Fallout New Vegas

G.I. Blues Side Quest Walkthrough

Fallout New Vegas - G.I. Blues Side Quest Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough of the G.I. Blues side quest in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). Read on to learn how to unlock G.I. Blues, where to find The King, the quest rewards, and the best dialogue choices for completing the G.I. Blues side quest.

How to Unlock G.I. Blues

Talk to The King in The King's School of Impersonation


Mojave Wasteland


The G.I. Blues side quest can be started by talking to The King in The King's School of Impersonation in Freeside. However, make sure you have either 60 Speech or 50 caps to be allowed entry by Pacer, or an unnamed henchman of The King's, into the room where The King is staying with his robot dog Rex.

Interactive Map

G.I. Blues Walkthrough

1 Speak to The King in The King's School of Impersonation
2 Hire Orris and Discover His Scam
3 Report Back to The King
4 Ask Wayne and Roy About Their Attackers
5 Report Back to The King then Investigate the NCR Presence
Optional: Speak to Julie Farkas
Optional: Investigate the Squatter areas
6 Visit Ruined Store to Discover Food Distribution
7 Report Back to The King About NCR Investigation
8 Resolve the Shootout Between The Kings and NCR
Option A Option B
Negotiate With the NCR Kill all the NCR
9 Report Back to The King
Ending A Ending B
The King Opens up to Peace
1650 XP, Freeside Fame
The King Remains Vigilant
1320 XP, Freeside Fame, NCR Infamy

Speak to The King in The King's School of Impersonation

Fallout New Vegas Meeting King

The King will welcome you into his base, and ask you to investigate Orris, who is suddenly getting rich off of a consistent clamor for his bodyguard services. He will give you 200 caps as an advance payment on the job, but do not spend the caps yet as you will need them for the next objective.

Hire Orris and Discover His Scam

Fallout New Vegas Meeting Orris

Find Orris inside Freeside by the Northern gate, and pay him 200 caps to escort you around Freeside. Orris sometimes glitches out when entering firefights, but this can be resolved by exiting and reentering the area of Freeside he is stuck in. At one point during the escort, he will start running faster than you and shoot a group of 4 thugs, then approach you to ensure you are safe. There are two main outcomes to this, with only one allowing you to progress the G.I. Blues side quest.

Pass any Skill Check

Fallout New Vegas Medicine Option

In order to learn that Orris is scamming locals by faking his heroics using paid actors, you will have to possess either 6 Intelligence, in order to confront him about only firing 3 shots but leaving 4 corpses, or 30 Medicine, in order to check the corpses and discover that they're alive without letting Orris know you found out. Furthermore, if you also have 51 Barter and decide to confront Orris, you can even extort him for 341 caps. But if you fail the barter, you'll be forced to kill Orris.

Progress Lock: Learn Nothing About Orris

Fallout New Vegas Intelligence option

If you cannot pass any of the skill checks, Orris will simply leave after the escort service is done, and you will have no way of learning the truth about Orris' scam.

Report Back to The King

Fallout New Vegas Report Orris to King

Go back to The King's School of Impersonation to report your findings to The King. If you see through Orris' scam, The King will thank you and entrust you with a bigger investigation regarding incidents of violence between the locals of Freeside and the NCR. However, if you do not see through Orris' scam, The King will not believe you, and will demand you keep hiring him to learn the truth. The King will also refuse to fund you more caps to hire Orris' services.

Ask Wayne and Roy About Their Attackers

Fallout New Vegas Wayne and Roy

Go to Old Mormon Fort and find Wayne and Roy in one of the infirmary tents, then ask them, on the behalf of The King, who attacked them. Wayne will point out that he heard a name Lou Tenant, which Roy will point out is probably the word Lieutenant, indicating it was NCR that attacked them. Keep in mind to choose the caring dialogue options when speaking to the two in order to increase your fame in Freeside.

Report Back to The King then Investigate the NCR Presence

Fallout New Vegas Report Attack to King

Report your findings regarding the NCR presence to The King, and he will show concern about what their actions are in Freeside. He will ask that you investigate the Squatter areas around Freeside to learn more about what the NCR are doing, and will also suggest you talk to Julie Farkas in the Old Mormon Fort in case she knows anything.

Optional: Speak to Julie Farkas Before Going to the Ruined Store

Fallout New Vegas Julie Farkas

Before or after investigating the Squatter areas, you can opt to ask Julie Farkas what she knows about the NCR's activities in Freeside. She will mention her friend, Major Elizabeth Kieran, is helping distribute food by the old train station, and will suggest you ask her more about their activities. Farkas will also suggest you mention her name to Major Kieran so that she will be more open during the conversation. It's possible to skip investigating the Squatter areas if you do this step first.

