Assassin's Creed Valhalla

The Order of The Ancients Guide | All Target Locations

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This is a guide for The Order of The Ancients in Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read on to know general information, mechanics, and each Zealot's and member's location!

This page contains major spoilers regarding Assassin's Creed Valhalla's story. Read on if you do NOT mind spoilers!

What is The Order of The Ancients?

The Order of The Ancients - Codex Entry.png
The Order of The Ancients is a secret group that has infiltrated the upper echelons of powerful kingdoms around the world in pursuit of their own agenda and is the sworn enemies of The Hidden Ones.

Hytham tasks you with finding and assassinating its members to free England from the Order's control.

The power levels of these targets can range anywhere from 90 to 340. It is recommended that you go through the list slowly and take the time to improve your own power level and equipment.

Finish the To Serve The Light quest to unlock The Order of The Ancients Menu.

Revealing Their Identities

The Order of The Ancients - How to Reveal Their Identities.png
Members of the order are revealed by either playing through the story or exploring the world in search of Zealots and clues. Read on to understand The Order of The Ancients' heirarchy!


The Order of The Ancients - Zealots.png
Zealots are powerful warriors that mostly act as enforcers of the Order's will among the general population as they travel across England. Most of them report directly to a specific Preost or Palatinus so killing one may reveal the first clue regarding their superior's whereabouts.

It is important to note that Zealots spawn at random times in specific regions across England during your playthrough. Killing Leofrith during the Heavy Is The Head quest may shorten your wait, but it comes at the cost of Zealots actively hunting you down going forward.

Preost or Palatinus

The Order of The Ancients - Preosts and Palatinii.png
A Preost or Palatinus occupy the middle of the heirarchy and report directly to a specific Maegester. These particular members can be found via specific story arc quests or through clues scattered across the world.


The Order of The Ancients - Maegesters.png
Maegesters are high-ranking officials within The Order of The Ancients and answer directly to the Grand Maegester. Each Maegester (except The Instrument) has a mix of six Preosts or Palatinii under his or her wing. Killing all six subordinates will reveal a Maegester's location.

Grand Maegester

The Order of The Ancients - Grand Maegester.png
The Grand Maegester is the head that oversees the entire order's operations in a specific region, making it the highest rank one can achieve. Eliminate all other members of the order to unlock a quest that leads to the Grand Maegester's whereabouts.

Zealot Locations

Beorhtsige Bercthun Callin
Cola Cudberct Eorforwine
Heike Horsa Hrothgar
Kendall Osgar Redwalda
Wealdmaer Woden Wuffa

Click the link to take you to that Zealot's section.


Power Level 280
Where to Find Beorhtsige can be seen on horseback roaming the outskirts of Glowecestre.

How to Beat Beorhtsige


Power Level 340
Where to Find Bercthun can be seen walking along the roads of Hamtunscire.

How to Beat Bercthun


Power Level 280
Where to Find Callin can be seen around the southeast border of Eurvicscire on horseback.

How to Beat Callin


Power Level 90
Where to Find Cola can be seen travelling along the northern roads of Ledecestrescire on horseback. He is known to reach all the way up to Snotingham in the region of Snotinghamscire.

How to Beat Cola


Power Level 160
Where to Find Cudberct can be seen along the northwest roads of Lunden in the region of Oxenefordscire.

How to Beat Cudberct


Power Level 90
Where to Find Eorforwine can be seen travelling across the northern swamps of Grantebridgescire on horseback.

How to Beat Eorforwine


Power Level 250
Where to Find Heike can be seen roaming the Epinga Forest of Essexe on horseback.

How to Beat Heike


Power Level 130
Where to Find Horsa can be seen roaming the roads north of Buckingham in the region of Oxenefordscire on foot.

How to Beat Horsa


Power Level 280
Where to Find Hrothgar can be seen around the outskirts of Crawleah in the region of Suthsexe.

How to Beat Hrothgar


Power Level 90
Where to Find Kendall can be seen travelling the southern roads of Grantebridgescire on horseback.

