Assassin's Creed Valhalla

All Hordafylke Quest Walkthroughs (In The Hall of The Slain Saga)

This is a guide for Hordafylke Quest Walkthroughs which is In The Hall of The Slain Saga in Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read more to learn more about each of these quests and how to complete them.

Hordafylke Quests Information

In The Hall of The Slain.png
In The Hall of The Slain is a quest saga taking place in Hordafylke, back in Eivor's home of Norway.

Sigurd comes to you, believing that he has found a way into Valhalla. The siblings return to Norway in search of the Viking afterlife.

Hordafylke Quest Walkthroughs

Where Legends Are Born Walkthrough


Travel across Norway, to the northern region of Hordafylke in search of the secret Sigurd claims he knows.

Where Legends Are Born Walkthrough

A Brother's Keeper Walkthrough


Uncover the mysteries of Valhalla, and see for yourself if the afterlife is true. Prepare yourself – threats still unknown have yet to emerge.

A Brother's Keeper Walkthrough

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Quest Walkthroughs Top Page

Event Quests

Event Quests
Yule Festival Ostara Festival

Main Quests

Main Quests
Prologue Ravensthorpe
Rygjafylke Ledecestrescire
Grantebridgescire East Anglia
Oxenefordscire Lunden
Sciropescire Cent
Lincolnscire Suthsexe
Essexe Eurvicscire
Jorvik Glowecestrescire
Snotinghamscire Wincestre
Hordafylke Hamtunscire
Asgard Jotunheim
Vinland Wrath of the Druids (DLC)
Mastery Challenges


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