Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Yule Festival Walkthrough

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This page is a walkthrough for the Yule Festival Quest in the game Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read on to learn more about the quest objectives, stealth routes, notables, and more!

Next Quest
Yule Brawl
Braun's Folly
Twirling Targets
Cow Catcher
The Case of the Missing Ale

Yule Festival Location

The quest starts in Ravensthorpe after completing one of the following story arcs:

Territory Story Arc Starting Quest
Ledecestrescire The Kingmaker's Saga The Sons of Ragnar
Grantebridgescire The Song of Soma The Great Scattered Army

Yule Festival Walkthrough

No. Objectives Guide
1 Reach the Settlement Return to Ravensthorpe to initiate a cutscene.
The quest finishes after the cutscene and five quests will show up around Ravensthorpe.
The Cow Catcher and The Case of the Missing Ale quests require the construction of the Cattle Farm and Brewery respectively.
TIP: Fast Travel to Ravensthorpe to immediately trigger the cutscene.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Related Guides

Quest Walkthroughs

Yule Festival
Yule Festival Yule Brawl Braun's Folly
Twirling Targets Cow Catcher The Case of the Missing Ale


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