Assassin's Creed Valhalla

All Fly Agaric (Mushroom Puzzles) Locations and Solutions

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This page is about the Fly Agaric (Mushroom Puzzles) in the game Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Read on to learn more about the locations and the solutions to these cryptic puzzles located around Norway and England.

Fly Agaric (Mushroom Puzzle) Solutions

Rygjafylke Fly Agaric (Mushroom Puzzle)

Rygjafylke Fly Agaric Alt Solution.png

Map Location
Fly Agaric The challenge is located at a forest within the center island of Rygjafylke. You'll need to take your longboat if you wish to avoid damage by swimming there.

Rygjafylke Fly Agaric Solution (Mushroom Puzzle)

Hordafylke Fly Agaric (Mushroom Puzzle)

Fly Agaric Hordafylke Solution.png

Map Location
Fly Agaric This challenge is located on an island near the southwestern border of Hordafylke.

Hordafylke Fly Agaric Solution (Mushroom Puzzle)

Ledecestrescire Fly Agaric (Mushroom Puzzle)

Ledecestrescire Fly Agaric Solution.png

Map Location
Fly Agaric This challenge is located in a field northeast of Tonnastadir

Ledecestrescire Fly Agaric Solution (Mushroom Puzzle)

Grantebridgescire Fly Agaric (Mushroom Puzzle)

Fly Agaric Grantebridgescire Solution.png

Map Location
Fly Agaric You can find the mushrooms in the swamp northeast of Middletun in Grantebridgescire.

Grantebridgescire Fly Agaric Solution (Mushroom Puzzle)

East Anglia Fly Agaric (Mushroom Puzzle)

Fly Agaric East Anglia Solution.png

Map Location
Fly Agaric The mushrooms are beside a small pond west of Elmenham.

East Anglia Fly Agaric Solution (Mushroom Puzzle)

Oxenefordscire Fly Agaric (Mushroom Puzzle)

Fly Agaric Oxenefordscire Solution.png

Map Location
Fly Agaric The mushrooms are located in the middle of the woods southeast of Evesham Abbey.

Oxenefordscire Fly Agaric Solution (Mushroom Puzzle)

Sciropescire Fly Agaric (Mushroom Puzzle)

Sciropescire Fly Agaric Solution.png

Map Location
Fly Agaric The challenge is located southwest of Dudmastun Lake. It is in front of a large tree, surrounded by stones.

Sciropescire Fly Agaric Solution (Mushroom Puzzle)

Cent Fly Agaric (Mushroom Puzzle)

Fly Agaric Cent Agaric Solution.png

Map Location
Fly Agaric The challenge is located in the lush forest along the border that divides Suthsexe and Cent.

Cent Fly Agaric Solution (Mushroom Puzzle)

Suthsexe Fly Agaric (Mushroom Puzzle)

Fly Agaric Suthsexe Solution.png

Map Location
Fly Agaric East of Cicestre Abbey, the mushrooms are located an open field near the hill with the image of a man.

Suthsexe Fly Agaric Solution (Mushroom Puzzle)

Essexe Fly Agaric (Mushroom Puzzle)

Fly Agaric Essexe Solution.png

Map Location
Fly Agaric This challenge is located northwest of Colcestre, along the northern border of Essexe.

Essexe Fly Agaric Solution (Mushroom Puzzle)

Lincolnscire Fly Agaric (Mushroom Puzzle)

Fly Agaric Lincolnscire Solution.png

Map Location
Fly Agaric The mushrooms is located on a hill northwest of Cruwland.

Lincolnscire Fly Agaric Solution (Mushroom Puzzle)

Eurvicscire Fly Agaric (Mushroom Puzzle)

Fly Agaric Eurvicscire Solution.png

Map Location
Fly Agaric The mushrooms are located in the middle of a frozen lake off the road between Jorvik and Picheringa.

Eurvicscire Fly Agaric Solution (Mushroom Puzzle)

Glowecestrescire Fly Agaric (Mushroom Puzzle)

Fly Agaric Glowecestrescire Solution.png

Map Location
Fly Agaric You can find the mushrooms on the tip of a cliff near the Druid's Cottage.

Glowecestrescire Fly Agaric Solution (Mushroom Puzzle)

Snotinghamscire Fly Agaric (Mushroom Puzzle)

Fly Agaric Snotinghamscire Solution.png

Map Location
Fly Agaric The mushrooms are located on top of a large rock overlooking a small pond near Snotinghamscire's southwest border.

Snotinghamscire Fly Agaric Solution (Mushroom Puzzle)

Hamtunscire Fly Agaric (Mushroom Puzzle)

Fly Agaric Hamtunscire Solution.png

Map Location
Fly Agaric This challenge is located in Egbert's Stone, off the roads between Chepeham and Readingum Abbey.

Hamtunscire Fly Agaric Solution (Mushroom Puzzle)

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