Assassin's Creed Valhalla

All Treasure Hoard Map Locations

This page is about the Treasure Hoard Maps in the game Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Read on to learn more where to find the maps and how to get the Treasure Hoards themselves.

Treasure Hoard Locations

Rygjafylke Treasure Hoard Map Location

Rygjafylke Treasure Hoard Map.png

Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 1 Inside of a house; laid over a table.

The map is in the town just in front of Kjotve's Fortress. You may wish to secure the map later on when you've finished the quest related to the area, just to avoid hostilities and the chaos involved with the quest.

Rygjafylke Treasure Hoard Guide

Ledecestrescire Treasure Hoard Map Location

Ledecestrescire Treasure Hoard Map.png

Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 1 The map is underground. Near where the pin for the artifact is, there is a tunnel. Hidden behind a few boxes you can destroy, there is a small opening you can slide in through to get to the map.

You can find the entrance to the ungerground tunnels along the stoned river bank south of the pin for Venonis. You'll know the exact place when you see a man standing beside a line of caught fish.

Ledecestrescire Treasure Hoard Guide

Grantebridgescire Treasure Hoard Map Location

Grantebridgescire Treasure Hoard Map.png

Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 1 Get the map from the raised hand of a statue on top of the tower in Besuncen Tor.

Besuncen Tor is directly south of your Settlement in Ravensthorpe, across the river. Look for the only remaining platform of the topmost level of the tower to grab the map from the statue.

Grantebridgescire Treasure Hoard Guide

East Anglia Treasure Hoard Map Location

East Anglia Treasure Hoard Map.png

Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 1 You must first find the key inside of the tower you can synchronize from. Afterwards, the map will be waitin on a table to be picked up.

The map you can get is a literal map, and not a riddle you need to decipher.

East Anglia Treasure Hoard Guide

Oxenefordscire Treasure Hoard Map Location

Oxenefordscire Treasure Hoard Map.png

Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 1 Must be accessed through a mine; there is an accessway through Eatun Barn to the south. You must break a breakable wall with an oil jar, which can be found near the northern most building in the area.
Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 2 In Hammeham, you'll find a boarded up well. Destroy the wood and climb down to get the map.

Oxenefordscire Treasure Hoard Guide

Sciropescire Treasure Hoard Map Location

Sciropescire Treasure Hoard Map.png

Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 1 Inside of the tower in the Hill Gate Remnants location, you must shoot down the heavy rubble hanging above a breakable segment of the floor. Enter it, and claim the map at the end of the hall.

Hill Gate Remants can be found just southwest of Wenloch Abbey and west of Wenloch Outpost.

Sciropescire Treasure Hoard Guide

Cent Treasure Hoard Map Location

Cent Treasure Hoard Map.png

Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 1 The map sits at the very top of Dover Pharos' main tower.

East of Folcanstan. There is also a World Event in the area that you may wish to accomplish first prior to getting the map.

Cent Treasure Hoard Guide

Lincolnscire Treasure Hoard Map Location

Lincolnscire Treasure Hoard Map.png

Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 1 Inside of a house; you can find the key to get in inside of the waters opposite of the house's entrance.

The area the map is in is loosely guarded by several bandits. You can try sneaking past them by swimming in the pond first to fetch the key, and then sneaking into the locked house. It's better to eleminate all the bandits for the XP points however.

Lincolnscire Treasure Hoard Guide

Suthsexe Treasure Hoard Map Location

Suthsexe Treasure Hoard Map.png

Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 1 The map is on a table inside of the Crawleah Warehouse in Crawleah.
Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 2 Inside of 'The Witch's House.' The front door cannot be interacted with nor opened - instead, go around to the back of the house where you'll find a breakable panel small enough for you to slide through. Break it, and burn the flammable gas within the house so you can safely get the map.
Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 3 You can find the map inside of the Monk's Lair.

Suthsexe Treasure Hoard Guide

Essexe Treasure Hoard Map Location

Essexe Treasure Hoard Map.png

Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 1 Inside the northwestern tower of Sancta Helena's Church, you will have to find a key on the other side of the church that unlocks the tower for you, where the map is waiting at the very top. You can also scale the tower from the outside and grab the map from a breakable window.

