Assassin's Creed Valhalla

All Ravensthorpe Quest Walkthroughs

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This is a guide for Ravensthorpe Quest Walkthroughs in Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read more to learn more about each of these quests and how to complete them.

Ravensthorpe Quests Information

Ravensthorpe Quests.png

Ravensthorpe is your home – a new place for the clan to thrive in, far away from the shores of their native Norway. Strke deals, make alliances, gather your resouces, and build up this settlement to become a strong power in England.

Ravensthorpe Quest Walkthroughs

Jump to a Quest
The Swan-Road Home Unwelcome Settling Down
A New Home The Alliance Map To Serve The Light
The Thousand Eyes Viking For Hire A Brief History of The Hidden Ones
Uninvited Guests Mane and Tail Carrying The Torch
Taken For Granted A Little Problem The Huntress
Have You Seen This Man? The Baker's Plaint Man of Mystery
A Rivalry for the Ages A Wise Friend In Dreams
Going Deeper Bound to Fate A Brewing Storm
Of All That Has Passed Blame and Sail Reap What Was Sown
The Road to Valhalla In a Strange Land The Forge and The Flame
Breaking the Order The Poor Fellow-Soldier

The Swan-Road Home Walkthrough


And so they have left the shores of Norway, headed into a far-off place where the sons of Ragnar now tread. Make your way up the river and find a new home for your people.

The Swan-Road Home Walkthrough

Unwelcome Walkthrough


An abandoned settlement, reclaimed. Clear this spot of the foes that challenge you, and settle your people into their new home!

Unwelcome Walkthrough

Settling Down Walkthrough


Your people need you, and so you must do what a Viking does best. Raid, pillage, and gather the resources you need to help out your clan.

Settling Down Walkthrough

A New Home Walkthrough

A New Home - Quest Walkthrough.png

Raid settlements and build up your own – upgrade buildings in Ravensthorpe and gain access to bonuses you'll need to conquer England.

A New Home Walkthrough

The Alliance Map Walkthrough


Ravensthorpe cannot survive on its own – not in these hostile and foreign lands. Scour your map to see which regions you can align with yours.

The Alliance Map Walkthrough

To Serve The Light Walkthrough

To Serve The Light - Quest Walkthrough.png

The Hidden Ones – a shadowy organization from which Hytham and Basim both belong to. Learn more about them and their secrets from Hytham, and build the center of their operations in your settlement.

To Serve The Light Walkthrough

The Thousand Eyes Walkthrough

The Thousand Eyes - Quest Walkthrough.png

A young man has decided to set up shop in Ravensthorpe. Speak with him, and learn what he wants – is he more than meets the eye?

The Thousand Eyes Walkthrough

Viking For Hire Walkthrough

Viking For Hire - Quest Walkthrough.png

Reda is more than he seems after all – complete his contracts and gain access to valuable materials you'll need to conquer your foes!

Viking For Hire Walkthrough

A Brief History of The Hidden Ones Walkthrough

A Brief History of the Hidden Ones - Quest Banner.png

The Hidden Ones have been to England before. Scour the lands for the bureaus, and gain what secrets you can from within them.

A Brief History of The Hidden Ones Walkthrough

Uninvited Guests Walkthrough

Uninvited Guests - Quest Walkthrough.png

Eivor has achieved much since their clan's coming to England, and they all wish to celebrate the good tidings. But will arrows in the dark spoil this jubilation?

Uninvited Guests Walkthrough

Mane and Tail Walkthrough


Sigurd left you in charge of the settlement – and part of being in charge is settling disputes between settlers. An argument breaks out in the halls of your longhouse, and you must decide which side is right, and which is not.

Mane and Tail Walkthrough

Carrying The Torch Walkthrough

Carrying the Torch - Quest Walkthrough.png

Tove sits quietly by a graveside – speak to her, and listen to what words she utters regarding Svend and his death.

Carrying The Torch Walkthrough

Taken For Granted Walkthrough


Take a short trip with Randvi, and see the sights. Be wary, for hearts and loyalties are at stake, and one wrong move may end what little remains of the sibling love between Sigurd and Eivor.

