Assassin's Creed Valhalla

All Roman Artifact Locations

This page is about the Roman Artifacts in the game Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Read on to learn more about their locations and how to get them.

Roman Artifact Locations

Ledecestrescire Roman Artifacts

Ledecestrescire Roman Artifact.png

Map Location
Roman Artifact 1 The artifact is on top of an arch near where you synchronize in Venonis.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 2 You can collect this underground. 50 meters north of where the artifact icon is, there is a covered opening on the ground. Break through it and collect the artifact from the hand of the roman statue.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 3 Head south of Tonnastadir; climb atop a platform and destroy a jar where the artifact is hidden behind to collect it.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 4 South west of Repton in the roman ruins, you can find the artifact behind a movable block.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 5 Northeast of Ledecestre, inside a Roman ruin, you can find the artifact underneath rubble you can destroy with oil jars, which can be found atop the platform with a Roman statue.

Ledecestrescire Roman Artifact Locations

Grantebridgescire Roman Artifacts

Grantebridgescire Roman Artifact.png

Map Location
Roman Artifact 1 Inside the temple, climb to the plate the roman statue is holding in its hand.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 2 Destroy the wreckage blocking your way into the house; collect the artifact inside.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 3 The artifact icon on the map sits beside a Mystery; at the site, you must move a rock that the artifact is hidden under.

Grantebridgescire Roman Artifact Locations

East Anglia Roman Artifacts

East Anglia Roman Artifact.png

Map Location
Roman Artifact 1 Underwater; beneath Mercyry Temple. Look for the circular pool of water and follow the underground path to the artifact.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 2 Northeast of the Forest Hideout, inside of a Roman Temple, get the artifact on the wall.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 3 Beneath the ruins of the temple, you can find the artifact. You'll need an oil jar to break the blocks that prevent you from progressing underground. One can be found at the campsite right next to the temple.

East Anglia Roman Artifact Locations

Oxenefordscire Roman Artifacts

Oxenefordscire Roman Artifact.png

Map Location
Roman Artifact 1 Inside of the cave beneath Evinghou Tower. Perform a leap of faith, and you'll see behind you a doorway with a movable block. You can't move it - instead, there is a small ledge to the right of the door with a crack on the cliff wall. Slip through here and destroy the jars on the other side and claim the artifact.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 2 Can be found in an unmarked ruin northeast of Buckingham, near the river Alne.There is a key around the ruins you must get to be able to gain access to the room the artifact is in.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 3 Northwest of Buckingham; hidden beneath the ruins. You must break through a breakable floor with an oil jar you can find on top of the northern most square column.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 4 Southwest of Saint Albanes Abbey; you must break the chains of some heavy rubble that can drop down to destroy the breakable floor, allowing you access to the artifact.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 5 Southwest of Cyne Belle Castle; you will have to find the hole on the ground to the west of the structure where the artifact's pin is. From there, it's a straightforward underground path to the artifact.

Oxenefordscire Roman Artifact Locations

Sciropescire Roman Artifacts

Sciropescire Roman Artifact.png

Map Location
Roman Artifact 1 West of the HIll Gate Remnants pin, you will find a statue of an angel. Take the stairs leading down its base to find a crack in the wall; squeeze in and take the artifact.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 2 You can find the artifact in an alcove settled above the ruin's entrance.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 3 Southeast of Wenlocan Abbey, the artifact is underwater. It is hidden beneath a crate you must destroy.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 4 Bring down the raised cargo to destroy a breakable floor section; get the artifact beneath.

Sciropescire Roman Artifact Locations

Cent Roman Artifacts

Cent Roman Artifact.png

Map Location
Roman Artifact 1 The artifact lies underground. You can get to it by destroying a breakable floor section in the ampitheater's eastern flat side; an oil jar do destroy it can be found on the northern curvature of the ampitheater, under the base of the statue.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 2 You can the artifact from a guard house outside of Dover Pharos, overlooking the sea. It is in a room with a barred door; shoot the lock on the door through a breakable door frame on the opposite side of the barred door.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 3 Atop a pillar, hidden beneath some rock you can carry and throw away.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 4 Inside of the Lolingestone Bandit Camp, beneath a chained statue.

