Assassin's Creed Valhalla

All Wrath of the Druids Quests

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This is a guide for all Wrath of the Druid Quests in Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read more to learn more about each of these quests and how to complete them.

Wrath of the Druids Quests Information


A peculiar merchant arrives at Ravensthorpe's docks, carrying a letter for Eivor. It turns out this letter is from Eivor's cousin, Barid, who is the new king of Dublin. Barid requests that the two reunite now that they are both situated at the Northern Sea.

Wrath of the Druids is the newest story arc that came with the ever first DLC expansion of Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla) under the same name. This DLC is set in Dublin, Ireland — Featuring new characters, enemies, challenges, and more!

How to Start the Wrath of the Druids DLC

Wrath of the Druids Quest Walkthroughs

Irish Trade Walkthrough

A merchant named Azar lands on Ravensthorpe's docks in search of Hytham. This piques Eivor's interest and shortly makes their way to the docks to greet this stranger.

Irish Trade Walkthrough

Irish Adventure Walkthrough

Now that the new blockade along the Nene River has been dealt with, its time for Eivor to reunite with their cousin, Barid, in Dublin, Ireland.

Irish Adventure Walkthrough

Blood Bond Walkthrough

The cousins' reunion started off well, but things are not as calm as they seem in Dublin — A fact that Eivor finds out shortly after arriving at the bustling port city.

Blood Bond Walkthrough

Snaring Thorstein Walkthrough

After discovering the truth behind Barid's troubled demeanor, Eivor wanders the streets of Dublin in search of their cousin's enemy.

Snaring Thorstein Walkthrough

Rathdown Build Up Walkthrough

In an attempt to sway Flann Sina to Baric's favor, Azar enlists Eivor's expertise in the reclamation of Rathdown — The first steps in establishing Dublin as Ireland's trading powerhouse.

Rathdown Build Up Walkthrough

Flann Over Ireland Walkthrough


Eivor, Barid. and the poetess Ciara make their way to Flann Sina's coronation in Tara, Meath. However, not all is well in the coronation, and Eivor uncovers a mystery that save Flann's life.

Flann Over Ireland Walkthrough

A Show of Character Walkthrough

AC Valhalla - A Show of Character Quest Walkthrough

Eivor and Barid meet with High King Flann Sinna and discuss a favor that could bring Barid into Flann's good graces.

A Show of Character Walkthrough

War Efforts Walkthrough

AC Valhalla - War Efforts Walkthrough

Eivor helps Flann gain favor from the other kings of the land by fulfilling their requests.

War Efforts Walkthrough

Gathering Strength Walkthrough

AC Valhalla Gathering Strength Walkthrough

Because of Eivor's efforts, Flann has now assembled an army and prepares to march. Eivor is invited with Barid to Flann's war council.

Gathering Strength Walkthrough

Foothold in Connacht Walkthrough

AC Valhalla - Foothold in Connacht Walkthrough.png

With Eivor and Barid's aid, Flann begins the siege of Cashelore in an attempt to establish a foothold to the north.

Foothold in Connacht Walkthrough

Potion of Blood Walkthrough

AC Valhalla - Potion of Blood Walkthrough.png

Eivor and Ciara seek to get to the bottom of a deadly plot that threatens to destroy the already-tenuous alliance between Flann and Barid.

Potion of Blood Walkthrough

Into the Fog Walkthrough

AC Valhalla - Into the Fog Walkthrough.png

After discovering the mastermind behind the poisoning of Flann's troops, Eivor and Ciara travel deep into the feral woods of Connacht to settle the score and clear Barid's name.

Into the Fog Walkthrough

The Northern Reach Walkthrough

AC Valhalla - The Northern Reach Walkthrough.png

Eivor is tasked to aid the kings of Ulster while Barid manages to persuade Flann to enter peace talks on his behalf.

The Northern Reach Walkthrough

Courting the Kings Walkthrough

AC Valhalla - Courting the Kings Walkthrough.png
Eivor travels to Aileach to find out what happened to his cousin, Barid, who still hasn't returned from the peace talks.

Courting the Kings Walkthrough

The Mask of Diplomacy Walkthrough

AC Valhalla - The Mask of Diplomacy Walkthrough.png
Flann goes against Barid's advice and remains at the heart of Ulster. This turns out to be a grave mistake, one that is accompanied with a heavy price.

The Mask of Diplomacy Walkthrough

The Wages of War Walkthrough

AC Valhalla - The Wages of War Walkthrough.png

Sichfrith assumes Dublin's throne after Barid's death. Eager to avenge his father, Sichfrith gathers his army while Eivor tracks down another member of the Children of Danu.

The Wages of War Walkthrough

A Scourging of Snakes Walkthrough

AC Valhalla - A Scourging of Snakes Walkthrough.png

Eivor, Flann, and Sichfrith assault Amagh fortress to eliminate Eogan and dismantle the Children of Danu once and for all.

A Scourging of Snakes Walkthrough

The Cost of Betrayal Walkthrough

AC Valhalla - The Cost of Betrayal Walkthrough.png

The Children of Danu's actions have cast a terrible light on all druids of Ireland, pressuring its leaders to conduct an inquisition across the land. This decision infuriates Ciara, who unleashes the power of the Lia Fail in retaliation.

The Cost of Betrayal Walkthrough

Settling Accounts Quest Walkthroughs

Dublin's Reach Walkthrough

AC Valhalla - Dublin

Azar and Eivor work together to improve Dublin's position in the world of trade and commerce.

Dublin's Reach Walkthrough

An Eye for an Eye Walkthrough

AC Valhalla - An Eye for an Eye Walkthrough.png

An evil man from Azar's grim past arrives at Dublin's shores. She then asks Eivor to capture this man on her behalf so she can finally enact her long-deserved vengeance.

An Eye for an Eye Walkthrough

The Strength of Danu Quest Walkthroughs

Children of Danu Walkthrough

AC Valhalla - Children of Danu Walkthrough.png

Eivor scours all of Ireland in search of the Children of Danu to end their dark influence on the country once and for all.

Children of Danu Walkthrough

Amber Sun Walkthrough

AC Valhalla - Amber Sun Walkthrough.png

With all of the amber shards in Deirdre's possession, she fulfills her promise and gives Eivor a potion that grants them a boon of immense power — Just not in the way they initially though.

Amber Sun Walkthrough

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Jorvik Glowecestrescire
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Hordafylke Hamtunscire
Asgard Jotunheim
Vinland Wrath of the Druids (DLC)
Mastery Challenges


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