Once Human

How to Get Smoke Grenade

Smoke Grenade is a type of Tactical Item used in Once Human. See a list of ingredients needed to craft Smoke Grenade here.

How to Get Smoke Grenade

Craft on Synthesis Bench

Crafting Smoke Grenade requires using a Synthesis Bench in your base. The materials used to craft this Tactical Items are a bit harder to come by and require advanced tools for acquisition.

How to Craft Smoke Grenade

Materials Needed

Tactical Item Materials
Smoke Grenade Copper Ingot x8
Waste Plastic x5
Standard Part x5
Rubber x5
Mixed Explosives x2

Smoke Grenade Info

Smoke Grenade Info
Description Don't underestimate the power of smoke. Upon activation, it releases a dense cloud of smoke for 30 seconds, providing immediate cover and bewildering enemies.

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