Assassin's Creed Valhalla

All Rigsogur Fragment Locations

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This page is about the Rigsogur Fragments in the game Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Read on to learn more about their locations and how to get them.

Rigsogur Fragment Locations

Ledecestrescire Rigsogur Fragment

Ledecestrescire Rigsogur Fragment.png

Map Location
Rigsogur Fragment 1 In the city of Repton, the page is underground. You can gain access to it by an underground tunnel slightly northeast from where you can find the marker for the artifact.

Ledecestrescire Rigsogur Fragment Locations

Grantebridgescire Rigsogur Fragment

Grantebridgescire Rigsogur Fragment.png

Map Location
Rigsogur Fragment 1 The page sits on a table in Soma's bedroom.

Grantebridgescire Rigsogur Fragment Locations

East Anglia Rigsogur Fragment

East Anglia Rigsogur Fragment.png

Map Location
Rigsogur Fragment 1 Inside the longhouse of the city of Northwic, you can find the Saga Page on the second floor, above the king's chambers.

East Anglia Rigsogur Fragment Locations

Oxenefordscire Rigsogur Fragment

Oxenefordscire Rigsogur Fragment.png

Map Location
Rigsogur Fragment 1 Located west of Evinghou Tower, you can find the Saga Page inside of the Longboat.

Oxenefordscire Rigsogur Fragment Locations

Sciropescire Rigsogur Fragment

Sciropescire Rigsogur Fragment.png

Map Location
Rigsogur Fragment 1 Inside of a small hut in Quatford, the page is on the table.

Sciropescire Rigsogur Fragment Locations

Cent Rigsogur Fragment

Cent Rigsogur Fragment.png

Map Location
Rigsogur Fragment 1 The fragment is located inside of the Church; you must enter it and climb up to the second floor to get it on the table.

Cent Rigsogur Fragment Locations

Lincolnscire Rigsogur Fragment

Lincolnscire Rigsogur Fragment.png

Map Location
Rigsogur Fragment 1 You can get the page inside of the house at the town of Grimsby's docks.

Lincolnscire Rigsogur Fragment Locations

Suthsexe Rigsogur Fragment

Suthsexe Rigsogur Fragment.png

Map Location
Rigsogur Fragment 1 The page is inside of the longhouse in Croindene, on the second floor.

Suthsexe Rigsogur Fragment Locations

Essexe Rigsogur Fragment

Essexe Rigsogur Fragment.png

Map Location
Rigsogur Fragment 1 The page can be found on the second floor of the Ealdorman's House, in the bedroom on top of a table.

Essexe Rigsogur Fragment Locations

Snotinghamscire Rigsogur Fragment

Snotinghamscire Rigsogur Fragment.png

Map Location
Rigsogur Fragment 1 In the longship, the fragment should be on a table near the far end of the hall.

Snotinghamscire Rigsogur Fragment Locations

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