Fallout New Vegas

Raul Companion Quest and Location Guide: Best Ending for Raul

Fallout New Vegas Raul

Raul is a recruitable companion in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). Read on to know more about Raul's companion quest and location, best ending, how to recruit, companion perk, and more in this guide!

Fallout New Vegas Vault Boy Attention! This section contains spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Raul Companion Information

Raul Overview
Fallout New Vegas Raul
Faction Non-aligned
Perk Regular Maintenance
Race Ghoul

Raul is a ghoul mechanic, he can provide repair services for you when visting him in his shack. He also handles ranged combat with a pistol quite well since he had plenty of experience as a gunslinger in the past.

Raul Location Guide

Black Mountain Radio Station

Raul can be visited at the Black Mountain Radio station. You can find him in the prison building locked behind a door that can be accessed through two terminals.

All Maps and Locations

How to Recruit and Companion Quest

Unlock His Prison Door

Fallout New Vegas Raul

You can recruit Raul during the Crazy Crazy Crazy side quest, or you can just visit him anytime once you get to the top of the Black Mountain Radio station.

Unlock his prison door by accessing the second terminal on the left side of the room. From there, you can read the sixth entry to receive the password for the locked terminal next to the door.

After that, you can tell him he's free to go and offer him the option of travelling with you. Note that if you do this, Tabitha and two Nightkin will ambush you outside.

Old School Ghoul

Fallout New Vegas Raul

Start Raul's companion quest by exhausting all dialogue options about himself after rescuing him. From there, you will get the option to tell him how older people are still useful, which will prompt Raul to ask if you know any old people that you met yourself.

Doing this quest will let you know more about his past life, including the events that unfolded at his childhood home over at Hidalgo Ranch.

Raul Companion Perk

Regular Maintenance Perk

Regular Maintenance

Having Raul in your party gives you access to the Regular Maintenance perk. With this perk, the Condition (CND) of weapons and armor decays more slowly. You can also visit him in his shack to the east of Freeside for repairs when he is not an active companion. The repair services offered by Raul are not free.

Best Ending for Raul

Convince Him to be a Gunslinger

Fallout New Vegas Raul

The best ending for Raul would be to convince him to continue his life as a gunslinger. Do this by completing the Old School Ghoul companion quest.

He will be invigorated with the experience he has shared with you on the road and will hunt down anyone who decides to prey on the weak. He will do this in memory of his sister, Rafaela.

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