Assassin's Creed Valhalla

All Flying Paper Locations

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This page is about the Flying Papers in the game Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Read on to see where to find the Flying Papers, how to get them, and what the reward is.

Flying Papers Locations

Rygjafylke Flying Papers

Rygjalfylke Tattoo Locations.png

Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 Chase down a flying piece of paper from the rooftop down to the docks.
Map Location
Tattoo Design 2 Chase down a flying piece of paper from the rooftop down to the docks.

Rygjafylke Flying Paper (Tattoo Designs) Locations

Hordafylke Flying Papers

Hordafylke Tattoo Locations.png

Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 On a tree in the area where you first learn how to socially stealth from Basim.
Map Location
Tattoo Design 2 On a tree near the outskirts of Alrekstad.

Hordafylke Flying Paper (Tattoo Designs) Locations

Ledecestrescire Flying Papers

Ledecestrescire Tattoo Locations.png

Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 West near the river in Repton, you must chase this paper from the top of the guard house.
Map Location
Tattoo Design 2 Approach the paper on top of the building from the south side. Chase it down. Approaching it from the North might cause you to not see where it goes.
Map Location
Tattoo Design 3 Perform a leap of faith from the platform with a haystack beneath; chase the paper through the trees

Ledecestrescire Flying Paper (Tattoo Designs) Locations

Grantebridgescire Flying Papers

Grantebridgescire Tattoo Locations.png

Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 Chase down the piece of paper from the longhouse roof to a large tree.
Map Location
Tattoo Design 2 Capture the flying paper near a guardhouse in Duroliponte.

Grantebridgescire Flying Paper (Tattoo Designs) Locations

East Anglia Flying Papers

East Anglia Tattoo Locations.png

Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 In the city of Northwic, the paper is settled on top of a pole that you must approach from the south.
Map Location
Tattoo Design 2 In Elmenham, there is a platform on the church where you can approach the paper from south. Chase it down to the top of the longhouse.

East Anglia Flying Paper (Tattoo Designs) Locations

Oxenefordscire Flying Papers

Oxenefordscire Tattoo Locations.png

Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 The paper can be found on top of a house in the town of Oxeneforda, right on the border between Oxenefordscire and Glowecestrescire.
Map Location
Tattoo Design 2 You can find the paper on top of the longhouse in Buckingham.

Oxenefordscire Flying Paper (Tattoo Designs) Locations

Sciropescire Flying Papers

Sciropescire Tattoo Locations.png

Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 Near where you meet Jason, you can find the paper floating around near the corner of their home outside.
Map Location
Tattoo Design 2 On top of a medium sized, central building in Quatford.

Sciropescire Flying Paper (Tattoo Designs) Locations

Cent Flying Papers

Cent Tattoo Locations.png

Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 The paper floats high above the ground near a pole in front of a house. Climb up the pole to begin.
Map Location
Tattoo Design 2 The paper rests near a ropeway between a church with a caved in roof and the city's ampitheater.
Map Location
Tattoo Design 3 On the beach, there's an inverted 'V' shaped pole where the paper floats above of. Begin the chase there, ending in a dive into the water on the far end of the other side of the beach from where you start.

Cent Flying Paper (Tattoo Designs) Locations

Lunden Flying Papers

Lunden Tattoo Location.png

Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 You can find the paper floating atop the Lunden Ampitheater's eastern section.
Map Location
Tattoo Design 2 The paper is on a branch on the eastern wall of Lunden, just northwest of the Lunden Bureau.
Map Location
Tattoo Design 3 Begin the chase on a protruding bar of wood on the rood of Lundenwic Abbey.

Lunden Flying Paper (Tattoo Designs) Locations

Essexe Flying Papers

Essexe Tattoo Locations.png

Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 The chase for the paper begins just behind the statue you synchronize from in Colcestre.
Map Location
Tattoo Design 2 The paper is on a rope between two columns south of Sancta Helena's Church.

Essexe Flying Paper (Tattoo Designs) Locations

Suthsexe Flying Papers

Suthsexe Tattoo Locations.png

Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 The paper floats to the side of the outer length of the aqueduct in Cicestre Abbey.
Map Location
Tattoo Design 2 Floating on top of the tall pole between two houses, you can begin the chase by climbing the pole. Grab it as you perform a leap of fate from the longhouse.

Suthsexe Flying Paper (Tattoo Designs) Locations

Lincolnscire Flying Papers

Lincolnscire Tattoo Locations.png

Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 The paper rests on top of a pole; you must chase it through rooftops and trees.
Map Location
Tattoo Design 2 On top of a pole you can get through by an angled wagon.

Lincolnscire Flying Paper (Tattoo Designs) Locations

Jorvik Flying Papers

Jorvik Tattoo Locations.png

Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 On top of a house south of the Councillor's House.
Map Location
Tattoo Design 2 On top of a pillar; climb the scaffolding and jump to the pillar to begin.

Jorvik Flying Paper (Tattoo Designs) Locations

Eurvicscire Flying Papers

Eurivicscire Tattoo Locations.png

Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 You can begin the chase at the top of a guard tower, hanging from a protruding beam.
Map Location
Tattoo Design 2 Located on a tighrope between two houses.

Eurviscire Flying Paper (Tattoo Designs) Locations

Glowecestrescire Flying Papers

Glowecestrescire Tattoo Locations.png

Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 Floating above a wire near Glowcestre's marketplace.
Map Location
Tattoo Design 2 Floating on top of the river right next to the bridge.

Glowecestrescire Flying Paper (Tattoo Designs) Locations

Snotinghamscire Flying Papers

Snotinghamscire Tattoo Locations.png

Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 In the shipyard, you'll find the flying paper over a stack of wood.

Snotinghamscire Flying Paper (Tattoo Designs) Locations

Wincestre Flying Papers

Wincestre Tattoo Locations.png

Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 On a beam attached to a pillar facing a wooden bridge. You will have to grab it after a leap of faith from a tightrope.
Map Location
Tattoo Design 2 Floating atop a pole north of Witan Hall.
Map Location
Tattoo Design 3 On a stone wall next to a house.

Wincestre Flying Paper (Tattoo Designs) Locations

Hamtunscire Flying Papers

Hamtunscire Tattoo Locations.png

Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 On a house in the town of Aethelnay.
Map Location
Tattoo Design 2 On top of a pillar in the ruins.

Hamtunscire Flying Paper (Tattoo Designs) Locations

Dublin (Ireland) Flying Paper


Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 The flying paper is floating on top of a scaffolding just outside King's Hall. Chase it across Dublin's rooftops.

Dublin Flying Paper (Tattoo Design) Location

Meath (Ireland) Flying Paper


Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 The flying paper is floating atop a house's chimney in Durrow.

Meath Flying Paper (Tattoo Design) Location

Connacht (Ireland) Flying Paper


Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 The flying paper is floating on top of a house in the middle of Rathcroghan. This area is a distrust zone so make sure you don't fall down into Rathcrogan's guarded streets as you chase the flying paper.

Connacht Flying Paper (Tattoo Design) Location

Ulster (Ireland) Flying Paper


Map Location
Tattoo Design 1 The flying paper is located on top of a ledge at Malin's Head. Malin's Head is a small island located just off of Ulster's western peninsula.

Ulster Flying Paper (Tattoo Designs) Location

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