Fallout New Vegas

You'll Know it When it Happens Walkthrough

Fallout New Vegas - You

This is a walkthrough for the You'll Know it When it Happens main quest in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). See a detailed walkthrough of You'll Know it When it Happens, list of objectives, how to unlock, best choices, rewards, as well as useful tips for completing You'll Know it When it Happens.

Related Quests
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You'll Know it When it Happens Walkthrough

List of Objectives
1 Report to Ranger Grant at Hoover Dam
2 (Optional)
Investigate For Clues
3 Meet Ranger Grant Outside
4 Bomb on the Aircraft
Sniper at the Tower
Legion Disguised as Engineer
Rewards: 1000 XP, NCR Infamy
Note: A Check Icon denotes a point where you can end the quest.

Report to Ranger Grant at Hoover Dam

Fallout New Vegas - Ranger Grant at Hoover Dam

Find Ranger Grant in the Visitor Center of the Hoover Dam. Interact with him several times until it is time for Kimball's speech.

If your reputation with the NCR is less than liked, you will not be allowed to draw your weapon which can make this quest more difficult.

Investigate For Clues (Optional)

You can do this objective if you want to know more about the assassination attempts. However, there will be no quest markers for the steps in this objective, so you have to find the clues on your own. Additionally, this objective yields no rewards.

Talk to Allison on the 2nd floor of the Visitor Center and you'll learn about a missing engineer.
Check the supply closet underneath the stairs to find blood. You will need 6 Perception to examine it and learn that an engineer was killed here.
3 If you have 50 Science, hack the terminal in the Visitor Center to learn of an unauthorized access ID.

Meet Ranger Grant Outside

Fallout New Vegas - Ranger Grant in Observatory Deck

Interact with Ranger Grant outside. You will be given the chance to explore the area to investigate further and look for clues regarding any assassination attempts. Once you're ready, report to Ranger Grant, and the president will start arriving via aircraft.

Stop the Assassination Attempts

There will be 3 possible assassination attempts and there are multiple ways to thwart each. After thwarting one of the attempts, you can report to Ranger Grant immediately and he will cut the president's speech.

Whether the speech was finished or not, as long as the president survives, the quest is completed. But if the president dies in any way, the quest is failed.

Bomb on the Aircraft

Examine the Vertibird

Before the aircraft lands, you will notice an engineer waiting on the landing pad who will interact with the plane, sneakily planting a bomb that he will detonate when the president returns to the aircraft to leave.

Ways to Stop the Bomb
・If you have 50 Repair, interact with the aircraft after it lands to disable the bomb.
・If you have 50 Explosives, interact with the aircraft after it lands to disable the bomb.
Pickpocket the engineer to steal the detonator and show it to Ranger Grant.
・If you have the Animal Friend Perk, borrow the dog from one of the troopers and they will be able to sniff out the assassin.
・Talk to and agitate the engineer before the aircraft arrives.

Sniper at the Tower

Fallout New Vegas - Sniper

If you watch the tower behind the stage, you might catch that a second person will appear to throw the other off the tower. If you miss this event, you can also head to the tower to find the body of the fallen trooper on the ground. Near the end of the president's speech, the assassin will use a sniper to shoot and kill the president.

Ways to Stop the Sniper
・Be at the tower before the assassin arrives and he will attack you immediately.
・Question the assassin about the dead body and they will attack you.

Legion Disguised as Engineer

If the engineer witnesses the player diffusing the bomb they planted on the aircraft, that same engineer will attempt to stab the president with a knife.

Ways to Stop the Sniper
・Kill the engineer as soon as he tries to stab the president. In some cases, the rangers will be able to shoot him dead on their own.
・If you have the Animal Friend Perk, borrow the dog from one of the troopers and they will be able to sniff out the assassin.

How to Unlock You'll Know it When it Happens

Depends on Major Faction Progress

You'll Know it When it Happens will be unlocked during specific main quests while progressing through the story of 3 of the 4 major factions.

Faction Quest
NCR For the Republic Part 2
Mr. House The House Always Wins VI
Yes Man/Independent Wild Card: Finishing Touches
Caesar's Legion -

You'll Know it When it Happens Rewards

List of Rewards
・1000 XP
・NCR Fame

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List of Neutral Main Quests

1 Ain't That a Kick in the Head
2 Back in the Saddle
3 By a Campfire on the Trail
4 They Went That-a-Way
5 Ring-a-Ding Ding!

List of Yes Man Main Quests

1 Wild Card: Ace in the Hole
2 Wild Card: Change in Management
3 Wild Card: You and What Army?
4 Wild Card: Side Bets
5 Wild Card: Finishing Touches
6 You'll Know it When it Happens
7 No Gods, No Masters

List of NCR Main Quests

1 Things That Go Boom
2 King's Gambit
3 For the Republic Part 2
4 You'll Know it When it Happens
5 Eureka!

List of Mr. House Main Quests

1 The House Always Wins I
2 The House Always Wins II
3 The House Always Wins III
4 The House Always Wins IV
5 The House Always Wins V
6 The House Always Wins VI
7 You'll Know it When it Happens
8 The House Always Wins VII
9 All or Nothing

List of Caesar's Legion Main Quests

1 Render Unto Caesar
2 Et Tumor, Brute?
3 Arizona Killer
4 Veni, Vidi, Vici


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