Optional: Investigate the Squatter Areas

Fallout New Vegas Missionary

When going to the Squatter areas, you will find a Missionary in each one that will ask if you are an NCR citizen looking for food. If you say you are not a citizen, the Missionary will turn you away, but you can still converse again. If you say you are an NCR citizen, the Missionary will ask that you prove you are a citizen with a test. There are three options:

Options Requirement
Perfect the Test Correct Answers:
Shady Sands
Double-headed bear
Barter Skill Check Barter 70
Speech Skill Check Speech 50

As long as you fulfill any of these conditions, you will be given the password for entry into the Ruined Store by the old train station in the northwest part of town, where food is being distributed.

Visit Ruined Store to Discover Food Distribution

Fallout New Vegas Hope Password

Go to the Ruined Store by the old train station in the northwest part of town, and talk to either of the two NCR guards watching the entrance. If you investigated the squatters, you can either say the password the Missionary gave you or pass a Speech 60 skill check telling them you entered last week. Otherwise, if you went straight to the Ruined Store after talking to Julie Farkas, you can pass a Speech 30 skill check telling the guard that Major Kieran called for you.

Fallout New Vegas Observe Distribution

Go inside the store to discover the NCR's food distribution efforts. You can then approach Major Elizabeth Kieran and ask her why the NCR refuses to serve food to the locals. If you spoke to Julie Farkas first, you will be able to tell Major Kieran that Julie sent you, then Major Kieran will reveal that an envoy she sent to seek the Kings' cooperation was beaten up.

Report Back to The King About NCR Investigation

Fallout New Vegas Pacer Bribe

Return to the King's School of Impersonation to share your investigation results with The King. If you learned about the NCR envoy that got beaten up, Pacer will first hold you at the door to deny Major Kieran's information and demand your silence. You can either promise your silence to Pacer, reject his request, or demand a bribe of 200 caps from him. If you have Barter 50, you can even demand an additional 100 caps from him.

Fallout New Vegas Envoy Information

Report back to The King with your findings on the NCR's activities, which will either be incomplete or complete depending on if you are able to share from Major Kieran exactly why the NCR refuses to serve locals. During your conversation, a henchman will inform The King that a group of Kings, including Pacer, and the NCR are engaged in a shootout near the Ruined Store. If The King is informed of the envoy, he will ask you to negotiate with the NCR. If The King is not informed of the envoy, he will ask you to help Pacer in the shootout.

Resolve the Shootout Between the Kings and NCR

Fallout New Vegas Pacer and Kieran

Head to the large clearing near the Ruined Store to find a squad of NCR, including Major Kieran, in a standoff with Pacer and the remaining henchmen. Depending on what The King asked you to do, there are two possible resolutions to the shootout.

Negotiate With the NCR

Fallout New Vegas NCR Negotiation

Approach the NCR side, but be careful: the NCR will shoot you if your weapon is drawn. Speak directly to Major Kieran and tell her that there was a misunderstanding and that The King did not know about the incident with the NCR envoy. She will agree to a ceasefire.

Kill All the NCR

Fallout New Vegas NCR Shootout

Speak to Pacer, who will ask for your help killing all the NCR. You can even bribe him again for 150 caps before agreeing. Alternatively, if you are able to approach Major Kieran safely, you can choose to tell her that you wish to simplify the situation by killing her and the rest of the NCR to immediately make them hostile. Either way, be prepared for an intense gunfight.

Report Back to King

Fallout New Vegas King

Once you have resolved the firefight, return to The King to report the conclusion and he will thank you for your support, pledging any favor of your asking in the future. There are two possible outcomes with slightly different rewards and consequences.

The King Opens up to Peace

Fallout New Vegas Negotiation Ending

If you successfully negotiated with the NCR, The King will state that it may be time to do more talking than fighting. This ending will give +1650 XP, Freeside fame, and positive karma.

The King Remains Vigilant

Fallout New Vegas Shootout Ending

If you resorted to violence with the NCR, The King will thank you for aiding Pacer and remain vigilant of the NCR's activities. This ending will give +1320 XP and Freeside fame, but also negative karma and infamy with the NCR.

Best Choice for G.I. Blues

Negotiate With the NCR

Fallout New Vegas Julie Farkas and Elizabeth Kieran

Speaking to Julie Farkas, learning the truth from Major Kieran and negotiating with the NCR will reward you in the end with the most XP, and at the same time will ensure you do not sacrifice karma or fame with the NCR. Additionally, there is the potential of additional caps before the actual ending when you demand the bribe from Pacer for your silence, an agreement which you can easily renege on.

G.I. Blues Rewards

List of Rewards

Rewards for Completing G.I. Blues
・1320-1650 XP
・Freesands Fame
・Support of The Kings

G.I. Blues Information

Basic Information and Overview

Basic Information
Location Quest Giver Coordinates
King’s School of Impersonation The King 2C.05
Difficulty Follower Reputation
★★☆☆☆ - Fame: Freeside
Infamy: *NCR

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