Cent Roman Artifact Locations

Lincolnscire Roman Artifacts

Lincolnscire Roman Artifact.png

Map Location
Roman Artifact 1 The artifact is found inside a ruin west of Skegi's Beard. There are oil jars near the bottom of the stairs leading up to a breakable section of the floor you can use to destroy it.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 2 Covered by a breakable section of the floor, you can get to the artifact by bringing down the hanging cargo above the floor section.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 3 Hidden beneath the Temple of Pluto, you can find an entrance underground next to the statue where the pin for the roman artifact is.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 4 The artifact is hiddin within a building; to get inside, there is an opening at the base of the building you can enter. You must then destroy the breakable barrier above you, and climb to the second level to fetch the artifact hiddin inside of a vase.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 5 Beneath the ruins; you can get underground by going to the eastern base of the hill the ruins are on and making your way inside through a crack in the rock.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 6 Hidden beneath a covered well. Destroy the well's cover and climb in.

Lincolnscire Roman Artifact Locations

Suthsexe Roman Artifacts

Suthsexe Roman Artifact.png

Map Location
Roman Artifact 1 You can find the artifact beneath the temple; there is a campsite slightly northeast of where the temple is where you can get oil jars to break through the breakable floor section you need to climb into to get the artifact.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 2 The artifact is on top of the most weathered pillar of the aqueduct. If you chased down the flying paper in Cicestre Abbey's aqueduct, you'll find a zipline that crosses over this pillar.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 3 The artifact is in some ruins at the border between Suthsexe and Hamtunscire. Its on top of a broken off wall in the middle of the ruin that you can only get to by ziplining down from the tallest broken tower.

Suthsexe Roman Artifact Locations

Essexe Roman Artifacts

Essexe Roman Artifact.png

Map Location
Roman Artifact 1 Slightly north of the Ealdorman's House, the artifact can be found on the roof of the building in front of the statue holding a circular olive branch.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 2 The artifact can be found in a pen filled with hay; it is also beneath a stack of hay which you must move to be able to get the artifact.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 3 The artifact is hidden beneath a breakable floor section in Agnitum Tower. You can find oil jars on the stairs.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 4 The artifact is hidden behind a movable block. Simply set it aside and get the artiact.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 5 You can find this artifact in a bird's nest on one of the big tree's branches.

Essexe Roman Artifact Locations

Eurvicscire Roman Artifacts

Eurvicscire Roman Artifact.png

Map Location
Roman Artifact 1 Hidden beneath a short bridge, it can be found on a skull.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 2 Beneath the temple; there is a breakable floor section near the center of the temple you can use to reach the artifact. However, there is a breakable wall that is in your way, so set the oil on the ground leading into the grate on fire to get through.

Eurviscire Roman Artifact Locations

Jorvik Roman Artifacts

Jorvik Roman Artifact.png

Map Location
Roman Artifact 1 There is a breakable wall section you can go through at the base of the nearby bridge. Simply destroy it, squeeze through, and pick up the artifact.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 2 On top of the pillar east of the Councillor's House.

Jorvik Roman Artifact Locations

Glowecestrescire Roman Artifacts

Glowecestrescire Roman Artifact.png

Map Location
Roman Artifact 1 On top of the circle of pillars with soldiers within it.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 2 At the base of a square platform, you'll find a crack in the wall that you can enter through to get to the artifact.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 3 At the base of a tree near beside the ruins.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 4 In a temple due west of the marker for the Forest of Denn, beneath a pile of rocks you can move.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 5 Slightly northwest of Belas Knap, you can find the artifact hidden beneath a breakable pile of rubble.

Glowecestrescire Roman Artifact Locations

Snotinghamscire Roman Artifacts

Snotinghamscire Roman Artifact.png

Map Location
Roman Artifact 1 Near the base of the hill where the tower is on, you'll find two statues. Beneath a movable rock, you'll find the artifact.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 2 The artifact is underwater; you can get to it by diving into a pool inside of the roman ruins and destroying the barrier underwater that separates you and the artifact.

Snotinghamscire Roman Artifact Locations

Hamtunscire Roman Artifacts

Hamtunscire Roman Artifact.png

Map Location
Roman Artifact 1 Inside of a well in the middle of the ruins, behind a breakable wall.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 2 On the ground inside of the ruins of a tower.
Map Location
Roman Artifact 3 In the ruins, destroy the hanging cargo and fetch the artifact below.

Hamtunscire Roman Artifact Locations

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