Fallout New Vegas

Render Unto Caesar Walkthrough

Fallout New Vegas - Render Unto Caesar Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough for the Render Unto Caesar main quest in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). See a detailed walkthrough of Render Unto Caesar, list of objectives, how to unlock, best choices, rewards, as well as useful tips for completing Render Unto Caesar.

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Ring-a-Ding Ding! Et Tumor, Brute?
Arizona Killer
Veni, Vidi, Vici

Render Unto Caesar Walkthrough

List of Objectives
1 Travel to The Fort
2 Accept Caesar's Task
Decide Benny's Fate
3 Upgrade or Destroy Securitrons
Option 1 Option 2
Upgrade Them Destroy Them
4 Kill Mr. House
5 Deal With the Boomers
Option 1 Option 2
Recruit Them Kill Them
5 Recruit the White Glove Society
6 Destroy the Brotherhood of Steel
Option 1 Option 2
Activate Self-Destruct Terminal Kill Everyone
7 Complete Et Tumor, Brute?
8 Complete Arizona Killer
9 Return to Caesar or Lucius
Note: A Check Icon denotes a point where you can end the quest.

Travel to The Fort

Fallout New Vegas - Go to the Fort

After completing Ring-a-Ding Ding! and receiving the invitation, you can travel to The Fort by following the quest marker. On the way there, you will be stopped by a soldier and you will need 35 Speech or the invitation to pass.

If you haven't received the invitation, the boat to the fort will not be available.

Accept Caesar's Task

Fallout New Vegas - Speak to Caesar

Accepting the task will allow you to enter the bunker with your weapons and the Platinum Chip returned. This is a required step if you're trying to complete the Wild Card: You and What Army? and The House Always Wins II quests.

Decide Benny's Fate

Fallout New Vegas - Deal with Benny

If Benny escaped during the Ring-a-Ding Ding quest, he would be present as a prisoner in Caesar's camp which is how you will acquire the Platinum Chip. On your way out, you can decide how he dies. Do not release him as the Legion will become hostile and the Legion questline will fail and end.

Upgrade or Destroy Securitrons

Upgrade Them

Fallout New Vegas - Activate Securiton Operations Console

To upgrade the securitrons, find another console where you can insert the Platinum Chip. Choosing this option will preserve your relationship and progress with all the factions, even Caesar who will believe you destroyed them regardless of what you choose to do.

Destroy Them

Fallout New Vegas - Destroy Securitrons

To destroy the securitrons, look for and attack the three generators in the area.

Choosing this option will mean you will have no army if you ever choose to side with Yes Man, making the final battle very difficult. In addition, it will fail The House Always Wins quests.

Kill Mr. House

Fallout New Vegas - Mr House Terminal

Go to the Lucky 38 Penthouse to find and infiltrate Mr. House's control room. The room will be hidden behind 2 doors that can be opened through terminals. The securitrons will become hostile as soon as you open the first door so be ready for a fight.

If you have the Platinum Chip, these doors can be opened with no additional steps. If you don't have the Platinum Chip, there are other ways to gain access.

Ways to Reach Control Room Without Platinum Chip
・Acquire a Lucky 38 VIP Keycard from the H&H Tools Factory
・Acquire a Lucky 38 VIP Keycard from Camp Golf
・Have 75 Science

Deal With The Boomers

Complete Volare! Side Quest to Recruit Boomers

To recruit the Boomers, you will need to complete the Volare! Side Quest which involves helping the people around the air base with tasks.

After completing enough tasks to raise your reputation with the Boomers, you can ask Pearl to aid you in the upcoming battle.

Side Quest/Questgiver Task
Young Hearts - Jack Bring Jack's crush from the Caravan Company to the air base
Ant Misbehavin' - Raquel Restart the generator and eliminate the ants
Sunshine Boogie - Loyal Repair the generator arrays
Raquel After Ant Misbehavin', give her missiles for additional fame
Jack Give him scrap metal for additional fame
Mini Boomers Have Charisma 7 and interact with each them
Argylle Have a Medicine Skill of 40, 50, or 60 to heal injured boomers.
Pete Listen to his story and ask questions afterward. Leaving before he finishes will punish you with Boomer infamy.
Lindsay Retrieve the teddy bear from under the metal crates in the hangar where Loyal and Jack work.

List of All Side Quests and Rewards

Kill Pearl and Loyal

Pearl Loyal

The other way of dealing with the Boomers to make sure they don't ally with anyone else is to kill their leaders, Pearl and Loyal. You can kill them however you want, but the Boomers will become hostile so do it fast or be ready for a fight.

