Assassin's Creed Valhalla

The Reeve of Wincestre Walkthrough

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This page is a walkthrough for The Reeve of Wincestre Quest in the game Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read on to learn more about the quest objectives, stealth routes, notables, and more!

Next Quest
Choking The Gallows

Starting Location

The quest starts in Ravensthorpe after pledging to Wincestre. This marks the beginning of The City of Faith story arc.

Quest Walkthrough

No. Objectives Guide
1 Find and speak to the man in white Travel to Wincestre and speak to the man in white inside the Old Minster.
WARNING: Wincestre will always be a distrust zone. Be wary of guards as you explore the city.
He will give you a test at the end of your conversation.
TIP: You can skip the test if you have level four charisma or higher.
2 Find the answer to the Christian test Fill up the progress bar by reading parchments inside the Old Minster.
Return to the priest and answer his test once the progress bar is filled.
TIP: Use Odin's SIght to highlight objects of interest.
Click here to see our guide for the Christian test!
3 Follow the priest The priest will lead you to a door on the upper level of the Old Minster.
Enter the door to initiate a cutscene.
Dialogue options during the cutscene are inconsequential to the overall story.
4 Investigate Goodwin's house Goodwin's house is located near then Witan Hall located west of the Old Minster.
Eliminate the guards and fill up the progress bar by analyzing clues inside his house.
Use Raven's-Eye View to determine the exact location of Goodwin's house.
Use Odin's Sight to highlight objects of interest.
5 Find and rescue Goodwin Head towards Wincestre Garrison and rescue Goodwin inside its keep.
You can storm your way from the front or sneak inside.
Click here for our stealth guide into Wincestre Garrison!
6 Find and get the documents Goodwin's documents are located behind a barred door at the third level of the Garrison's keep.
Refer to parts eight and nine of our stealth guide to know how to get into the room.
7 Speak to Goodwin Speak to Goodwin outside of Witan Hall to initiate a cutscene.
The quest finishes after the cutscene.

Christian Test Answers

The Reeve of Wincestre - Christian test answers.png
The test answers will show up as dialogue options after reading three parchments inside the Old Minster. Select them in the right order to pass the test.

Refer to the table below for the correct order of dialogue options:

Order Dialogue Option
1 "He was cleansed in the river."
2 "His face shone like the sun."
3 "They did not find him when they looked."

Stealth Guide: Sneaking into Wincestre Garrison

IMPORTANT: It is recommended that you have the Advanced Assassination skill for this method.
Start by sneaking along Wincestre Garrison's outer wall.
Eliminate any guards in the way.
Look for a building with a key inside it using Odin's Sight.
Head to the roof via the branches of this tree.
WARNING: A guard may be stationed atop the building. Snipe him via Hunter Bows or Predator Bows if necessary.
Jump down towards the stairs and sneak to the edge of the building.
Make sure the coast is clear before dropping down.
Sneak into the building and grab the key inside.
TIP: Guards will not react to the sound of the door opening. Just make sure no one is looking towards your path or directly at the door before crossing.
Cut through the bushes and unlock the door that leads to the garrison's keep.
Survey enemy positions via Odin's Sight before exiting the doorway.
You can enter the keep from the front or sides depending on their positions. Adjust your route accordingly.
Prioritize taking out the archer overlooking the entire area with your bow.
You can shoot the platform the archer's standing on top of to instantly kill him. Make sure no one else is around you before shooting the arrow to avoid detection.
Goodwin is behind a barred cellar door at the keep's basement.
Head to the upper levels of the keep and look for a barred door that leads to the documents.
Shoot the link of the other barred door from the narrow window beside the first one.
Head to the highest floor and look for the door you unbarred earlier.
Jump down and enter the room to grab the documents.

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