Fallout New Vegas

Explosives Effects and How to Increase

Explosives is a skill in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). Read on to see how to increase Explosives Skill, the Skill Magazine and Skill Book to increase Explosives, what Explosives does, and its related perks!

How to Increase Explosives Skill

Use a Skill Magazine or a Skill Book

Temporary Permanently
Patriot's Cookbook
(Skill Magazine)
Duck and Cover!
(Skill Book)

You can increase your Explosives skill using Skill Magazines and Skill Books. Skill Magazines can temporarily increase your Explosives skill while a Skill Book can increase it permanently.

We recommend grabbing the skill book for Explosives to increase this skill for good.

Skill Books Map Locations and Guide

Use a Console Command

Format player.setav Explosives [your desired level]
Example player.setav Explosives 100

You can also increase your Explosives skill using a console command. Follow the format above and add your desired level at the end of the command without the [ ] symbol.

What Does Explosives Do?

Determines Explosives Effectiveness

Knowing the right timing and trajectory for Explosives allows you to get a bigger bang for your buck. With more points invested into explosives, you will have increased accuracy, damage, and throwing distance for weapons in the Explosives tree.

Requirement for Handling Explosives

Weapon Skill Requirement
Frag Grenade 25
Frag Mine 25
Grenade Rifle 25
Thump-Thump 25
Time Bomb 50
C-4 Plastic Explosive 50
Pulse Mine 50
Pulse Grenade 50
Incendiary Grenade 50
Missile Launcher 75
Annabelle 75
Plasma Grenade 75
Plasma Mine 75
Grenade Launcher 75
Mercy 100
Grenade Machinegun 100
Fat Man 100

Certain Explosives require a set amount of skill points to use. Without prior knowledge, you will not be able to utilize weapons that are more challenging to wield.

Ability to Disarm and Manuever Trapped Mines

Having been exposed to the dangers of Explosives firsthand, you now know your way around trapped mines. The range of mines before explosion lessens, and disarming mines becomes less tricky as you put more points into Explosives.

Adds More Explosive Crafting Recipes

With enough points in Explosives, you can get wildly creative in crafting those that go kaboom! Even without schematics, you will unlock new explosive recipes at workbenches if you allocate the right amount of points to Explosives.

Explosives Perks

Perk Skill Level
Heave, Ho! Explosives 30 Lv. 2
Demolition Expert Explosives 50 Lv. 6
Pyromaniac Explosives 60 Lv. 12
Hit the Deck Explosives 70 Lv. 12
Splash Damage Explosives 70 Lv. 12

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