Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

How to Fuse Succubus

Persona 3 Reload - How to Fuse Succubus
Succubus is a Persona from the Devil Arcana in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). See Succubus's stats, skills, weaknesses and resistances, and how to fuse Succubus with Charm Boost.

Succubus Overview

Arcana and Starting Level

Persona Arcana
Succubus Devil
Starting Level

Skills List

St Ma En Ag Lu
26 41 28 33 27
Skill Level Effect
Maeiga Innate Deals Dark damage to all foes.
Sexy Dance Innate Charms all foes. (40% chance)
Spirit Drain Innate Drains 20 SP from one foe.
Drain Ability 48 Doubles effectiveness of Life Drain and Spirit Drain.
Maragion 49 Deal medium Fire damage to all enemies
Eigaon 51 Deals Dark damage to 1 foe.
Evade Light 53 Triples evasion against Light attacks.

Weaknesses and Resistances

Resists Resistance
Pierce, Light None
Null Null
Repel Repel
Drain Drain
None Fire Dark

How to Get Succubus with Charm Boost Skill

How to Get Succubus with Charm Boost

Fuse the Narcissus With Jatayu to Create Succubus

Fuse Narcissus (Lovers) with a Jatayu (Sun) to obtain a Succubus. Be sure that the resulting Succubus from the fusion will inherit the Charm Boost Skill from Narcissus.

After acquiring a Succubus with the Charm Boost Skill, report it back to Elizabeth so that you could complete Request 23.

Episode Aigis Requests

Needed for Elizabeth's Request

In the Episode Aigis DLC, Elizabeth will request for you to get a Succubus with the Charm Boost Skill. Charm Boost cannot be obtained as a Skill Card in Shuffle Time.

List of All Elizabeth's Requests

How to Fuse Succubus

Fuse Oni and Naga Raja

Persona 3 Reload - Fusion

You can obtain Succubus when you fuse the following Personas.

Persona 1 Persona 2
Naga Raja

Fusion Guide

Fuse Seiru and Cu Chilainn

You can obtain Succubus when you fuse the following Personas.

Persona 1 Persona 2
- -

Fusion Guide

Fuse Two Personas that Result in a Persona with Devil Arcana

You can fuse Personas once you unlock the Velvet Room. You can find the room at the base of Tartarus or the hidden alley in Paulownia Mall.

The table below shows all the fusion combos that result in a Persona with Devil Arcana.

Arcana 1 Arcana 2
Fool Hanged Man
Fool Star
Magician Chariot
Empress Tower
Emperor Chariot
Lovers Sun
Chariot Emperor
Strength Moon
Death Temperance
Temperance Tower
Devil Devil
Judgement Strength
Judgement Death
Aeon Hermit

Fusion Guide

Persona 3 Reload Related Guides

Persona 3 Reload - Personas
All Personas and How to Unlock

All Personas by Arcana

All Personas by Arcana
Arcana 0Fool Arcana IMagician Arcana IIPriestess Arcana IIIEmpress
Arcana IVEmperor Arcana IXHierophant Arcana VLovers Arcana VIChariot
Arcana VIIJustice Arcana VIIIHermit Arcana XFortune Arcana XIStrength
Arcana XIIHanged Man Arcana XIIIDeath Arcana XIVTemperance Arcana XVDevil
Arcana XVITower Arcana XVIIStar Arcana XVIIIMoon Arcana XIXSun
Arcana XXJudgement Arcana XXIAeon

Persona Guides

Persona Guides
List of DLC Personas

All Devil Personas

Abaddon Baphomet Beelzebub Incubus
Lilim Lilith Mokoi Pazuzu
Succubus Vetala


1 Anonymous6 months

Kaiwan and Ose, and Kaiwan and Black frost work too


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