Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Full Skill Tree and List of All Skills

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This page is a list of all the skills in the game Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Read on to see the list of all the skills, the different skill trees, and their effects in the game.

Introduction to Skills

There are a total of 38 skills in the game which the player can get by acquiring skill points. Skill points are required to activate both the stat nodes and the skill nodes.

Two types of nodes are present in the Skill Tree. When either of these are activated by using skill points, they will either enhance the player's stats or allow them to use a skill in the game.

Stat Node This node enhances one of the player's stats, or enhances the stats of a Gear that is in the same alignment.
Skill Node This node allows the player to use the unlocked skill in the game.

To unlock a skill, the player must activate stat nodes going towards the desired skill and use a skill point on it. This allows the player to use the unlocked skill in the game.

Full Skill Tree

Above is the image which displays all the skills in the Skill Tree.

New skills may be added in future updates.

List of All Skills

All Skill Branches
Wolf Icon.pngWolf Skills Raven Icon.pngRaven Skills Bear Icon.pngBear Skills

Raven Skills

Advanced Assassination.pngAdvanced Assassination Unlocks the ability to assassinate high-level targets with a timing-based attack.
Assassin Carry.pngAssassin Carry Hold R1 to automatically carry a body after a successful assassination.
Assassin Slide.pngAssassin Slide Hold O while sprinting to slide in to enemies and knock them off balance.
AssassinAssassin's Cantrip Following a successful parry, quickly press TRIANGLE to throw a smoke bomb at your feet and disappear.
Auto-Loot.pngAuto-Loot Loot an enemy automatically after a melee kill or a stealth takedown.
Backstab.pngBackstab Landing a blow directly on a enemy's back will inflict increased defense damage and cause them to stagger.
Breakfall.pngBreakfall Eivor automatically performs a roll when landing from a dangerous height, reducing the amount of damage taken.
Brush With Death.pngBrush With Death Dodging just before an attack lands grants you heightened senses, making others around you appear to move slower for a time.
Chain Assassination.pngChain Assassination After performing a successful assassination, throw an axe at a second NPC standing in close proximity.
Counter Roll.pngCounter Roll Dodge towards an enemy's Rune Attack just before it lands to vault directly behind him.
Explosive Corpse.pngExplosive Corpse Booby-trap a dead body to damage anyone who investigates it.
Hold R3 near a dead body to load it with explosive powder.
Guided Arrow.pngGuided Arrow Your memory with the Predator Bow allows you to perform unbelievable feats of accuracy. Press R1 to adjust the arrow's trajectory as it flies.
Intense Rage.pngIntense Rage Ignore hit interruptions while performing your next off-hand parry or special attack. This effect recharges after a few seconds.
Miasma.pngMiasma Enemies who die from one of your poison attacks will release a toxic cloud around them, infecting those who enter.
Missile Reversal.pngMissile Reversal Send it right back at 'em. Catch and throw back virtually any projectile to its sender by pressing L1 just before it hits you.
Mounted Archer.pngMounted Archer Eivor can use their bow abilities while mounted.
Predator Bow Combo.pngPredator Bow Combo Consecutive headshots with a Predator Bow deal extra damage.
RavenRaven's Loot Your raven gathers loot from targets killed with ranged attacks.

Bear Skills

Adrenaline Fiend.pngAdrenaline Fiend When 1 or more Adrenaline Slots are filled, you can a damage boost and attack speed boost. This effect augments with each slot filled.
Arrow Volley.pngArrow Volley Discharge all loaded arrows at once by holding and releasing R1 with a Light Bow. Each volley of arrows has a stamina cost.
Battlefield Cremation.pngBattlefield Cremation Enemies who perish from one of your fire attacks will continue to burn, dealing fire damage to enemies nearby.
BerserkerBerserker's Mettle Fight the reckless abandon. A partially filled Adrenaline Slot will not be affected by an enemy's first strike.
Cold Rage.pngCold Rage Ignore hit interruptions while performing successive regular melee attacks. This effect recharges after a few seconds.
Dual Swap.pngDual Swap When Dual-Wielding, hold R2 + R3 to swap weapon hands.
Fearless Leaper.pngFearless Leaper When activated, the leap attack damage has a larger area of effect and can be done at any height.
Fight Ready.pngFight Ready Always start a fight with an adrenaline slot filled.
Heavy Dual Wield.pngHeavy Dual Wield You can dual wield heavy weapons. This will alter the stats and handling of each weapon.
Light Bow Combo.pngLight Bow Combo Consecutive shots with a Light Bow deals extra damage.
Longship Brace.pngLongship Brace When you are in command of the longship, the crew will raise their shield with you.
Parry Damage.pngParry Damage Successful parries also deal damage to the attacker.
Perfect Attack.pngPerfect Attack Press R1 again during a weapon swing to do more damage on the next hit.
Shield Master.pngShield Master Eivor automatically rotates to block incoming attacks by holding up their shield.
Sprint Bash.pngSprint Bash Unlocks the ability to bash through breakable objects and push NPCs to the ground while sprinting.
Stomp.pngStomp When an enemy falls to the ground, press R3 to stomp on their face.
Terror.pngTerror After a Stun Finisher, weak enemies nearby may cower in fear.
Warrior Takedown.pngWarrior Takedown Attempt an R2 takedown on an unaware enemy with your melee weapon. It will alert all enemies around you but will fill your Adrenaline for every one of them.

Wolf Skills

Arrow Looter.pngArrow Looter Eivor has a greater chance of looting arrows from archers.
Arrow Reinforcement.pngArrow Reinforcement With this skill, loosed arrows will never break and may be collected from fallen enemies.
Battleground Bolt.pngBattleground Bolt Press Triangle to pick up the nearest discarded weapon, and automatically throw it at an enemy in sight.
Bow Stun Finisher.pngBow Stun Finisher Press R3 when aiming at a stunned enemy's head to trigger a Bow Stun Finisher.
Bow to Melee Link.pngBow to Melee Link Alternating between bow and melee attacks deal extra damage for a short time.
Charged Shot.pngCharged Shot Fire two fully charged arrwos by pressing R1 with the Hunter Bow. This attack cannot be canceled.
Emergency Aim.pngEmergency Aim Holding L2 will snap your aim to an enemy as they detect you, giving you an opportunity to kill them and remain undetected.
Eye of the North.pngEye of the North Prevents flinching from hits while aiming with your bow. This effect recharges after a few seconds.
Grit.pngGrit Regain the "red portion" of your health bar when landing successful melee hits on enemies.
Hunter Bow Combo.pngHunter Bow Combo Release your arrow as you finish drawing it to make the next one draw faster.
Last Chance Healing.pngLast Chance Healing When you health reaches a critical state in conflict, everything around you will appear to move slower, giving you time to heal or flee.
Loot Food.pngLoot Food Eivor has a higher chance of looting food from dead bodies.
Power Stroke.pngPower Stroke Press L3 to trigger a speed boost on the Longship at the cost of stamina.
Sprint Attack.pngSprint Attack Press R1 while sprinting to do a sprint attack.
Stealth Adrenaline.pngStealth Adrenaline While in stealth, gain Adrenaline by looting a chest or pick-pocketing in a restricted area.
Stealth Recon.pngStealth Recon Automatically highlight enemies when crouched and undetected.
Unstoppable.pngUnstoppable While in combat, Eivor's sprint becomes unblockable and knocks enemies back at the cost of stamina.

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