How to Beat Kendall


Power Level 220
Where to Find Osgar can be seen travelling the roads of Lincolnscire on horseback.

How to Beat Osgar


Power Level 90
Where to Find Redwalda can be seen near the ruins of Venonis in Ledecestrescire on horseback.

How to Beat Redwalda


Power Level 160
Where to Find Wealdmaer can be seen roaming the roads west of Quatford in the region of Sciropscire.

How to Beat Wealdmaer


Power Level 220
Where to Find Woden can be seen travelling the western roads of Cent on horseback.

How to Beat Woden


Power Level 160
Where to Find Wuffa can be seen along the roads of Theotford Forest in the region of East Anglia on horseback.

How to Beat Wuffa

Inner Circle Locations

Preosts & Palatinii
The Adze The Anvil The Arrow
The Ash-Spear The Axe The Baldric
The Bell The Billhook The Compass
The Crozier The Dart The Firebrand
The Gallows The Lathe The Leech
The Needle The Oil The Quill
The Scabbard The Seax The Sickle
The Tang The Vault The Vellum
The Keel The Vice The Instrument
The Lyre The Rake

Click the link to take you to that member's section.

Preosts & Palatinii

[The Adze] Gunilla

Order Target - The Adze.png
Gunilla is located by the docks in Repton, found in the region of Ledecestrescire once all her clues are unlocked.

Unveil her first clue by killing the Zealot, Cola.

Where to Find The Adze

[The Anvil] Patrick

Order Target - The Anvil.png
Patrick is located in Oxeneforda, found in the region of Oxenefordscire once all his clues are unlocked.

Unveil his first clue by killing The Scabbard or the Zealot, Cudberct.

Where to Find The Anvil

[The Arrow] Avgos Spearhand

Order Target - The Arrow.png
Avgos Spearhand can only be killed during the Firing The Arrow quest of The City of War story arc.

Where to Find The Arrow

[The Ash-Spear] Gifle

Order Target - The Ash-Spear.png
Gifle is located in the Forest Hideout, east of Grantebridge once all his clues are unlocked.

Unveil his first clue by killing either The Lathe or the Zealot, Wuffa.

Where to Find The Ash-Spear

[The Axe] Kjotve The Cruel

Order Target - The Axe.png
Kjotve is killed during the A Cruel Destiny quest of The Battle for The Northern Way story arc.

Where to Find The Axe

[The Baldric] Hunta, Son of Hunta

Order Target - The Baldric.png
Hunta is automatically revealed after the To Serve The Light quest and is located in Ledecestre in the region of Ledecestrescire.

Where to Find The Baldric

[The Bell] Beneseck of Bath

Order Target - The Bell.png
Beneseck of Bath is located in Brimclif Monastery, located in the region of Suthsexe once all his clues are unlocked.

Unveil his first clue by killing The Billhook.

Where to Find The Bell

[The Billhook] Havelok

Order Target - The Billhook.png
Havelok is located in Lincoln, found in the region of Lincolnscire once all his clues are unlocked.

Unveil his first clue by killing The Vellum or the Zealot, Osgar.

Where to Find The Billhook

[The Compass] Vicelin

Order Target - The Compass.png
Vicelin can only be killed during the Smashing The Compass quest of The City of War story arc.

Where to Find The Compass

[The Crozier] Bishop Herefrith

Order Target - The Crozier.png
Bishop Herefrith can only be killed during the A Sword-Shower in Anecastre quest of The Lay of Hunwald story arc.

Where to Find The Crozier

[The Dart] Tata, Defender of Otta's Wyrd

Order Target - The Dart.png
The dart is located at the stable of Quatford, found in the region of Sciropscire once all his clues are unlocked.

Unveil his first clue by killing The Vellum or the Zealot, Wealdmaer.

Where to Find The Dart

[The Firebrand] Abbess Ingeborg

Order Target - The Firebrand.png
Abbess Ingeborg can only be killed during the Burning The Firebrand quest of The City of Greed story arc.

