Assassin's Creed Valhalla

List of Two-Handed Weapons

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This is the list of all Two-Handed weapons in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read on to find out all of the Two-Handed weapon types and each of the weapons there.

List of Two-Handed Weapons

Dane Axes

BearBattle SparthBattle Sparth Atk Spd Stun
85 32 79
Crit Wgt
47 19
Skill: Increase Attack when surrounded by more than 3 enemies
BearVordrVordr's Bite Atk Spd Stun
106 30 97
Crit Wgt
54 19
Skill: Heavy Combo Finisher Hits have a chance to drop a Poison Cloud
RavenSepulcher AxeSepulcher Axe Atk Spd Stun
61 37 56
Crit Wgt
43 17
Skill: Ignite your weapon after critical hits
RavenAellaAella's Bardiche Atk Spd Stun
72 38 66
Crit Wgt
47 17
Skill: Increase Speed when low Health
WolfBone-BiterBone-Biter Atk Spd Stun
69 35 65
Crit Wgt
43 18
Skill: Increases Stun after a heavy hit [up to 10 times]
WolfHemmingHemming's Axe Atk Spd Stun
101 34 92
Crit Wgt
54 18
Skill: Increase Heavy Damage when low Health
WolfLagerthaLagertha's Axe Atk Spd Stun
95 33 88
Crit Wgt
51 18
Skill: Increase Critical Damage when surrounded by more than 3 enemies

Great Swords

BearCarolingian LongswordCarolingian Longsword Atk Spd Stun
71 41 40
Crit Wgt
47 18
Skill: Increase Critical Damage after a finished [up to 5 times]
BearEgyptian KhopeshEgyptian Khopesh Atk Spd Stun
36 45 62
Crit Wgt
49 17
Skill: Ignite your weapon after critical hits
BearSaint GeorgeSaint George's Holy Sword Atk Spd Stun
65 31 35
Crit Wgt
45 18
Skill: Heavy Critical knocks enemies on the ground
BearExcaliburExcalibur Atk Spd Stun
103 40 69
Crit Wgt
59 18
Skill: Heavy Finishers & Criticals blind all enemies around
RavenDoppelhanderDoppelhander Atk Spd Stun
56 48 26
Crit Wgt
49 16
Skill: Heavy hits on fallen enemies poison them


BearGungnirGungnir Atk Spd Stun
87 48 74
Crit Wgt
77 17
Skill: The Spear's reach is extended by a force field
RavenFyrd SpearFyrd Spear Atk Spd Stun
41 55 25
Crit Wgt
64 15
Skill: Increase Speed when Dodging
RavenCadfarch SpearCadfarch Spear Atk Spd Stun
46 56 30
Crit Wgt
66 15
Skill: Increase Back Damage when dodging
WolfGae BolgGae Bolg Atk Spd Stun
92 50 73
Crit Wgt
75 14
Skill: Lightning shocks the enemy after 3 Consecutive Hits
WolfByzantine SpearByzantine Spear Atk Spd Stun
49 54 30
Crit Wgt
66 12
Skill: Increase Critical Chance the lighter you are
WolfAnentaks SpearAnentaks Spear Atk Spd Stun
45 52 31
Crit Wgt
64 16
Skill: Increase Heavy Damage when dodging
WolfFafnirFafnir's Fang Atk Spd Stun
45 52 31
Crit Wgt
64 16
Skill: Increase Critical Chance when surrounded by three or more enemies

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