Assassin's Creed Valhalla

All Animus Anomaly Locations and Guides

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This page is about the Animus Anomalies in the game Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Read on to learn more about the Animus Anomalies, where to find them and, how to complete them.

What are Animus Anomalies

Animus Anomalies are platforming puzzles that the player can access from different parts of the Assassin's Creed Valhalla world and complete. When a player completes an Animus Anomaly, they will be shown flashes of the secret Isu Ending.

Successfully complete all Animus Anomalies will reward the player will the full cutscene of when the Isu experienced Ragnarok.

Animus Anomaly Locations

Hordafylke Animus Anomaly

Map Location
Hlutrholt You can find this Animus Anomaly Mystery north from Torghatten Rock in the southeast part of the Hordafylke. Hordafylke is in the northern part of Norway.

Hordafylke Animus Anomaly Guide

Sciropescire Animus Anomaly

Sciropescire Animus Anomaly.png

Map Location
Quartzite Ridge Located far into the hills in the southernmost corner of Sciropescire, east of the nearest Synchronization Point.

Sciropescire Animus Anomaly Guide

Ledecestrescire Animus Anomaly

Ledecestrescire Animus Anomaly.png

Map Location
Kildesbig The anomaly is just to the southwest of Ragnarsson Lookout, next to a flickering tree. This is the closes anomaly there is around the world to your settlement in Ravensthorpe.

Ledecestrescire Animus Anomaly Guide

Oxenefordscire Animus Anomaly

Oxenefordscire Animus Anomaly.png

Map Location
Aqueduct Located southwest of Saint Albanes Abbey. The point where you can interact with the anomaly is on the cliffs just right where the pin for the Aqueduct is.

Oxenefordscire Animus Anomaly Guide

East Anglia Animus Anomaly

East Anglia Animus Anomaly.png

Map Location
Needham Lake East of Edmund's Hope. The Anomaly rests quite near to the eastern sea on the map.

East Anglia Animus Anomaly Guide

Eurvicscire Animus Anomaly

Map Location
Thornburg Henges The anomaly is very near Jorvik, just to its north.

Eurvicscire Animus Anomaly Guide

Snotinghamscire Animus Anomaly

Snotinghamscire Animus Anomaly.png

Map Location
Briudun Hill The site for this Anomaly can be found southwest of the city of Snotingham, atop a large hill with a circular pattern at its top when viewed from the map.

Snotinghamscire Animus Anomaly Guide

Lincolnscire Animus Anomaly

Licolnscire Animus Anomaly.jpg

Map Location
Basilica Ruins You can find this Anomaly at the Basilica Ruins in the southern part of Lincolnscire.

Lincolnscire Animus Anomaly Guide

Hamtunscire Animus Anomaly

Hamtunscire Animus Anomaly.jpg

Map Location
Needles Found to the very south of Hamtunscire on a separate island. The anomaly is placed on a cliff in the western most tip of the land mass.

Hamtunscire Animus Anomaly Guide

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Related Guides


Mysteries Top Page

Mystery Types

Animus Anomalies Legendary Animals
Cairns Fly Agaric (Mushroom Puzzles)
Standing Stones Flytings
Lost Drengrs Offering Altars
Trials of the Morrigan (Wrath of the Druids DLC)


1 Anonymousalmost 4 years

Missing the Suthsexe anomaly


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