Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Fishing Guide: How to Fish

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This is a guide on how to successfully Fish in Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla). If you want to find out how to reel your catches in and what rewards you can get from them, read on!

What is Fishing

Fishing in Assassin's Creed Valhalla is one of the many activities you can partake in when you're not busy with quests or a fight.

It offers great rewards for every fish you catch - these rewards can range from small Runes to weapon upgrading Ingots!

Fishing Guide: How to Fish?

ACV - FIshing Hut.png

Fishing in itself is a simple task, but to fully unlock the potential of the activity, you must first build the Fishing Hut in your settlement.

From there, you can talk to young Arth about what fish you can get and for what reward.

Find a Place

ACV - Fishing Spot.png

When Fishing, find a river or a larger body of water to do it from. If you so wished, you can even do it from your Longship.

When you're comfortable, hold down 'L2' and tap 'R2' to cast your Fishing Line. You generally want to cast your line to where the surface of the water is disturbed by schools of fish.

Wait for the bite

ACV - Fish Spot.png

There are two ways for you to know if a fish has bit your bait: when you see a fish from the surface swim towards where your hook is, and when you hear a sloshing sound and feel a vibration from your controller.

Reeling it in

ACV - Caught Fish.png

Once a Fish bit your bait, reel it in by tapping 'X'.

The fish will try to break free and swim away, so be sure to mash 'X' while controlling your line so you can get your catch. This also creates line tension, which might break your line. So catch them quick!

Fish Locations

ACV - Fantastic Fish and Where to Find Them.png

Fish types are scattered throughout the world in Valhalla. While talking to Arth can give you an idea of what fish to focus on, you'll need to build the Trading Post.

From there, you can buy Fantastic Fish and Where to Find Them from Ayli, which shows you where you can find certain types of fish.

Fantastic Fishes and Where to Find Them, Part I

You can purchase Fantastic Fishes and Where to Find Them, Part I from Ayli. The scroll is available to buy once you upgrade your Settlement to Rank 2.

Fish Location
Halibut Coasts off of Grantebridgescire, East Anglia, Lincolnscire, Eurvicscire
Shad Coasts off of Grantebridgescire, East Anglia, Lincoln
Haddock Coasts off of East Anglia, Lincolnscire, Eurvicscire
Cod Coasts off of East Anglia, Cent, Essexe
Perch Rivers of Ledecestrescire, Grantebridgescire, East Anglia, Oxenefordscire, Sciropescire, Lincolnscire, Eurvicscire, Snotinghamscire
Eel Rivers of Ledecestrescire, Grantebridgescire, East Anglia, Oxenefordscire, Sciropescire
Bullhead Rivers of Ledecestrescire, Grantebridgescire, East Anglia, Oxnefordscire, Sciropescire, Essexe, Lincolnscire, Eurvicscire, Glowecestrescire, Snotinghamscire
Brown Trout Rivers of Ledecestrescire,Sciropescire, Lincolnscire, Eurvicscire, Glowecestrescire, Snotinghamscire

Fantastic Fishes and Where to Find Them, Part II

You'll be able to purchase the Fantastic Fishes and Where to Find Them, Part II scroll once your settlement hits Rank 3 from Ayli at the Trading Post.

Fish Locations
Flatfish Coasts off of Cent, Essexe, Suthsexe, Hamtunscire
Bream Coasts off of Cent, Essexe, Sutsexe, Hamtunscire
Bollock Rivers of Cent, Essexe, Suthsexe, Hamtunscire
Burbot RIvers of Oxenefordscire, Cent, Sciropescire, Suthsexe, Glowecestrescire, Hamtunscire
Salmon Rivers of Lincolnscire, Eurvicscire, Snotinghamscire
Grey Trout Rivers of Cent, Essexe, Suthsexe, Hamtunscire
Sturgeon Rivers and seas around Cent, Suthsexe, Hamtunscire

Fantastic Fishes and Where to Find Them, Part III

The Fantastic Fishes and Where to Find Them, Part III can be bought once again from Ayli when your settlement hits Rank 4.

Fish Locations
Redfish Seas of Rygafylke and Hordafylke
Mackerel Seas of Rygafylke and Hordafylke
Hake Rygafylke and Hordafylke
Arctic Char Seas of Rygafylke and Hordafylke

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1 Bazsiover 4 years

Sziasztok.Nekem az lenne a problémám ,hogy eloveszem a zsinórt és nem kezdi el pörgetni.Ha ranyomok az Aim-re előveszi a fegyvert és elkezd csaápolni vele..( víz melett állok stb) Nem tudom járt -e valaki hasonló képpen..


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