There are several guards in the area that are easy enough to dispatch as you make your way up to the map.

Essexe Treasure Hoard Guide

Eurvicscire Treasure Hoard Map Location

Euvicscire Treasure Hoard Map.png

Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 1 You can grab it on a stool on top of the building in the Petuaria Ruins

There is a combination of tightropes and walls you have to traverse to reach the top of the ruins.

Eurvicscire Treasure Hoard Guide

Jorvik Treasure Hoard Map Location

Jorvik Treasure Hoard Map.png

Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 1 Inside of The Minster; you can get in through the main tower. When you get to the large hall with the treasure chest, you'll find a movable block tucked away on the left corner - move and take the map.

Inside of The Minster, consider hunting down the various treasures scattered around the Church. You know you're on the right tower when you're trying to get into the building if you don't spot the glitches caused by a nearby Animus Anomaly.

Jorvik Treasure Hoard Guide

Glowecestrescire Treasure Hoard Map Location

Glowecestrescire Treasure Hoard Map.png

Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 1 On a plate that the statue in Sabrina's Spring is holding.

The area where the statue and the Treasure Hoard Map are in is a very heavily forested part of Glowecestrescire. The statue stands inside of a pool with a chest you may wish to consider plundering before moving on.

Glowecestrescire Treasure Hoard Guide

Snotinghamscire Treasure Hoard Map Location

Snotinghamscire Treasure Hoard Map.png

Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 1 Beneath the temple; you can get past the barred door by slipping through a low crack on the wall next to it, hidden behind pottery.

Deep within the Abandoned Library, northeast of Hemthorpe.

Snotinghamscire Treasure Hoard Guide

Wincestre Treasure Hoard Map Location

Wincestre Treasure Hoard Map.png

Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 1 Inside of the southern most building in WIncestre Seminary. There is a window in the eastern side of the building you can destroy to get in.
Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 2 Inside of the Bishops Residence, on the second floor behind the breakable door.

Wincestre Treasure Hoard Guide

Hamtunscire Treasure Hoard Map Location

Hamtunscire Treasure Hoard Map.png

Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 1 Beneath the ruins guarded by several soldiers; destroy the breakable floor section and claim it.

You can find Fearnhamme just west of the border with Suthsexe, and in Hamtunscire's eastern regions. You may choose to go directly against the guards fighting in this area or go by way of the roof.

Hamtunscire Treasure Hoard Guide

Dublin (Ireland) Treasure Hoard Map Location


Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 1 The Map is locked inside a cave at Dublin's southern bay. The key for the cave's entrance is just ahead of the pier. Use Odin's Sight to see the key's exact location underwater.

Dublin Treasure Hoard Guide

Meath (Ireland) Treasure Hoard Map Location


Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 1 The Map is inside a house located in the islet northwest of Durrow. Break the door open with any attack and grab the map inside.
Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 2 The Map is located among the wreckage of a caravan along the highway. Watch out for wolves in the area.
Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 3 The Map is located in a bandit camp at the heart of Meath's bog. Be mindful of a Child of Danu known as The Whisper since they roam this area as well.

Meath Treasure Hoard Guide

Connacht (Ireland) Treasure Hoard Map Location


Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 1 The map is underneath a breakable stone floor located along the northern rock face of Downpatrick Head. Use the Incendiary Powder Trap skill to breach the floor.
Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 2 The map is at a moss-covered shrine in the woods between Lough Rea and Lough Tuam.
Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 3 The map is out in the open, beside a broken cart north of Lough Rea.

Connacht Treasure Hoard Guide

Ulster (Ireland) Treasure Hoard Map Location


Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 1 The map is within an abandoned house west of Donegal. You can enter via an opening on the roof or through windows and breakable walls around the house.
Map Location
Treasure Hoard Map 2 The map is inside an elevated cottage by the river south of Dysert trade post. Unbar the door by shooting the link from the window on the opposite side.

Ulster Treasure Hoard Guide

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Related Guides


Artifacts Top Page

Artifact Types

Treasure Hoards Cursed Symbols
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Rigsogur Fragments Irish Cycle Pages
Ui Neill Artifacts


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