Where to Find The Firebrand

[The Gallows] Selwyn

Order Target - The Gallows.png
Selwyn can only be killed during the Choking The Gallows quest of The City of Faith story arc.

Where to Find The Gallows

[The Lathe] Mucel, Heir to What He Tells

Order Target - The Lathe.png
Mucel is located in Buckingham, found in the region of Oxenefordscire once all his clues are unlocked.

Unveil his first clue by killing either The Adze or the Zealot, Horsa.

Where to Find The Lathe

[The Leech] Sister Frideswid

Order Target - The Leech.png
Sister Frideswid can only be killed during the Bleeding The Leech quest of The City of War story arc.

Where to Find The Leech

[The Needle] Grigorii

Order Target - The Needle.png
Grigorii can only be killed during the Pricking The Needle quest of The City of Greed story arc.

Where to Find The Needle

[The Oil] Yohanes Loukas

Order Target - The Oil.png
Yohanes Loukas is located in Fearnhame Ruins, located in the region of Hamtunscire once all his clues are unlocked.

Unveil his first clue by killing The Adze or the Zealot, Hrothgar

Where to Find The Oil

[The Quill] Hilda

Order Target - The Quill.png
Hilda can only be killed during the Plucking The Quill of The City of Faith story arc.

Where to Find The Quill

[The Scabbard] Leofgifu

Order Target - The Scabbard.png
Leofgifu is automatically revealed after the To Serve The Light quest and is located near Utbech Camp in the region of Grantebridgescire.

Where to Find The Scabbard

[The Seax] Ealhferth

Order Target - The Seax.png
Ealhferth can only be killed during the Impaling The Seax quest of The City of Faith story arc.

Where to Find The Seax

[The Sickle] Heika of Friesland

Order Target - The Sickle.png
Heika is located in Colcestre, located in the region of Essexe once all her clues are unlocked.

Unveil her first clue by killing the Zealot, Woden.

Where to Find The Sickle

[The Tang] Wigmund

Order Target - The Tang.png
Wigmund can only be killed during the An Island of Eels quest of The Song of Soma story arc.

Where to Find The Tang

[The Vault] Audun

Order Target - The Vault.png
Audun can only be killed during the Closing The Vault quest of The City of Greed story arc.

Where to Find The Vault

[The Vellum] Eanbhert

Order Target - The Vellum.png
Eanbhert is located inside a barred house at Glowecestre's docks, found in the region of Glowecestrescire once all his clues are unlocked.

Unveil his first clue by killing The Baldric or the Zealot, Beorhtsige.

Where to Find The Vellum


[The Keel] Gorm Kjotvesson

Order Target - The Keel.png
Gorm is located in Narfljot Camp in Vinland and can only be killed during the Hunter of Beasts quest of the Vinland Saga story arc. You gain access to Vinland once all six order members directly linked to Gorm are killed.

The Keel's Subordinates:

Where to Find The Keel

[The Vice] Reeve Derby The Vice

Order Target - The Vice.png
Reeve Derby will spawn in Picheringa located in the region of Eurvicscire once all six members directly linked to him are killed.

The Vice's Subordinates:

Where to Find The Vice

[The Instrument] Fulke

Order Target - The Instrument.png
Fulke can only be killed during the Storming The Walls quest of The Instrument of The Ancients story arc and has no subordinates under her wing.

[The Lyre] Tatfrid

Order Target - The Lyre.png
Tatfrid will spawn in Grantebridge in the region of Grantebridgescire once all six members directly linked to him are killed.

The Lyre's Subordinates:

Where to Find The Lyre

[The Rake] Sister Blaeswith The Rake

Order Target - The Rake.png
Sister Blaeswith will spawn near Canterbury located in the region of Cent once all six members directly linked to her are killed.

The Rake's Subordinates:

The Grand Maegester's Location

The Grand Maegester - Aelfred.png
Aelfred, King of Wessex, is the Grand Maegester of The Order of The Ancients and can only be confronted during The Poor Fellow-Soldier quest. He is the only Order member that cannot be killed. Instead, Aelfred will give you his Order medallion after a series of cutscenes during the quest.

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