Taken For Granted Walkthrough

A Little Problem Walkthrough

A Little Problem - Quest Walkthrough.png

Children are a gift on the world – but what will happen when they bring a furry gift to you?

A Little Problem Walkthrough

The Huntress Walkthrough

The Huntress - Quest Walkthrough.png

Petra the huntress seeks your aid for a hunt. Accompany her and help eliminate some wolves that terrorize the land.

The Huntress Walkthrough

Have You Seen This Man? Walkthrough


Wallace has disappeared, and Petra once more enlists your aid in helping find him. Search high and low, and chase a whisp of an elk in a fun adventure.

Have You Seen This Man? Walkthrough

The Baker's Plaint Walkthrough


Aid Tarben the baker in getting supplies from a nearby market.

The Baker's Plaint Walkthrough

Man of Mystery Walkthrough


An incident draws Tarben's true colors out – ride together in a quest filled with fights, mysteries, and adventure!

Man of Mystery Walkthrough

A Rivalry for the Ages Walkthrough


Eivor helps Octavian get a Roman relic from his bitter rival Maximus in Lunden.

A Rivalry for the Ages Walkthrough

A Wise Friend Walkthrough


After building up Ravensthorpe, the Seer Valka arrives at the settlement to live there as well.

A Wise Friend: Valka arrives in Ravensthorpe

In Dreams Walkthrough


To help with Eivor's visions, Valka suggests brewing a potion, and Eivor finds the ingredients for it.

In Dreams Walkthrough | How to Enter Asgard

Going Deeper Walkthrough


After Eivor's visions of Asgard, Valka brews an even stronger potion to let Eivor go deeper into the visions, this time to somewhere else.

Going Deeper | How to Enter Jotunheim

Bound to Fate Walkthrough


Eivor once again goes back into Asgard using Valka's first potion and finds out the conclusion to the visions.

Bound To Fate Walkthrough

A Brewing Storm Walkthrough


Things come to a head between Eivor and Dag at Ravensthorpe over all the tension that has been brewing.

A Brewing Storm | Dag Choices: Give or Deny His Axe?

Of All That Has Passed Walkthrough


Tensions rise between Eivor and Sigurd after the latter's rescue. Sigurd's new, odd behavior rears its head.

Of All That Has Passed Walkthrough

Blame and Sail Walkthrough


Eivor and SIgurd settle a dispute between members of the village.

Blame and Sail Walkthrough | Gudrun or Holger: Who is Right?

Reap What Was Sown Walkthrough

Reap What Was Sown - Quest Banner.png

Ubba, one of Eivor's allies, comes to Ravensthorpe to talk with Eivor.

Reap What Was Sown Walkthrough

The Road to Valhalla Walkthrough


After taking most of England, Sigurd requests that they go to Hordafylke in search of some mystery, and Eivor agrees.

The Road to Valhalla Walkthrough

In a Strange Land Walkthrough


After killing some members of the Order of Ancients, Hytham claims to have found Gorm Kjotvesson hiding out in a far off land.

In a Strange Land Walkthrough | How to Arrive in Vinland

The Forge and The Flame Walkthrough


Gunnar and Brigid wish to be wed, and it is a celebration for all of Ravensthorpe to partake in.

The Forge and The Flame Walkthrough

Breaking the Order Walkthrough


Eivor hunts down the Grand Maegester of the Order of the Ancients.

Breaking The Order Walkthrough

The Poor Fellow-Soldier Walkthrough


The identity of the Grand Maegester of the Order of the Ancients is revealed.

The Poor Fellow-Soldier Walkthrough | King Aelfred's Study Location

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Related Guides


Quest Walkthroughs Top Page

Event Quests

Event Quests
Yule Festival Ostara Festival

Main Quests

Main Quests
Prologue Ravensthorpe
Rygjafylke Ledecestrescire
Grantebridgescire East Anglia
Oxenefordscire Lunden
Sciropescire Cent
Lincolnscire Suthsexe
Essexe Eurvicscire
Jorvik Glowecestrescire
Snotinghamscire Wincestre
Hordafylke Hamtunscire
Asgard Jotunheim
Vinland Wrath of the Druids (DLC)
Mastery Challenges


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