Recruit the White Glove Society

Fallout New Vegas - Lie About Cannibalism

Complete Beyond the Beef, choosing to revert the White Glove Society to cannibalism. If you choose the other option, Caesar will be disappointed but will allow you to continue to the next task.

After completing this objective, the Don't Tread on the Bear! quest will fail and the NCR questline will end.

Destroy the Brotherhood of Steel

Option 1: Activate Self-Destruct Terminal

Fallout New Vegas - Self-Destruct Terminal

You can activate the bunker's self-destruct terminal if you either have 100 Science or steal the keycards from the Head Paladin, Elder, and Head Scribe. Once you get the keycards, use the authorization terminal to the left of the self-destruct terminal to allow access.

People will become hostile as soon as the sequence is activated. Exit the bunker to complete the objective. There will be several people who will be able to follow you out, so be ready to fight or run.

Option 2: Kill Everyone

Fallout New Vegas - Turret Terminal

Another option to deal with the Brotherhood is to kill them all yourself. However, there are a lot of them and they are heavily armed.

To make things easier if you want to go this route, you can hack their turrets to target their members. You can find the terminal in Paladin Ramos' office and you'll need 75 Science.

Complete Et Tumor, Brute?

Fallout New Vegas - Complete Et Tumor Brute

After returning to Caesar, he will disclose his illness and assign you the task of curing him which will initiate the Et Tumor, Brute? quest.

If you kill Caesar at any point during the quest, whether intentionally or accidentally, you will be confronted by Lucius, blaming you for Caesar's death. If your Legion reputation, Medicine Skill, or Speech Skill is high enough, you can convince Lucius that there was nothing else you could have done, and you will progress to the next Legion quest. Otherwise, the Legion questline will fail and end, and the Legion soldiers will become hostile.

Complete Arizona Killer

Fallout New Vegas - President Kimball

After treating or killing Caesar, you will be tasked to assassinate President Kimball which will initiate the Arizona Killer quest.

If you fail this quest, either because the president escaped or the soldiers became hostile before the president arrives, you will become Vilified by the Legion, and the questline will end.

Return to Caesar or Lucius

Fallout New Vegas - Unlock Veni Vidi Vici

Return to Caesar, or Lucius if you killed Caesar, to complete the objective. You will be then asked if you want to join the Legion in the final battle. Agreeing to join the Legion will be a point of no return and move you to Legate's camp.

Speak to Legate

Fallout New Vegas - Speak to Legate

Once in the camp, find and speak to Legate to complete this quest and begin the next and final quest, Veni, Vidi, Vici Walkthrough.

How to Unlock Render Unto Caesar

Exit the Tops Casino After Completing Ring-a-Ding Ding!

Fallout New Vegas - Unlock Render Unto Caesar

After completing Ring-a-Ding Ding! main quest, exit the Tops casino. You will be stopped by a person who will offer you an invitation to meet Caesar. Accept the invitation to initiate the quest.

Render Unto Caesar Best Choice

Upgrade the Securitrons

Upgrading the securitrons keeps the possibility of siding with Mr House and Yes Man opens in case you change your mind without affecting the Legion questline.

Recruit the Boomers

If recruited, the Boomers will help in the final battle. In addition, the Volare side quest provides rewards which include the Rebreather.

Render Unto Caesar Rewards

List of Rewards
・1000 XP
・Legion Fame

Fallout New Vegas Related Guides

Fallout New Vegas - Story Walkthrough

Complete Story Walkthrough

List of Neutral Main Quests

1 Ain't That a Kick in the Head
2 Back in the Saddle
3 By a Campfire on the Trail
4 They Went That-a-Way
5 Ring-a-Ding Ding!

List of Yes Man Main Quests

1 Wild Card: Ace in the Hole
2 Wild Card: Change in Management
3 Wild Card: You and What Army?
4 Wild Card: Side Bets
5 Wild Card: Finishing Touches
6 You'll Know it When it Happens
7 No Gods, No Masters

List of NCR Main Quests

1 Things That Go Boom
2 King's Gambit
3 For the Republic Part 2
4 You'll Know it When it Happens
5 Eureka!

List of Mr. House Main Quests

1 The House Always Wins I
2 The House Always Wins II
3 The House Always Wins III
4 The House Always Wins IV
5 The House Always Wins V
6 The House Always Wins VI
7 You'll Know it When it Happens
8 The House Always Wins VII
9 All or Nothing

List of Caesar's Legion Main Quests

1 Render Unto Caesar
2 Et Tumor, Brute?
3 Arizona Killer
4 Veni, Vidi, Vici


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