Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

List of All One-Handed Swords

One-Handed Sword is the weapon the Protagonist can wield in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Learn more about all of the one-handed swords, as well as their stats in this article.

List of All One-Handed Swords

All One-Handed Swords in Persona 3 Reload

Weapon Attack Hit Effect
Shortsword 38 95 -
Gladius 45 95 +10 HP
Saber 60 95 None
Steel Pipe 110 85 + Confuse (high)
Silver Saber 99 95 +2 Magic
Sin Blade 188 95 None
Gimlet 313 95 None
Excalibur 330 95 +100 SP
Deus Xiphos 360 99 Strength+7/Ignore enemy resistances
Onimaru Kunitsuna 125 90 +Random ailment (low)
Outenta Mitsuyo 177 95 +Counterstrike
Iron Edge 71 95 (+1) Endurance
Fudo Masamune 88 95 None
Nameless Katana 130 99 All stats+1
Nikkari Aoe 145 92 +Fear (high)
Holy Knight Sword 30 85 None
Long Wakizashi 65 95 +1 Magic, +1 Agility
Fatal Blade 230 88 +Random ailment (med)
SEES Sword 108 95 None
Amakuni 200 90 None
Legendary Cleaver 130 99 +Critical rate up (high)
Myoho Masamura 100 99 +Rage (high)
Kaneshige 300 95 +High Counter
Lucifer’s Blade 425 95 All stats+7/+Magic Ability
Omokage 173 95 +Light evasion (low)
Dual Sword 295 95 +30 SP
Translucent Blade 282 95 None
Envenomed Blade 269 95 +Poison (med)
Qi Xing Dao 257 95 None
Tajikarao Sword 240 95 Strength+3
Kogarasumaru 223 95 None
Pulsing Blade 200 95 +30 HP

Persona 3 Reload Related Guides

Persona 3 Reload Weapons Partial

List of All Equipment

All Weapon Types
One-Handed Swords Two-Handed Swords
Bow Gloves
Rapiers Guns
Knives Spears
Axes Fusion Weapons


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