Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Artifact Locations


This is a guide to all the Artifact locations in the game Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Read on to learn where you can find them and how to get them!

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Artifacts

Treasure Hoard Locations

Hamtunscire Treasure Hoard Map.png

All Treasure Hoard Map Locations

Treasure Hoards
Rygjafylke Grantebridgescire
Ledecestrescire East Anglia
Oxenefordscire Sciropescire
Cent Essexe
Suthsexe Lincolnscire
Jorvik Eurvicscire
Glowecestrescire Snotinghamscire
Wincestre Hamtunscire
Dublin Meath
Connacht Ulster

Flying Paper Locations

Rygjalfylke Tattoo Locations.png

All Flying Paper Locations

Flying Papers
Rygjafylke Ledecestrescire
Grantebridgescire East Anglia
Oxenefordscire Sciropescire
Cent Lunden
Essexe Suthsexe
Lincolnscire Jorvik
Eurvicscire Glowecestrescire
Snotinghamscire Wincestre
Hordafylke Hamtunscire
Dublin Meath
Connacht Ulster

Cursed Symbols Locations

Grantebridgescire Cursed Symbol.png

All Cursed Symbol Locations

Cursed Symbols
Ledecestrescire Grantebridgescire
East Anglia Oxenefordscire
Sciropescire Cent
Lincolnscire Suthsexe
Essexe Eurvicscire
Glowecestrescire Snotinghamscire
Hamtunscire Meath
Connacht Ulster

Roman Artifact Locations

Hamtunscire Roman Artifact.png

All Roman Artifact Locations

Roman Artifacts
Ledecestrescire Grantebridgescire
East Anglia Oxenefordscire
Sciropescire Cent
Lincolnscire Suthsexe
Essexe Eurvicscire
Jorvik Glowecestrescire
Snotinghamscire Hamtunscire

Rigsogur Fragment Locations

Rigsogur Fragment.png

All Rigsogur Fragment Locations

Rigsogur Fragments
Ledecestrescire Grantebridgescire
East Anglia Oxenefordscire
Sciropescire Cent
Lincolnscire Suthsexe
Essexe Snotinghamscire

Irish Cycle Page Locations


IMPORTANT: The Wrath of the Druids DLC is required to gain access into Ireland.

All Irish Cycle Page Locations

Irish Cycle Pages
Dublin Meath
Connacht Ulster

Ui Neill Artifact Locations


IMPORTANT: The Wrath of the Druids DLC is required to gain access into Ireland.

All Ui Neill Artifact Locations

Ui Neill Artifacts
Dublin Meath
Connacht Ulster

All Artifact Locations per Region

Rygjafylke Hordafylke
Ledecestrescire Grantebridgescire
East Anglia Lunden
Oxenefordscire Sciropescire
Cent Essexe
Suthsexe Lincolnscire
Jorvik Eurviscire
Glowecestrescire Snotinghamscire
Wincestre Hamtunscire

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Related Guides

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Quests Weapons
Armors Skills
Abilities Wealth Locations
Mysteries Locations Artifact Locations
Tips and Tricks Settlement Guide
Characters News, Updates, and Patch Notes
The Order of The Ancients Guide World Events
DLC Content The Children of Danu Guide
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