Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Best Builds | Best Early Game Builds

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This is a page on the best builds to pursue in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read on to find out how you can maximize each piece of armor, weapon, skills, and abilities you find or unlock!

How Builds Work

How Builds Work.jpg
When it comes to creating a build as you play through Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla), there are several things you must consider when trying to decide what type of character you'd want to play as.

Power Levels

Power Levels.jpg

Regions in AC Valhalla's world are separated by the strength of enemies you encounter there. Thus, there are Suggested Power Levels that you'd need to reach to be able to play through them without much difficulty. You cannot purely rely on builds to carry you through regions you are underpowered for.

Skills Branches

Skill Branches.jpg

There are three branches of traits that you can choose to align yourself with to make the most out of your builds: Raven, Wolf, and Bear. Each has their own unique characteristics and skills that you can develop your character around. Choosing an alignment is important early on the game, but become less and less relevant the more powerful you get.

Weapons and Armor

Weapons and Armor.jpg

Selecting the right gear to complement how you're building your character is important. Armor Set Bonuses and choosing the Best Weapons and Weapon Combos go a long way in helping you settle into your chosen role.



Runes are small items that act as equippable modifiers to Armor and Weapons you equip Eivor with. They can be found in the game world as you explore, or be bought from stores.

Runes provide a tertiary depth to making builds, as they offer bonuses that range from protection against attacks, resistances, as well as bonuses to the damage you inflict against enemies.

With this in mind, you can use Runes to cover up weaknesses in a particular build, or enhance its strengths.

Best Builds in AC Valhalla

Early Game Builds: Power Level 0 – 90

Raven Clan Assassin / Fighter

Raven Icon.png Armor Set
Raven Clan Set
Melee Weapons
Yngling Seax Hundtoth
Must Get Skills
Stealth Recon Skill Icon - Assassin
Stealth Recon
Backstab Skill Icon - Assassin
Brush with Death Skill Icon - Assassin
Brush with Death

Built around the concept of stealth, dodging and counterattacking are two mechanics you must learn, as well as making full use of the weapon bonuses for this particular build. Take on skills from the Bear Branch to boost some of your health and melee abilities for more effectivity, allowing you to dabble in face to face fights when needed.

Mid Game Builds: Power Level 90-190

Huntsman Ranger

Wolf Icon.png Armor Set
Huntsman's Set
Petra's Arc
Melee Weapons
Housecarl's Axe Soldier's Flail
Must Get Skills
Stealth Recon Skill Icon - Assassin
Stealth Recon
Emergency Aim Skill Icon - Assassin
Emergency Aim

Using this build allows you engage enemies from a distance while also not restricting your play whenever you have to challenge small groups of enemies face to face. Scout out enemy positions and target them from afar – don't let yourself be cornered by enemy groups when you need to challenge them face to face.

Thegn's Brute

Bear Icon.png Armor Set
Thegn's Set
Viper Bow
Melee Weapons
Carolingian Longsword Sepulcher Axe
Must Get Skills
Berserker's Mettle
Perfect Attack Skill Icon - Assassin
Perfect Attack
Bow to Melee Link Skill Icon - Assassin
Bow to Melee Link
Sprint Attack Skill Icon - Assassin
Sprint Attack

A "Stepping Stone" build meant to bridge the gap between the mid and late game. This build is the perfect holdover until you can replace the Thegn's Set with better tiered armor. Charge into your enemies or eliminate them with midrange arrow shots, and watch as your weapons deliver powerful and perfect blows.

Late Game Builds: Power Level 190-340+

Brigandine Brute

Bear Icon.png Armor Set
Brigandine Set
Viper Bow
Melee Weapons
Carolingian Longsword Sepulcher Axe
Must Get Skills
Warrior Takedown Skill Icon - Assassin
Warrior Takedown
Sprint and Bash Skill Icon - Assassin
Sprint Bash
Bow to Melee Link Skill Icon - Assassin
Bow to Melee Link
Sprint Attack Skill Icon - Assassin
Sprint Attack

Charge at your enemies and take the brunt of their attacks, all while dishing out your own savage ones. This build is perfect for those who charge head first into combat without thought on scouting out a place first. You can carry this build well into the end-game with Feast Bonuses as well as by getting the Heavy Dual Wield skill.

The Mighty Thor

Bear Icon.png Armor Set
Thor's Set
Arc of Elan
Melee Weapons
Excalibur Fyrd Spear
Must Get Skills
Terror Skill Icon - Assassin
Heavy Dual Wield Skill Icon - Assassin
Heavy Dual Wield
Missile Reversal Skill Icon - Assassin
Missile Reversal
Grit Skill Icon - Assassin

Getting all the pieces of Thor's Armor and Excalibur for this set is quite a challenge in and of itself. Nonetheless, collecting all pieces in time for the endgame is a major way of ensuring an overpowered romp throughout much of the games third act.

Using both Excalibur and the Fyrd Spear in a Heavy Dual Wield setup guarantees that no foe can come close to you for a strike unless you let them. Upgrading each to their maximum helps to drive home the point that at this point in the game, you truly are the "Master Assassin".

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