Fallout New Vegas

Small Frame ID and Effects

Small Frame is a trait in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). See if Small Frame is worth it, its effects, and how to get it using its ID on Console Command.

Is Small Frame Worth It?

Limits Your Gameplans

Small Frame provides you with a permanent +1 to your Agility, which is decent especially if you plan on builds that lean towards Agility. However, Small Frame comes with the cost of having more fragile limbs, which limits you to a more careful approach to combat.

However, other traits give more benefits when in comparison to this trait. Look to get Fast Shot instead if you want a more speedy playstyle!

Small Frame Effects

Effects and Requirements

Trait Buff Debuff
Fallout New Vegas Small Frame Small Frame +1 Agility 25% more limb damage
Agility 1-9

Due to your small size, you have +1 AGL but your limbs are more easily crippled.

Small Frame ID


Console Command to Add Trait
player.addperk 00135EC6

Small Frame can be given to your character using the console command shown above.

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