Fallout New Vegas

Charisma Explained and Console Command

Charisma is one of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). Read on to see how to increase and decrease Charisma using console command, what it does, how to increase Charisma, all Charisma levels and their effects, as well as all Charisma-based skills and perks.

What Does Charisma Do?

What Does Charisma Do?

Affects the Barter and Speech Skills

With your innate wit and charm, you will have more skill points for barter and speech as you increase your Charisma. Sometimes, a silver tongue is all it takes to survive the Wasteland!

Makes Companion Stats Better

Given that Charisma is one of the essential characteristics of leadership, you naturally bring out the best in your companions. With each point in Charisma, your companions will have a 5% increase in their armor and health!

Unlocks Companion-based Perks

With high enough Charisma, you can access perks that favor a playstyle surrounding companionship. Perks such as Ferocious Loyalty and Animal Friend make those around the Courier enamored and willing to fight for them!

How to Increase Charisma

How to Increase Charisma

Buy Implants to Permanently Increase Charisma

You can permanently increase your Charisma by buying the Empathy Synthesizer implants from Dr. Usanagi at the New Vegas Medical Center.

It costs around 3,000 - 4,000 caps, so make sure you have enough before you employ her help.

Money Farming Guide
How to Get Caps Fast

Wear Armor to Temporarily Increase Charisma

If you don't have the right amount of bottle caps yet, you can rely on a variety of armor to temporarily increase your Charisma.

Here is a list of armor that you can equip to increase your Charisma temporarily.

Armor DT Weight Effects
Bounty Hunter Duster 6 3 CHR +1, Guns +5
General Oliver's Uniform - 1 CHR +2, AP +20
Regulator Duster - 3 CHR +1, Guns +5
Sexy Sleepwear - 1 CHR +1
Sheriff's Duster - 3 CHR +1, Guns +5
Sleepwear - 1 CHR +1
T-51b Power Helmet - 4 CHR +1, Rad. Res. +8

List of All Armor

Gain Perks to Temporarily Increase Charisma

Aside from the one-time permanent increase in Charisma that the Intense Training perk can give, there are other perks that you can get to temporarily increase your Charisma.

Perk How to Get Effect
Meat of Champions Cannibalize The King, Mr. House, Caesar, and President Kimball 1 point to Luck, Strength, Charisma and Intelligence for 60 seconds each time a corpse is consumed.

Best Perks and List of Perks

Charisma Console Command

Increase Charisma Command

Format player.modav Charisma [value you want to add to your Charisma]
Example player.modav Charisma 3

You can use the command above to permanently increase your Charisma in the game.

Simply hit the tilde (~) button on your keyboard to open the console. Then, type the command above and the value you want to add to your Charisma.

Decrease Charisma Command

Format player.modav Charisma -[value you want to subtract to your Charisma]
Example player.modav Charisma -1

Likewise, you can decrease your Charisma using the same command. Just make sure that the value you add at the end is negative.

Charisma Levels

Levels and Skill Modifiers

Lv. Name Companion Nerve Skill Modifiers
1 Misanthrope Armor and Damage +5 Barter +2, Speech +2
2 Old Hermit Armor and Damage + 10 Barter +4, Speech +4
3 Creepy Undertaker Armor and Damage + 15 Barter +6, Speech +6
4 Peevish Librarian Armor and Damage + 20 Barter +8, Speech +8
5 Substitute Teacher Armor and Damage + 25 Barter +10, Speech +10
6 Cheery Salesman Armor and Damage + 30 Barter +12, Speech +12
7 Diplomat Armor and Damage + 35 Barter +14, Speech +14
8 Movie Star Armor and Damage + 40 Barter +16, Speech +16
9 Casanova Armor and Damage + 45 Barter +18, Speech +18
10 Cult Leader Armor and Damage + 50 Barter +20, Speech +20

Charisma-Based Skills and Perks

All Charisma-Based Perks

Perk SPECIAL Req. Lv. Req. Effect
Ferocious Loyalty Charisma 6 Lv. 6 Companions Get +50 DR When Your HP is 50% or Below
Animal Friend Charisma 6 Lv. 10 Animals Assist in Combat and Hostile Animals Are Neutral

All Charisma-Based Skills

Skill Benefits
Fallout New Vegas Barter ImageBarter Better Prices
Fallout New Vegas Speech ImageSpeech Influence NPCs through dialogue

Best Starting Skills and List of Skills

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SPECIAL Explained

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