this exploit in the early game. Not only does it reward you with EXP, but you will also get supplies that you can sell for caps!

Furthermore, the respec after leaving Goodsprings accounts for all the skill points you have gained. This lets you have a broken build at the start of the game.

Get the Well Rested Bonus

Fallout New Vegas - Well Rested Bonus
To increase your experience (EXP) gain, get the "Well Rested" buff! This temporary buff adds a 10% bonus to any EXP gain for the next 12 hours.

Abstain from finishing side quests without being well-rested. With the amount of EXP you get from side quests, the 10% will likely be a significant difference between leveling up or not!

You can get a well-rested bonus by resting at an inn with a queen-sized bed or sleeping with a lover. The earliest you can get this bonus is through Novac's paid room!

Romance Guide and Best Romance Options

Finish Side Quests

Fallout New Vegas - Complete Side Quests
The brunt of the EXP you will be getting in Fallout New Vegas will come from finishing the plethora of side quests in the game as each completion almost guarantees a level-up.

Stack this with the well-rested bonus, and you will quickly reach the level cap!

List of All Side Quests and Rewards

Do Skill Locked Dialogue Responses

Fallout New Vegas - Do Skill Locked Conversations
Prompts in-game will sometimes have dialogue choices locked behind a certain amount of skill points. Replying with these responses leads to different outcomes and also rewards some EXP!

Speech, Medicine, and Repair are the usual skills with responses locked behind a specific amount of points. Look to invest in these points to get extra EXP!

Best Starting Skills and List of Skills

Discover Landmarks

Fallout New Vegas - Discover Landmarks
Fallout New Vegas rewards players who like to explore the vast deserts of the Mojave Wasteland! Whenever you discover locations, you will be rewarded with EXP and possibly find enemies to blast and resources to loot!

Landmarks can be defined as locations where the Courier can fast travel to. This endeavor should be second nature as you will passively discover said locations while playing.

Maps and Locations

Play Caravan

Fallout New Vegas - Play Caravan
Defeating unique characters in Caravan once will reward the Courier with significant EXP. Furthermore, playing the game does not pass the in-game time, so you do not need to overthink about losing the bonus from "Well Rested".

Caravan Rules and Guide

What is the Max Level?

Level 30

The max level for the base game is level 30! With every DLC you have installed, the level cap increases by 5 up to 50.

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