Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Undefeated Red Scarf Quest Guide

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Zenless Zone Zero - Undefeated Red Scarf Commission Guide

Undefeated Red Scarf, also known as The Unsung Champion (III), is Part 3 of Lighter's Agent Story in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) 1.3. See how to unlock the commission, the complete story walkthrough, and its rewards here!

Lighter Agent Stories
The Unsung Champion (I) The Unsung Champion (II) The Unsung Champion (III)

Undefeated Red Scarf Information

The Unsung Champion (III) Quest Details

Enemy Level 58
Location Blazewood, Upper Level
Client Lighter
Difficulty ⬤⬤⬤〇〇〇
Rec. Attributes
ZZZ - Physical ZZZ - Fire
Time Anytime

Undefeated Red Scarf is one of the subquests in The Unsung Champion. To unlock this commission, Proxies will need to finish the previous quest, This is the Arena.

The Unsung Champion Quest Guide

Appears as Undefeated Red Scarf on the Schedule

The Unsung Champion (III) appears as Undefeated Red Scarf on the Schedule.

Appears as Blazing Fist Frenzy on the HDD

The Unsung Champion (III) also appears as Blazing Fist Frenzy on the HDD.

Hollow Deep Dive System Guide

Part of The Unsung Champion

Zenless Zone Zero - The Unsung Champion Commission Guide

The Unsung Champion (III) is Part 3 of The Unsung Champion Quest series.

Unsung Champion Lighter Agent Story Guide

How to Unlock Undefeated Red Scarf

Unlocks After This is the Arena

Zenless Zone Zero - This is the Arena Commission Guide

The Unsung Champion (III) can be unlocked after completing the This is the Arena Main Commission.

This is the Arena Quest Guide

Undefeated Red Scarf Walkthrough

Lighter Agent Story Quest

  1. Enter the Hollow
  2. Defeat Calydon's Old Nemesis
  3. Go Through the Fissure
  4. Settle the Score
  5. Talk to Your Sibling

Enter the Hollow With Lighter

Having discovered their routes, Lighter is determined to stop the gang members' plans. After your brief discussion with Lighter, start the HDD and lead him through the Hollow.

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Defeat Calydon's Old Nemesis

Defeat Calydon

Upon arriving in the Hollow, destroy the boxes blocking the way while avoiding the numerous traps to continue forward. Defeat any Hollow Thug that stands in your way.

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Go Through the Fissure

Go Through the Fissure

Chase the Hollow Thug that runs off through the fissure, but don't forget to collect the Missing Cargo Truck beside it for extra rewards.

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Settle the Score in a Challenge

Settle the Score in a Challenge

Betting his red scarf and life on the line, help Lighter defeat all of Calydon's old enemies.

Group Enemies Before Attacking

Group Enemies Before Attacking

It is recommended to run past the enemies a bit to group them up in a single line for Lighter to hit and launch through his attacks.

Perform Perfect Dodges

Perform Perfect Dodges

With no other agents to perform Perfect Assists with, rely on Perfect Dodges to defend against the enemies attacks, especially against the Bulky Enforcer enemy.

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Talk to Your Sibling

Talk to Your Sibling

After defeating the boss and learning about Lighter's past and motivations, return to Blazewood's Lower Level and talk to your sibling to end the day and finish the commission.

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Undefeated Red Scarf Commission Rewards

The Unsung Champion (III) Quest Rewards

All Quest Rewards
W-Engine Power SupplyW-Engine Power Supply x2 Senior Investigator LogSenior Investigator Log x4 PolychromePolychrome x25
Inter-Knot CreditInter-Knot Credit x400 Ether Plating AgentEther Plating Agent x1 DennyDenny x12500

The Unsung Champion (III) HDD Rewards

All Quest Rewards
W-Engine Energy ModuleW-Engine Energy Module x2 PolychromePolychrome x60 Official Investigator LogOfficial Investigator Log x4
Noise Reduction Master CopyNoise Reduction Master Copy x5 Molded Plating AgentMolded Plating Agent x10 DennyDenny x14000
Crystallized Plating AgentCrystallized Plating Agent x6

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

Zenless Zone Zero -  Agent Commissions Guide

All Agent Commissions

List of All Agent Commissions

Character Agent Commissions
Nekomata Nekomata 1. Cat and Mouse Misplaced
2. Cat on Patrol
3. Caught by the Cat Burglar
Soldier 11 Soldier 11 1. Passing Off as Fake
2. Deep Treason
3. Mole in the Hole (III)
Grace Grace 1. Grace's Frankenstein
2. The Iron Witch (II)
3. Witch's Trial
Koleda Koleda 1. Schoolyard Powerhouse (I)
2. Back to School
3. Farewell, School
Lycaon Lycaon 1. Thieves and Guardians
2. And the True Heroes are Always Behind the Scenes (II)
3. Liars and Traitors
Rina Rina 1. Until Your Memory Fades (I)
2. Until Your Memory Fades (II)
3. Sweetcakes that Never Expire
Qingyi Qingyi 1. The Case of a Missing Bangboo (I)
2. The Case of a Missing Bangboo (II)
3. Save Bangboo Teddy
Burnice Burnice 1. Something Good Happened
2. Sharing Good Fortune
3. A Type of Loop
Lighter Lighter 1. Celebration and Champion
2. This is the Arena
3. Undefeated Red Scarf

All Commissions Guide


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