Assassin's Creed Valhalla

All Ui Neill Artifact Locations

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This is a guide for Ui Neill Artifacts in Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read on to know their locations across Ireland and how to get them!

IMPORTANT: The Wrath of the Druids DLC is required to gain access into Ireland.

Ui Neill Artifact Locations

Dublin Ui Neill Artifact


Map Location
Ui Neill Artifact 1 The artifact is located inside a tomb encased in stone. Enter the tomb by destroying the breakable wall with the Incendiary Power Trap ability.

Dublin Ui Neill Artifact Guide

Meath Ui Neill Artifact


Map Location
Ui Neill Artifact 1 The artifact is located underneath the hill. Look for an entrance to the northwest and head down. Once you're at the bottom, destroy the breakable wall by either via an oil jar inside the room to the left or Incendiary Powder Trap.

Meath Ui Neill Artifact Guide

Connacht Ui Neill Artifact


Map Location
Ui Neill Artifact 1 The artifact is underneath a hill located between Lackanscaul and Clonfert Abbey. Look for a breakable wall south of the artifact's map icon and breach the wall using the oil jars in front of it. Ignite the poison gas inside before quickly grabbing the artifact.

Connacht Ui Neill Artifact Guide

Ulster Ui Neill Artifacts


Map Location
Ui Neill Artifact 1 The artifact is located underneath a hill. Look for the entrance south of the artifact's map icon. You can break the wall within with an incendiary powder trap or by grabbing an oil jar from a raided camp down by the river and throwing it at the wall.
Map Location
Ui Neill Artifact 2 The artifact is underneath a hill south of Dysert trade post. The entrance into the hill is located west of the artifact's map icon, blocked by a breakable door. Ignite the poisonous gas that fills the hallway leading to the artifact to ensure safe passage.

Ulster Ui Neill Artifact Guide

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Related Guides


Artifacts Top Page

Artifact Types

Treasure Hoards Cursed Symbols
Tattoo Designs Roman Artifacts
Rigsogur Fragments Irish Cycle Pages
Ui Neill Artifacts


1 JackThunderboltalmost 3 years

I spent the last two days scouring Ireland for the artifacts. I checked the locations you laid out against my map and I visited all 5 areas and the artifacts arent there anymore but i only have four. what do i do about this?


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