Persona 3 Reload Walkthrough Comments

June Walkthrough and Activities GuideComment

Showing 1-20 of 26 entries


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    26 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    I did not get max courage on the day specified, so instead I went to Karaoke on 6/25 instead of eating at Wakatsu which got me the rank up I needed.

    25 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    On 6/30

    24 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Watched a movie with Yukari instead of Wakatsu and ranked up my charm to popular.

    23 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    On 6/24, went to Wilduck instead of Hagakure Ramen and got badass

    22 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    my mistake 6/23

    21 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    Didn't get max rank for courage on 6/24

    20 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    For the justice follow the guide and always have justice persona and make sure that the questions that don’t offer points you answer nicely. Be nice to her!!! It should rank up just fine.

    19 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    because i wanted to continue the game i jst sacrifice a temperance social link

    18 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    The justice does not rank up to 4 no matter the choices. How are some people getting it and others are not? I did the walkthrough as it said and only had a few at the beginning but were easily fixed. So anybody who got the rank 4 for justice how did you do it? And if you followed the guide then you are either lying or did something different? Plz share

    17 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    I tried it and it still did not rank up for me.

    16 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    same things happened to me, but since i need to hurry i sacrifice other social link so i can make the justice one rank up to 4, have u tried to choose i read the classic already ?

    15 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    The Justice Social Link did not rank up to 4 for me on June 6. I made sure to follow the guide and have a Justice Persona at all times. Not sure if this matters, on May 23 event, when Chihiro asked " ...Um, do you read much, Makoto-san?", I responded with "I read manga." Maybe I should have chosen "I read the classics" and that would have given me enough points to Rank up on June 6.

    14 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Yes, it went to rank 4 for me. I have no issues with that social link.

    13 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    is the june 6 justice arcana go into rank 4 after school for you ? because on me it seems still stays at rank 3 , need answer thankyou

    12 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    is the june 6 justice arcana go into rank 4 after school for you ? because on me it seems still stays at rank 3 , need answer thankyou

    11 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Yeah, same exact thing here. Maxed out courage a day early, and not exactly sure what to so for the remaining day, or if that just doesn't matter.

    10 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    the justice social link on 6/6 is not going to the 4th rank , am i doing it wrong or is it just the way it is ?

    9 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    nevermind im just wrong

    8 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    June 6 has an unavoidable mission so this is completely wrong

    7 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    The courage skill ups seem to be out of sync, I maxed courage 1 day before I was meant to and this seemed to have happened back in April. Nothing else is out of sync so know I didn't do the wrong thing

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