Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Best Armor: The Best Armor Pieces and Where to Find Them

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Best Armor AC Valhalla.png

This is a guide to the best armor that can be found in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read on to find out the stats for each of the strongest armor and where you can find them to gain the best defense against tough opponents!

The Best Armor in AC Valhalla


Mentor's Cloak

Type Cloak Align - Icon.png
Arm 24 Eva 20
L-Res 29 H-Res 33
Wgt 11 Set Mentor's
Rune Slots 2 Upgrades 7

These stats are of Base Level (Power 1 Eivor)

Where to Get
Region Snotinghamscire
Location Loch Clunbre Hideout

Boasting some of the best baseline and upgraded stats there is for cloaks in the game, the Mentor's Cloak is the best that you can find. Though the difference in stats between this cloak and the Thegn's Cloak is minimal, the Mentor's Cloak wins out due to its higher overall upgrade stats to go along with being lightweight, allowing for character builds centered around lightness with good defense.

Mentor's Cloak Stats and Location

Hidden Ones' Hood

Hidden Ones
Type Cloak Align - Icon.png
Arm 16 Eva 18
L-Res 22 H-Res 28
Wgt 10 Set Hidden Ones
Rune Slots 1 Upgrades 4

These stats are of Base Level (Power 1 Eivor)

Where to Get
Region Essexe
Location Camulodunum Bureau

Despite beginning with low baseline stats, the Hidden Ones' Hood does grow to become one of the best cloaks in the game, second only to the Mentor's Cloak. Boasting a light weight with high defenses all around once upgraded, this is a must get cloak that lets players live up to the name "Assassin."

Hidden Ones' Hood Stats and Location


Thegn's Heavy Tunic

Type Torso Align - Icon.png
Arm 34 Eva 12
L-Res 32 H-Res 26
Wgt 16 Set Thegn
Rune Slots 2 Upgrades 7

These stats are of Base Level (Power 1 Eivor)

Where to Get
Region Eurvicscire
Location Temple of Brigantia

For those favoring heavier builds that priotizes being able to take punishment dished out by enemies over dodging and sticking to stealth, Thegn's Heavy Tunic is the best armor available to them. With high base stats – albeit with a heavier weight tradeoff – and significantly good upgraded stats, this armor is the best for those who wish to hack and slash their way through the game.

Thegn's Heavy Tunic Stats and Location

Hidden Ones' Robes

Hidden Ones
Type Torso Align - Icon.png
Arm 24 Eva 19
L-Res 29 H-Res 25
Wgt 10 Set Hidden Ones
Rune Slots 1 Upgrades 4

These stats are of Base Level (Power 1 Eivor)

Where to Get
Region Jorvik
Location Eboracum Bureau

Being an almost polar opposite to Thegn's Heavy Tunic, the Hidden Ones' Robes are best used by those who prefer a more stealthy approach to the game. Despite having good stats perfect for sneaking – due to its low weight – these robes still provide good upgraded stats for people who, from time to time, get into unavoidable fisticuffs against enemies.

Hidden Ones' Robes Stats and Location


Mentor's Mask

Type Helmet Align - Icon.png
Arm 29 Eva 20
L-Res 33 H-Res 29
Wgt 11 Set Mentor's
Rune Slots 2 Upgrades 7

These stats are of Base Level (Power 1 Eivor)

Where to Get
Region Snotinghamscire
Location Sherwood Hideout

A great mask to wear, both for aesthetic and practical purposes. It has high enough stats to aid in providing you with some defense while also not dragging you down too much in weight, letting it be a good alternative for stealth first players who wish for more defense when compared to the Hidden Ones' Mask.

Mentor's Mask Stats and Location

Brigandine Helm

Brigandine Helm Icon.png
Type Helmet Align Icon.png
Arm 28 Eva 8
L-Res 25 H-Res 21
Wgt 17 Set Brigandine
Rune Slots 1 Upgrades 4

These stats are of Base Level (Power 1 Eivor)

Where to Get
Region Sciropescire
Location Wenlocan Outpost

Trading being able to evade easily with high protection, Brigandine Helm is a great complementary piece for straight up fighters in AC Valhalla. It's baseline stats may be a little low compared to other peices, but once fully upgraded, it is more than perfect for those who wish for more action.

Brigandine Helm Stats and Location


Raven Clan Bracers

Raven Clan Bracers Icon.png
Type Bracers Align Icon.png
Arm 17 Eva 14
L-Res 19 H-Res 23
Wgt 12 Set Raven Clan
Rune Slots 0 Upgrades 2

These stats are of Base Level (Power 1 Eivor)

Where to Get
Raven Set Location.png
Region Rygjafylke
Location Found after freeing your clan in the longhouse

Despite its lackluster stats, the Raven Clan Bracers' upgraded stats can more than adequately match up well to the kind of damage you can expect from higher levelled enemies as you near the endgame in AC Valhalla. Upgrading these bracers to its maximum potential is also quite cheap and easy on the resources, adding another factor as to why it's one of the best apart from the fact that it allows you to be flexible in your playstyle.

Raven Clan Bracers Stats and Location

Thegn's Bracers

Type Bracers Align - Icon.png
Arm 31 Eva 12
L-Res 26 H-Res 32
Wgt 16 Set Thegn
Rune Slots 2 Upgrades 7

These stats are of Base Level (Power 1 Eivor)

Where to Get
Region Eurvicscire
Location Stenwege Camp

A heavier set of bracers, again from the Thegn's Armor Set. Despite its weight, its still a viable option to use if you're ditching weight on other pieces of your armor, just to add several defense points on your side for whenever you need to hit enemies head on. Its Runic Slots and upgraded stats are also higher than what you can get from lighter bracers, and ideally placing some of your defense stats on bracers while leaving your armor piece lightweight is a good way to find a mix between playstyles.

Thegn's Bracers Stats and Location


Hidden Ones' Leggings

Hidden Ones
Type Pants Align Icon.png
Arm 17 Eva 18
L-Res 21 H-Res 25
Wgt 9 Set Hidden Ones
Rune Slots 2 Upgrades 7

These stats are of Base Level (Power 1 Eivor)

Where to Get
Region Glowecestrescire
Location Temple of Ceres Bureau

The beauty of the Hidden Ones' Leggings isn't really in its stats, but in how light it is overall and how many Runic Slots you can equip to it in its baseline state. It is a serviceable piece early on when you get it, but does lose some of its uniqueness the closer you get to the endgame and you encounter more higher levelled enemies.

Hidden Ones' Leggings Stats and Location

Magister's Trousers

Type Pants Align Icon.png
Arm 18 Eva 14
L-Res 20 H-Res 26
Wgt 13 Set Magister's
Rune Slots 1 Upgrades 4

These stats are of Base Level (Power 1 Eivor)

Where to Get
Region Oxenefordscire
Location Oxeneforda

With similar baseline stats to the Hidden Ones' Leggings, the Magister's Trousers is more geared towards players, who again, wish to have a rougher playstyle going into engagements with enemies. Its maximum number of Runic Slots will also let you mix and match Runes to aid you in pushing through conflicts with power and ease.

Magister's Trousers Stats and Location

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Related Links


Armors Top Page

Armor Pieces

Armor Pieces
AC Valhalla Torso Armor.pngTorsos AC Valhalla Pants Armor.pngPants AC Valhalla Helmet Armor.jpgHelmets
AC Valhalla Cloak Armor.pngCloaks AC Valhalla Bracers Armor.pngBracers

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