Fallout New Vegas

Arizona Killer Walkthrough

Fallout New Vegas - Arizona Killer Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough for the Arizona Killer main quest in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). See a detailed walkthrough of Arizona Killer, list of objectives, how to unlock, best choices, rewards, as well as useful tips for completing Arizona Killer.

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Et Tumor, Brute? Render Unto Caesar Veni, Vidi, Vici

Arizona Killer Walkthrough

List of Objectives
1 Rendevouz With Cato Hostilius
2 Assassinate President Kimball
Rewards: Legion Fame
Note: A Check Icon denotes a point where you can end the quest.

Rendevouz With Cato Hostilius

Fallout New Vegas - Cato Hostilius

Follow the quest marker to find Cato Hostilius. He will provide you with an NCR Trooper Uniform disguise to allow you to sneak into the dam, and you can ask him questions to get ideas on how to assassinate President Kimball.

Assassinate Kimball

Fallout New Vegas - President Kimball

There are several ways to assassinate the president so the choice comes down to preference. Be sure to make a save before making any attempts.

And depending on how you killed Kimball, the NCR soldiers might suddenly become hostile, so be ready for a fight.

Ways to Assassinate Kimball
・Use Stealth Boys or silent weapons
・Plant explosives where the president will pass through
・Plant the bomb provided by Cato onto the Vertibird
・Plant the bomb in Jeremy Watson or his helmet
・With 50 Science, use the console outside to rig the anti-aircraft gun to explode
・With 50 Science, use the Visitor Center Terminal to program the anti-aircraft gun to shoot the Vertibird

Return to Caesar or Lucius

Remove the NCR disguise to prevent the Legion from becoming hostile, and return to the Fort to complete the quest.

If you fail this quest, either because the president escaped or the soldiers became hostile before the president even arrives, you will become Vilified by the Legion and the questline will end.

How to Unlock Arizona Killer

Fallout New Vegas - Unlock Arizona Killer

During the Et Tumor, Brute? quest, you will receive this quest from Caesar if you were able to treat him, and from Lucius if you killed Caesar.

Arizona Killer Rewards

List of Rewards
・Legion Fame

Fallout New Vegas Related Guides

Fallout New Vegas - Story Walkthrough

Complete Story Walkthrough

List of Neutral Main Quests

1 Ain't That a Kick in the Head
2 Back in the Saddle
3 By a Campfire on the Trail
4 They Went That-a-Way
5 Ring-a-Ding Ding!

List of Yes Man Main Quests

1 Wild Card: Ace in the Hole
2 Wild Card: Change in Management
3 Wild Card: You and What Army?
4 Wild Card: Side Bets
5 Wild Card: Finishing Touches
6 You'll Know it When it Happens
7 No Gods, No Masters

List of NCR Main Quests

1 Things That Go Boom
2 King's Gambit
3 For the Republic Part 2
4 You'll Know it When it Happens
5 Eureka!

List of Mr. House Main Quests

1 The House Always Wins I
2 The House Always Wins II
3 The House Always Wins III
4 The House Always Wins IV
5 The House Always Wins V
6 The House Always Wins VI
7 You'll Know it When it Happens
8 The House Always Wins VII
9 All or Nothing

List of Caesar's Legion Main Quests

1 Render Unto Caesar
2 Et Tumor, Brute?
3 Arizona Killer
4 Veni, Vidi, Vici


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