Assassin's Creed Valhalla

All Cairns Locations and Solutions

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This page is about the Cairns in the game Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Read on to learn more about their locations and how to perfectly stack the stones to solve them.

Cairn Locations

Hordafylke Cairn

Hordafylke Cairn.png

Map Location
Torghatten Rock You can find the Cairn Mystery in Torghatten Rock in the southeast part of the Hordafylke. Hordafylke is in the northern part of Norway.

Hordafylke Cairn Mystery Walkthrough

Ledecestrescire Cairn

Ledecestrescire Cairn.png

Map Location
Cernewood You can find this Cairn Mystery on top of a mountain, south from Sudwella Monastery in Ledecestrescire.

Ledecestrescire Cairn Mystery Walkthrough

East Anglia Cairn

East Anglia Cairn.png

Map Location
East Cape Peak Go to the East Cape Peak in East Anglia, located on the northeast of Elmenham, to find this Cairn Mystery.

East Anglia Cairn Mystery Walkthrough

Sciropescire Cairn

Sciropescire Cairn.png

Map Location
Titterstone Clee Hill You can find this Cairn Mystery on top of a mountain in Sciropescire, just south of Dudmastun Lake.

Sciropescire Cairn Mystery Walkthrough

Suthsexe Cairn

Suthsexe Cairn.png

Map Location
High Rocks This Cairn Mystery is in the south part of Suthsexe, southwest of Crawleah.

Suthsexe Cairn Mystery Walkthrough

Eurvicscire Cairn

Eurvicscire Cairn.png

Map Location
Ingelborg You can locate this Cairn on top of a mountain, north of Elmet Monastery, in the east part of Eurvicscire.

Eurvicscire Cairn Mystery Walkthrough

Glowecestrescire Cairn

Glowecestrescire Cairn.png

Map Location
Cleeve Hill You can find this Cairn Mystery in the south part of Glowecestrescire, northeast from Glowecestre.
Map Location
Maen Ceti You can find this Cairn Mystery in the northeastern part of Glowecestrescire, south of Manstone Rock.

Glowecestrescire Cairn Mystery Walkthrough

Snotinghamscire Cairn

Snotinghamscire Cairn.png

Map Location
Kinder Downfall Go to the waterfall west from Hemsthorpe in Snotinghamscire to find this Cairn Mystery.

Snotinghamscire Cairn Mystery Walkthrough

Hamtunscire Cairn

Hamtunscire Cairn.png

Map Location
Heald Tor Head to the mountain in the middle part of Hamtunscire, just north of Wincestre, to find this Cairn Mystery.

Hamtunscire Cairn Mystery Walkthrough

Vinland Cairn

Vinland Cairn.png

Map Location
Ionhontsiiò:ke You can get to this Cairn Mystery in the east part of the Vinland, near a high point.

Vinland Cairn Mystery Walkthrough

Asgard Cairn

Asgard Cairn.png

Map Location
Litamiotvitr You can find this Cairn Mystery in the south part of Asgard.

Asgard Cairn Mystery Walkthrough

Jotunheim Cairn

Jotunheim Cairn.png

Map Location
Atgeirr Get to this Cairn Mystery by climbing the mountain on the northwest part of Jotunheim.

Jotunheim Cairn Mystery Walkthrough

Dublin Cairn

Dublin Cairn Mystery Complete.png

Map Location
Dublin You can find this Cairn Mystery on top of a mountain south east of the King's Hall in Dublin.

Dublin Cairn Mystery Walkthrough

Inchroe's Bog Cairn


Map Location
Inchroe's Bog You can find this Cairn Mystery in Inchroe's Bog west of Kell's Abbey in Meath.

Inchroe's Bog Cairn Mystery Walkthrough

Ben Bulben Cairn

Ben Bulben Cairn Mystery Complete.png

Map Location
Ben Bulben You can find this Cairn Mystery in Bel Bulben northeast of Port Auley in Meath.

Ben Bulben Cairn Stone Mystery Walkthrough

Malin Head Cairn

Malin Head Cairn Stone Mystery Complete (AC Valhalla).png

Map Location
Malin Head You can find this Cairn Stone Mystery in Malin Head northeast of Lismore Abbey in Ulster.

Malin Head Cairn Stone Mystery Walkthrough

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Related Guides


Mysteries Top Page

Mystery Types

Animus Anomalies Legendary Animals
Cairns Fly Agaric (Mushroom Puzzles)
Standing Stones Flytings
Lost Drengrs Offering Altars
Trials of the Morrigan (Wrath of the Druids DLC)


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